How to make a beautiful and stylish gift for a man

Gift wrapping

At first glance, do-it-yourself gift wrapping is not an easy task, one might even say, a whole art. But if you have accuracy, taste and imagination, decorating a gift will not only be easy for you, but will also turn into an exciting activity. A wide selection of all kinds of materials and techniques will allow you to choose and bring to life almost any, even the most daring idea. It is important to follow a few simple rules and be sure to take into account the nature of the addressee.

Colour matters

Color spectrum

The choice of colors for packing a present for a man is one of the most important factors. On the one hand, the appearance of a souvenir should create a sense of celebration and not be faded. On the other hand, it is important that it does not turn out too feminine and pretentious.

It is also worth considering your relationship with the hero of the occasion. So, the design of an official presentation involves the use of two colors as the basis and one additional, creating a bright accent. As a base, it is allowed to use beige, mother-of-pearl, terracotta or cherry wrapping paper. Blue and green colors look “solid” and are suitable for decorating a present for the boss. Black and white should be used in a duet, each color individually is not suitable for a festive gift outfit.

When choosing a shade of paper for wrapping a birthday gift for a friend or beloved man, it is permissible to show more courage and even make a very unusual choice. Do not be afraid to experiment and choose bright, unusual prints: geometric shapes, unusual symbols or hieroglyphs.

It must be remembered: if the base is bright and colorful, the decorations should be plain. If you opted for soothing colors of wrapping paper, then it is acceptable to use bolder colored decorative elements.

The choice of material for gift wrapping for a man

Packing material

Festive wrapping paper gift paper has long become commonplace. Today, other, more non-standard options are used that will allow you to make a truly unique and memorable present:

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  1. Fabric wrap. The technique has been used relatively recently, but has already gained sufficient popularity. To decorate a present for a man, you will need a fabric of dense texture: satin, brocade and silk. You can decorate with a cloth both a box with a souvenir and a present directly;
    the cloth
  2. Wrinkled paper composition. This material is no longer as popular as it was a few years ago. But it is ideal for decorating non-rectangular gifts: unlike gift paper, the wrinkled counterpart does not form ugly folds;
    Wrinkled paper
  3. Wrapping (kraft) paper. This unpretentious type of material is becoming more and more popular today due not only to its environmental friendliness and safety, but also to a wide selection of ideas for decorating it. Leave the paper in its original form or apply an original drawing on it. For decoration, it is better to use natural materials: satin ribbons, twine, flowers, wooden figurines. You can also use plain newspaper instead of wrapping paper. Complete the composition with a suitable ribbon - and the original gift is ready!
    Kraft paper

Gift packaging form

gift form

A birthday present for a man should be presented in a rectangular or round box, you can also use a bundle. In order for the present to make a good impression on the addressee, you need to consider a few more nuances:

  1. The packaging should be voluminous, even if the gift itself is completely flat. Whether it's just a photo card or a vinyl record, be sure to put it in a rimmed box;
  2. A tall box looks more advantageous than a flat one;
  3. If it is possible to give a souvenir in a box, and not in a bundle, give preference to the first option. Subconsciously, men prefer clear geometric shapes;
  4. Bottles of alcohol, candy and other edible gifts are best presented in beautifully designed baskets.
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How to decorate the packaging of a male present

How to decorate the packaging

Despite the fact that the design of a presentation for a man is always more strict and concise, the decoration for packaging should still be done. For these purposes, you can use the following elements:

  1. Ribbons and braid. It is best to tie boxes and bundles with narrow and medium-width ribbons, you can also use various ribbons. A completely original gift wrapping idea is to use a tie, bow tie or suspenders instead of ribbons. This decor is the best for a men's gift;
  2. Bows. On the Internet you can find many guides in the form of diagrams for the formation of beautiful bows. It must be remembered: they should not be too lush, the use of white bows to decorate men's gifts is unacceptable;
  3. Flowers. It would be appropriate to decorate the box with flowers: live, dry or artificial. Leaves and clusters of berries can also be used as decor;
  4. Candies. It is most convenient to attach round or oval sweets to the base;
  5. Thematic figurines. In the souvenir shop, you can pick up figurines that reflect the specifics of the work or hobbies of the addressee. Making such decorations yourself is quite simple: you need to mold them from polymer clay and send them to the oven.

Thus, a little imagination and free time will turn the simplest and most unpretentious gift into a real work of art. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will certainly find a lot of ideas on how to pack a gift for a man in an original way.