8 unusual DIY gift ideas for your beloved boyfriend

Boy or girl

To please your beloved man and give him unforgettable emotions and impressions, you need to make him a gift with your own hands. This is not at all difficult, and any girl can cope with many ideas, even one who has never been fond of crafts. The idea of ​​such a gift directly depends on what emotions the girl wants to evoke in her lover. It can be a cookie or a heart-shaped cake to remind him of his feelings, or a huge kinder surprise to once again prove to him that he is special and unique. There is an unusual idea for any girl who wants to give a holiday to her boyfriend.

One hundred reasons why i love you
Sometimes the simplest things are the most valuable.

Golden pineapple candy

You will need:

  • The glue gun.
  • Champagne.
  • Packing of Ferrero Rocher or Zolotaya Lilya sweets.
  • Light green corrugated paper.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Sackcloth.
  • Twine.

Manufacturing process

To make a gift for a guy with your own hands, you need to cut out long leaves from colored paper, which will resemble pineapple greens. They are attached with double-sided tape on the neck of a closed champagne bottle, the greens should be located with sharp parts to the top.

Then the bottle must be placed in a sacking so that the alcohol appears as if "in a bag". The burlap should overlap where the leaves were attached. The junction of burlap and colored paper should be nicely wrapped with twine, fixing its bases with hot glue.

Sweets are alternately attached to the burlap with a glue gun. They should completely cover the bottle up to where the greens begin. The candies should be in one layer.

DIY pineapple candy
Another option for making candy pineapple.

Balloon surprise

You will need:

  • Balloon.
  • Color paper.
  • Money envelope.
  • Gift box.
  • Satin ribbon 0,5 cm wide.

Manufacturing process

Colored paper needs to be cut into small pieces of a beautiful shape. On each leaf you need to write quivering and exciting confessions and congratulations, and then carefully fold it into a small note. Cut the satin ribbon into equal lengths. Tie each note with them, making a neat bow.

Fold all the notes into a ball, there should be as many of them as possible. Inflate the balloon with helium, tie a money envelope to the ribbon. An unusual ball with a load must be placed in a gift box and carefully closed. Such a gift for a beloved guy will be the most original and touching.

Balloon with surprise
The balloon can be filled with many small balloons in which declarations of love will be hidden.

Original florarium

You will need:

  • A wide glass vase with an unusual shape.
  • Fine gravel.
  • Soil for succulents.
  • Small succulents of rare species.

Manufacturing process

Put fine gravel in a wide vase on the bottom 3 cm thick. Then cover halfway with soil. Succulents must be planted in the ground in a beautiful order, using water. The finished florarium can be decorated with decorative stones or figurines.

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Floriana of succulents
The florarium will add coziness to the guy's house.

Coffee topiary

You will need:

  • Coffee beans.
  • Twine.
  • Flower pot.
  • The glue gun.
  • Chocolate satin ribbon.
  • Paper.
  • Paper tape.
  • A curved, thick, dry twig.
  • Gypsum.

Manufacturing process

The paper needs to be crumpled and compacted, forming an even ball of the desired size from it. The workpiece must be carefully wrapped with paper tape.

The branch must be cut to the required height. Using a glue gun, wrap it with twine so that there is no bare trunk left. Make a hole in a paper ball and pour hot glue into it. Put the ball on the top end of the barrel. Insert the branch with the lower end into a flower pot and pour plaster over. As the material seizes and the home wood blanks are firmly adhered to each other, you can continue to work.

On the entire area of ​​the paper ball, using hot glue, you need to attach coffee beans in one layer. This must be done carefully and carefully, without leaving bald spots. Cover the gypsum surface with hot glue and also fill with coffee beans. At the bottom, under the ball, place a large bow made of a wide satin ribbon. This fragrant DIY gift for a loved one will become a designer room decoration.

Topiary made from coffee beans
An example of coffee topiary design.

Amazing papier mache

What you need:

  • White paper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Wide tassel.
  • Balloon.
  • Glass.
  • Water.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Industrial varnish.

Manufacturing process

Papier-mâché technology provides many DIY gift ideas for your loved one. One of them is used to make a large Kinder Surprise egg. White sheets of paper need to be torn into small pieces, you will need a lot of them, so shredded paper can be folded into a bag. Dissolve PVA glue and warm water in a 1: 1 ratio in a container, mix thoroughly. Inflate the balloon to the required size so that its shape resembles a regular egg. Place it on a glass by immersing the narrow base of the ball into it.

In a small bowl, soak some of the shredded paper in hot water. After 15 minutes, cover the surface of the ball with one layer of overlap with wet leaves. Immediately proceed to the second layer. Here you will already need a brush and glue mass, prepared in advance. Thoroughly smearing the areas of the ball, attach a piece of paper there, and also coat it with glue on top. Thus, you need to completely cover the ball a second time, only using glue. Leave the workpiece in a dry, warm place overnight. Until the morning, it will dry completely and set.

Papier-mâché on a ball
A blank can also be made from a newspaper. But if an edible surprise is hidden inside, it is better to take clean paper.

The next day, using glue and paper, apply a few more layers to the ball. This will make the shape stronger. As all the layers dry out, the ball located inside can either burst, or untie and carefully remove. It turns out a dense paper egg. At this stage, you can start decorating.

Using acrylic paints on the product, it is necessary to exactly repeat the pattern from the original chocolate egg. The fully painted product is varnished. This will make it mirrored. After the egg has dried, you need to make a small door in it with small holes through which it will be closed with a tape. Inside you can put your favorite sweets, money or other gifts.

