Unakite - a description of the mineral, magical and healing properties, the price of jewelry


Unakite is a recently discovered variety of granite. Nature has endowed this mineral with a unique pattern. Thanks to the deep processes of our planet, a unique gem was born, as if glued together from other minerals. The properties of unakite are not fully understood, but already known abilities make this stone a strong magical talisman.

History and origin

A century and a half ago, in 1874, in the Unaka Mountains, which are located on the territory of the United States of America (North Carolina and Tennessee), scientists discovered a multi-colored mineral. Subsequently, the gem was named after the place of the first find - Unakite.

The origin of the unakite is quite interesting and unusual. Under prolonged exposure to deep magmatic waters saturated with calcium, magnesium and potassium are washed out of granite.

At the next stage, these elements are replaced by the epidote mineral, formed from mica and hornblende, which is wedged between the grains of the main rock as veins. As a result of such a metamorphosis, unakite is formed, composed of epidote, potassium or feldspar and quartz.

Unakite, for all its beauty, is still granite. The mineral belongs to ornamental stones, used in cladding and decoration. Mosaics and paving slabs are made from the nugget. Part of the breed is used to make souvenirs and jewelry. The cabochon-cut unakite looks aesthetically pleasing in jewelry, not inferior in beauty to other ornamental gems.

In addition to the well-known name, other names of the gem are also found on the pages of scientific literature - epidosite or yunakit.

Unakite mining sites

The first placers, blocks and layers of unakite were found on the lands of the United States (the Blue Ridge and Unaka Rang tracts). A little later, the mineral was discovered in the territories of Brazil, Ireland, South Africa, and China.

Unakite also occurs on the territory of Russia - on the Kola Peninsula. The location of the deposit near Turiego Cape complicates the process of extracting the mineral, however, the amount of extracted stone fully satisfies the demand of the domestic market.


physical properties

The properties of unakite are similar to those of granite. It is a hard mineral with a high density, no cracks, and a vitreous luster. After processing, the surface of the stone becomes silky. Chemically, the mineral is rich in elements such as aluminum, iron, calcium, silicon oxide.

Property Description
Formula Ca2(Fe, Al)Al2(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)
Density 2,55 - 2,85 g / cm³
Hardness 6 - 7
Refractive index 1,52 - 1,76
Kink Uneven
Syngonia No
Cleavage No
Brilliance Glassy, ​​when the mineral is processed it has a dull or dull luster
Transparency Opaque
Color Combination of green and pink

Color varieties

Due to its origin, the unakite is endowed with an unusual color and texture. The presence in the composition of certain elements determines the color of the mineral:

  • Epidote endows the gem with emerald green hues.
  • Potassium spar is pink-red tones.
  • Quartz is responsible for white, gray or colorless inclusions.
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Photo gallery of colors and jewelry made of stone:

Each of the elements in the composition of unakite shows its own color. Inclusions of various colors create a unique pattern on the surface of the stone. The predominant element is responsible for the main shade of each instance. Mosaic chaotic structure, texture and inclusions of brown, red, brown, sometimes even blue tones make unakite a favorite material for stone-cutters.

The healing properties of the mineral unakite

Unakite has been sufficiently studied by lithotherapists who have discovered the unusual healing abilities of the mineral. This gem has an ambiguous effect on the human body. The task of the stone is not the direct treatment of any diseases, but the strengthening of the body's resistance to certain health problems.

First of all, the nugget helps women who suffer from problems with conceiving a child. The chances of a positive result increase with periodic exposure of the massager from the mineral to the lumbosacral region of the woman.

In addition to a positive effect on the female body, such a massage of various problem areas helps to activate the blood flow of the desired zone, which helps to eliminate hematomas, edema, inflammation of the nerve sheath, manifestations of sciatica, and the like.

Unakite plays an important role in terms of the psycho-emotional state of a person. The mineral harmonizes the relationship of a person with the outside world, acting as a sedative.

Important! Prolonged wearing of a gem, especially in order to balance the emotional background, as well as the use of psychotropic drugs, is fraught with side effects. The effect of "pink glasses" is created. At the same time, the factors that cause constant stress are not eliminated, continuing to act on the body. Unakite only blocks the susceptibility of the psyche, not allowing a person to eradicate the source of the problem directly.

The positive properties of the nugget also extend to the metabolism. Accelerating the metabolic processes of the body, the mineral becomes an indispensable assistant for those who seek to lose extra pounds, while preventing the development of other dysfunctions of the body. However, it is worth remembering that the gem works as an aid, so dieting is mandatory during weight loss.

Wearing unakite breast jewelry is a prevention of disorders of the circulatory and respiratory systems, as the proportion of tension decreases during the work of the heart and lungs. Beads work great as a barrier against colds, including the flu. Therefore, during a seasonal epidemic, such decoration will be indispensable.

