How to give flowers correctly: 15 principles for choosing and decorating a bouquet

Gift wrapping

At all times, a flower presented to a person meant a manifestation of special disposition and attention to him. There is probably no such holiday when it would be inappropriate to make such a gesture. It’s just important to know all the subtleties of how best to do this, which color and quantity is preferable to choose. In this article you can find information on how to give flowers correctly.

White Rose

Light roses as a gift

Flower Giving Tips

Each lady is pleased to receive a bouquet and feel like a real woman, worthy of the attention of representatives of the strong half of humanity. But not every man knows how to give flowers, and, by the way, this moment is no less important than the roses or peonies themselves.

It is important to prepare for the meeting in advance, despite the fact that in films you can often see a scene when a young man buys a bouquet of flowers for his lady in front of her, but in fact this is a sign that the guy did not prepare for the meeting in advance.

Please note that during a date and a walk, you may not have anywhere to put flowers in the water. And if the meeting falls on hot weather, then the girl runs the risk of bringing home rather lumps that have wilted instead of a luxurious bouquet.

It is best to visit a florist in advance and he will decorate the bouquet in a special flask with a sponge, which will nourish the bouquet during your walk with moisture and help keep the flowers fresh.

craft florist

Craft from flowers with a sponge

What is appropriate on a first date

The language of flowers is quite ancient and without words it can tell your chosen one about what your heart feels. But on which bouquet should you choose, so that the lady would be pleased, and the gift itself would not look too pretentious? Most likely, a bunch of roses or one rose will come to mind. Of course, the choice always remains with the donor, but if you are not sure that the girl loves this particular flower more than others, then we suggest showing imagination.

  • A pompous bouquet can put a girl in an awkward position, because neither she nor you know how the relationship will develop further, so it’s better to choose a more modest option.
  • Seasonal flowers, such as tulips or mimosas, are not usually given one at a time, they are presented in several pieces. Otherwise, you run the risk of giving the impression of "meaning".
  • Even beautifully designed bouquets will be uncomfortable to wear, think about it in advance. Roses symbolize passionate feelings, especially scarlet flowers. Therefore, it is preferable to choose gentle and unobtrusive daisies or lilies. An exception can only be the winter season, when the rose will look most advantageous against the backdrop of snow. But leave the color cream or white.


Wildflowers - modest bouquet

How to give flowers correctly

There is a whole science of how to properly present a bouquet and how to receive it. Here are some suggestions on this topic:

  • The gesture of attention itself must be performed carefully, that is, you need to carefully hand over the flowers, while holding them in your left hand.
  • It is important to look the girl in the eyes, but not showing with all your appearance that you are waiting for your gesture of boundless gratitude, but expressing your admiration for your companion.
  • Remember that a guy who gives a bouquet and at the same time looks away looks very ridiculous.
  • It's best if you think about what to say beforehand. Silence can be inappropriate, but a few phrases will set your date in the right mood. You can give a lady a compliment, noting her appearance or character traits, or focus on the feelings that you experience. Let the speech not be long, but the main thing is that the words be sincere and spoken from the heart.

delivery speech

A little opening speech will prepare a girl's heart

There are a number of tips on how to give flowers according to etiquette:

  • Please note that the stems must be cut and moistened with water, and the flowers wrapped in a package. An exception can be made for field varieties, their beauty is in naturalness, so they do not need an "official frame".
  • But before delivery, the packaging should be removed. Here, again, there are exceptions. So that the girl does not get hurt on the sharp thorns of roses, it is permissible to leave them in a wrapper.
  • It is customary to give several flowers of an odd number, but you can give one, only it should be special, possibly exotic.
  • If you are going with a bouquet to a sick person, a nursing mother or someone who is allergic to plants, then choose flowers without an obsessive aroma, otherwise they will not bring joy to the person, but inconvenience. Better yet, pack the bouquet in a special tube.
  • If the bouquet is intended for a mourning event, then it should be designed in dark colors. In this case, preference is given to specific flowers: roses, carnations, gladioli. They are considered mourning in our country. The deceased is given an even number.

clove memory

Carnations - traditionally in memory of the dead

  • It was mentioned above that it is embarrassing to make a purchase of a bouquet already in the presence of a lady, but if such an offer comes from a merchant, then only the girl herself can refuse it. These are the rules of etiquette.
  • If the reason for the celebration is housewarming, then it is better to choose not simple flowers, but in a room pot, then the bouquet will not fade, but will create comfort in the house of people close to you for a long time.
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A few words should be mentioned about how to receive a bouquet. Be sure to show your joy and express gratitude for the attention. It will be useful for girls to know that once they show their dissatisfaction with the fact that they will have to carry a bouquet with them during a date, and you can not count on further signs of attention of this kind.

What are the flowers whispering about?

It is curious that each flower has its own symbol, knowing the meaning of which you can communicate with a person without words. It is important that the symbol may be different for different countries:

  • rose flower - means strong feelings, passion and love. No wonder it is with a bouquet of roses that confessions of feelings are made, and proposals to unite hearts.
  • Lily - this is a symbol of tenderness and innocence, giving them, a person emphasizes his tender attitude towards the one to whom he gives a bouquet.

white lilies

Bouquet of white lilies

  • Chrysanthemums give to friends, but to those with whom they expect to maintain a long-term relationship.
  • Orchid means that the donor is in a serious mood.
  • Rђ RІRѕS, Tulips yellow colors signal the need to part. And thanks to the song of Natasha Koroleva, this symbol is known to almost every inhabitant of our country.

Flower arithmetic: how many flowers to give?

The number of colors matters. And it's not just about an even or odd number. Although it would not be superfluous to mention that an even set is presented to a living person. And odd - to the deceased.

If you want to tell the gifted that you distinguish him from other people, then you may well give him 1 flower. And if there are three flowers, then you will emphasize your respect for this person.

You can thank with a bouquet, but with seven flowers you should be careful, it is with such a number that they confess their love.

Declaration of Love

Declaration of love and marriage proposal

Flowers for men

There are different opinions as to whether it is necessary to give bouquets to representatives of the strong half of humanity. If you think so, then remember that the flowers should not be colorful and bright, too feminine. And if for ladies you can choose the shape of a "glade", then for men, flowers are formed by a pyramid, tending upwards. But to the wide-open options, you should say a confident “no”. Again, a restrained tone is important.

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For the boss, it is preferable to arrange flowers in a basket, besides, it will be convenient not only to present it, but also to place it in the office.

For a young person or business partner, you can choose an exotic option, it can be placed in the office for a long time. An extraordinary plant will attract attention and emphasize the peculiarity of the recipient.

It is important to make the ceremony of handing over the bouquet remarkable and accompany it with a solemn speech.

We will be glad if the specified information is useful to you, and you can confidently present flowers, both to men and women, for any solemn event.