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Big Kinder papier-mâché surprise
The big papier-mâché Kinder surprise is almost ready.

Panel of scarlet threads

What you need:

  • Small nails.
  • Crimson floss thread.
  • Wooden panel.
  • Small hammer.
  • Pencil.

Manufacturing process

On a wooden base, you need to draw a large, even heart with a pencil. Carnations need to be hammered along the contour of the heart. They should be firmly held, and should not be completely clogged. They should be hammered in with an even distance, about 2 cm.

The end of the thread should be well secured to one of the nails and start braiding all the nails in random order. The procedure will have to be repeated until the whole heart is braided with red threads. Upon completion, the end of the thread must also be secured to the final nail.

Picture of threads
An option would be a beautiful landscape of the savannah.

Unique USB storage case

What you need:

  • Creative small form.
  • Flash drive.
  • The glue gun.

Manufacturing process

If the creative form is filled with something inside, then it must be completely released by making it hollow. A drive is inserted into the empty hole, and the entire space around it is filled with hot glue. Fixation occurs instantly. Finally, you can make a small decor to hide the traces of handicraft.

USB flash drive from an old cartridge
For a guy who loves weapons, you can make a USB flash drive from an old cartridge.

Bouquet of a real man

What you need:

  • Small sets of different nuts.
  • Several cans of beer.
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Penoplex.
  • Whatman.
  • Skewers
  • Corrugated paper.
  • The glue gun.
  • Dry fish.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Floristic mesh.

Manufacturing process

As an unusual gift for a loved one, you can make a real man's bouquet. The workpiece must be cut out of foam. Its thickness should be no more than 3 cm, length 45 cm, and width 25 cm. From the outside, it must be pasted over with a duplicate figure from Whatman paper. Next, you should cut the same figure out of corrugated cardboard and fix it on the back of the base of the future bouquet. It is important to take into account that the bouquet will be heavy, therefore, a strong frame of skewers must be included in the blank (they can be placed between the layers). On the side, the seams are masked using parts made of Whatman paper.

Appetizer for a man's bouquet
An appetizer for a man's bouquet is attached to the skewers.

In the next step, a solid workpiece in the form of a large tennis racket needs to be refined. To do this, you will need to cut out large beautiful carved leaves from corrugated paper, which in size went beyond the base. Then glue the entire "racket" over with green paper from all sides. Fix decorative leaves on the outside with hot glue.

On the back side, at the top, you need to attach a small plastic support. Its dimensions should be: length 5 cm, height 2 cm. In shape, the support should resemble a corner.

Thin satin ribbon must be passed through the entire "racket". This is required to secure the tasty ingredients. First of all, you need to fix the jars of beer well, then dry fish. Foods are best used in transparent containers.

You need to make sunflowers from walnut packages. The petals are cut from yellow corrugated paper and attached around the package with hot glue. Finished flowers must be beautifully arranged in the empty places of the bouquet. At the bottom of the "racket" several packages of fish slices should be tied. It remains to wrap the bouquet in a floral net and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

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Bouquet of beer, crayfish and fish
A bouquet of beer, crayfish and fish will definitely be appreciated by a real lover.

Cookies - declaration of love

What you need:

  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pcs.
  • Liquid jam - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 90
  • Soda - ¼ tsp. Instant gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Coconut flakes - 20 g Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Margarine - 60
  • Wheat flour - 220 g.
  • Heart-shaped mold.

Manufacturing process

Add soda to wheat flour. The pre-chilled margarine should be quickly grated on a coarse grater and mixed with half the flour. At this stage, you will get flour crumbs, you need to add coconut flakes, the remaining flour and sugar to it. Mix everything thoroughly and add the chicken egg. A dense dough should be formed from the resulting mixture, kneading it thoroughly.

Cover the dough that has stood for a short time with cling film and send to the refrigerator for 1 hour. When the dough has cooled sufficiently, it will need to be rolled out on the prepared surface into a thin layer, no more than 5 mm thick. With the help of a heart-shaped shape, you need to squeeze out future cookies.

Cookie form "Heart"
From the resulting dough, it will turn out to cut out many blanks.

All hearts must be divided into two parts and the centers must be completely cut out of one in the form of hearts of a smaller diameter. The resulting rims need to be applied to solid hearts and glue them well together. The dough pieces must be sent to the oven for 20 minutes. They are baked at 180 degrees.

At this time, you need to have time to prepare the filling. Pour boiling water into any red jam, mix well and send over low heat until boiling. Pour hot syrup into gelatin, stir the mass until it is completely dissolved. To start filling the dough molds with the filling, it must be cooled to room temperature. Ready hearts need to be filled with chilled jam. The heart-shaped cookies are ready. It remains to send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the gelatin completely seizes.

You can also make a fruit roll or chocolate cake, sweet candies and cakes for your beloved guy. As you know, most men have a sweet tooth, so the guy will be pleased to try the culinary masterpieces of his beloved.

The cookies are beautiful and bright
The cookies are beautiful and bright.

Any girl always wants to please her beloved man. He will be doubly pleased if his chosen one approaches this issue with creative ideas, and not just buys in the store the thing that he has long wanted. A purchased gift is not as pleasant as a gift made with your own hands, because this is the best sign of attention and confirmation of the sincerity of feelings. Any man will be moved to see the creation of his girlfriend, who inspired and lovingly made a gift for him.