Magical properties

The magic of the mineral has not been studied by esotericists as thoroughly as the healing properties. However, already known abilities make it possible to use the unakite as a talisman. This mineral is endowed with a strong energy field that affects the consciousness of a person, his aspirations, and relations with the outside world.

First of all, the mineral makes a person calmer and cooler in situations where emotions overflow. The same “rose-colored glasses” effect can be useful if you need to soberly assess the situation in order to make the only right decision. This approach will help you achieve success in life.

It is worth remembering that too constant wearing of a gem gives not only calm and composure. Together with them, alienation from the world comes to a person, from the problems of those people who need help. Therefore, in order not to turn into a callous, indifferent person, you need to wear a talisman intermittently.

It is known that unakit is a strong amulet against evil spirits, therefore it is recommended to wear an amulet to visit places where there is a high probability of stumbling upon witches, sorcerers, and other ill-wishers. To go to church, it will not be superfluous to wear earrings or a ring with unakite.

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One of the important magical powers of the gem is the awakening of the desire for change, self-improvement, and progression. Thanks to the talisman, a person will want to learn the unknown, strive for development, study, and grow above himself in every possible way. This ability will help bring complex, even crazy ideas to life.

Unakite bracelet

Unakite also contributes to the expulsion from the consciousness of a painful past, which does not allow moving forward. The mineral will help to let go of experienced failures, resentment, enmity and other negativity. With such a talisman, a person will leave only positive moments in his memory, get rid of longing for the past, which cannot be returned. This is an indispensable assistant for those who have lost a loved one, home or job, who find it difficult to find the strength to move on in life.

An important aspect when choosing an unakite talisman is the fact that it is undesirable to inherit a stone from another person. It stores information from the previous owner, so you should not expect a positive healing or magical effect from it.

Although there are ways to carry out energy cleansing. To this end, it is necessary to ensure contact of the mineral with a large number of small gems of the same rock (granite or granite sand). You can also bury the mineral in a vessel with rice, leaving it in the sun for 1-2 weeks.

Jewelry with mineral and their price

Jewelry with unakite is very popular. Due to the physical properties of the mineral, it is easy to process. The price of such products is low:

  • Pendants - from 3 euros.
  • Beads - 8-13 euros.
  • Earrings - from 6 euros.
  • Bracelet - from 5 euros.
  • Rosary - about 15 euros.

In addition to jewelry, various figurines, small figurines of animals, magic balls, and so on are made as talismans. The cost of such souvenirs is from 5 to 15 euros.

How to distinguish a fake

It is almost impossible to meet a fake unakite. It is impractical to imitate this stone - it is not so rare and not so expensive. The only confusion arises when the question is whether the unakite is in front of you or the green jasper. These two minerals are very similar in appearance, but unakite is more expressive. In addition, the cost of green jasper is higher, so it makes no sense to pass it off as unakite.

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How to wear and care

Unakite is a simple, but at the same time bright pebble. Its multi-colored color looks self-sufficient, favorably complementing a modest everyday look. Jewelry with unakite is suitable for walking, going to a cafe or nature, meeting with friends, as well as other casual events. It is advisable to choose clothes in plain, light shades, since the stone will be lost against the background of a dark or colorful fabric.


In care, the mineral is unpretentious - the gem is not afraid of blows, reacts poorly to chemistry, and does not attract pollution. However, it will not be superfluous to remove jewelry while doing housework, applying cosmetics, sports activities or visiting the sauna. Do not expose the nugget to sudden changes in temperature. Thrift and accuracy will affect not only the appearance of the stone, but also the inner world of its owner.

Astrological Compatibility

According to astrologers, none of the signs of the Zodiac has contraindications to wearing unakite.

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Taurus +
Gemini +
Cancer +
a lion +
Virgo +
Scales +
Scorpio + + +
Sagittarius +
Capricorn +
Aquarius +
Pisces +

Nevertheless, one constellation is under the unshakable patronage of the mineral - this is Scorpio. At the same time, the stone affects representatives of different sexes in different ways.

The female half of the Scorpio family will gain attractiveness in the eyes of men, which will help the ladies to arrange personal happiness.


On Scorpio men, the stone acts differently. They become more determined, confident, ready to achieve their goals. The talisman allows you to get rid of complexes, which, together with the above qualities, makes a man more attractive to women.

The rest of the signs of the zodiacal circle can also safely choose the unakite as an amulet. The gem will help to gain independence, add vitality, find an optimistic attitude for fateful accomplishments.

Unakite is one of the extraordinary minerals presented to us by the bowels of the Earth. It is definitely worth paying attention to, as a talisman, a unique decoration, or just as an entertaining element of decor. But be careful, because this stone has a strong energy, which, if used incorrectly, will turn into harm.

In order not to lose yourself and not become an egoist in rose-colored glasses, you simply should not abuse prolonged contact with this mineral. And certainly you should not take or pass on the Unakite talisman by inheritance, otherwise it will not benefit anyone.
