Splash witchcraft: what stones bring good luck


Agree, there is no such thing as too much luck. As well as the stones that attract her. So armed with search results and the most frequently asked questions, we turned to a professional gemologist for valuable answers.

Are there universal stones that attract good luck, or should they be chosen personally, depending on the personal characteristics of a person or his date of birth?

Of course, there are stones that have brought good luck since ancient times. They were considered talismans, helpers in various spheres of life. For example, it was considered lucky to find pyrite, because it is a companion of gold. And if pyrite was found in the mines, it announced that gold was somewhere nearby! Or agate, according to one version, its name is translated from Greek as “happiness”. This stone is suitable for anyone. Its soft calm energy, as well as many color and pattern options, will not leave anyone indifferent.

But in fact, any stone can become a good luck charm.

For each person, luck means something different, because a person chooses his own path, not like others. And the stone does not just attract good luck, but helps a person to reveal his inner potential and find his strength.

By the way, luck directly depends on the amount of energy a person has. If there is no energy, a person is depressed, his health is deteriorating and there is no motivation, and accordingly, there is no luck. Energy = luck.

Therefore, I would recommend to each person to choose a stone that will increase his vitality, inspire and awaken hidden abilities. A stone that will help overcome fear and insecurity.

There are different ways to choose a stone. The simplest, but not reliable, is the stones according to the horoscope. It will be very difficult for a beginner to make a decision, as the information in different sources is contradictory. Without knowing anything about minerals, it is easy to get confused and, worst of all, to get the wrong information and believe. It is difficult to get the thought out of your head that has settled there and then you can avoid some stones all your life, considering them dangerous.

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Can a person intuitively choose his “good” stone, or can only a competent professional help in the selection? Perhaps there are certain signs that this is the same stone?

Perhaps the best way to choose your stone of luck is your own intuition.

Nobody can know you better than yourself. No one can give better advice than your own intuition. It is important to trust her and hear yourself first. A person has 5 senses, they are given to us for self-preservation and survival, while the 6th sense is our intuition. It is also always with us, like touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. But thanks to the 5 basic senses, we perceive only the physical world, and with the help of intuition, we know the answers to questions related to the spiritual world.
What does it mean: "Intuitively, I chose this particular stone"?

This means that among many other minerals, this one attracted you with its color or shape. You LIKED him and this is enough for him to become the best assistant for you.

“Like” means that your individual vibrations are similar to the vibrations of this stone, person, place, event. We are constantly exchanging energy with the outside world, as well as animate and inanimate nature. This exchange consists in the interaction and interpenetration of energies. We may enjoy it or vice versa. When we experience joy, feel comfort, peace, desire to communicate, touch, be in this place with these people, and so on, this means we LIKE. This is exactly what our Soul, our inner Self agrees with, and intuitively we often go to these places, buy the necessary things and, of course, the most useful and effective stones for us.

How can you determine what stone you like:

  1. in its form and appearance. The form should be pleasing to you. Take the stone in your hands and feel how comfortable it is to hold. It happens that the stone itself lies in the hand and you don’t want to let it go. I like its texture and weight. Its temperature is harmoniously felt.
  2. Stone color. This is perhaps the most important. After all, color is an energy that we can see in the physical world! This is a wave with certain characteristics and they are very important for our well-being. If you like the color and pattern of the stone, or maybe the optical effect or the inner world, the play of light in the stone - all this suggests that the stone suits you.
  3. Individual characteristics. In the stone there is always something noticeable only to you. A small hint of your history, some kind of sign or symbol. A stone can “smile” or “wink” at you, only you can notice in it an image or a face, a certain symbol: a cross, a heart, a letter ... This is exactly what your stone will say.

Is it possible to endow the stone with special power to attract good luck with the help of affirmations / prayers / persuasion?

Yes! It is your attention, faith, desire and intention that gives the stone “permission” to serve and help you.
According to renowned physicist Fred Alan Wolf:

“It all comes down to the fact that the Universe simply cannot exist without a world that perceives it!” - that is, without an observer. Simply put, if there is no one who watches what is happening, there is no world. Stones are no exception. Without an observer, without a request, the stones themselves "do not work." After all, crystals are just a good tool in the hands of a skilled craftsman. Set an intention on your lucky stone, take it with you, repeat positive affirmations about your life and good luck will accompany you!

Is it possible to resell jewelry with a personal luck stone or pass it on by inheritance?

Can! Although parting with a stone that brings you good luck is like killing a goose that lays golden eggs.

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Nobody forbids selling jewelry or passing it on by inheritance. But when you're shopping for pieces with history, it's important to understand that a stone isn't just an item. It certainly stores and transmits information, such is its physical nature!

Therefore, any minerals and products with stones that you buy or inherit, it is still better to clean. The stone served another person and his intentions. And, as mentioned above, everyone has their own path and their own luck. Such minerals or jewelry need to be cleaned, charged and already conveyed their intention.

There are also family jewels, which are considered the patrons of the family. And if all members of the family give them exactly this meaning, so they will “work”: it all depends on your faith. You are the observer and it is you who give meaning and meaning to the stone.

Such energetically strong jewelry that has served more than one generation does not need to be cleaned. You just need to use them carefully.

TOP - 5 stones for good luck

  1. Turquoise - a stone of Truth and Victory, connecting the spiritual and physical world. It will help to attract good luck for everyone who feels leadership abilities in themselves.
  2. Aventurine - will help to explore life and choose the right path. A good helper for young people and teenagers.
  3. Rutile quartz - will create an energy potential, attract good luck in love.
  4. Labrador - a talisman stone, ready to help its owner at the most difficult moment and turn defeat into good luck.
  5. Cornelian - a life-affirming stone that brings good luck not only in creativity, but also in the field of finance and relationships.