Selenite - description, healing and magical properties of the stone, jewelry and price, who suits


A mysterious, charming look, endowed with a lunar glow, selenite stone has attracted people since ancient times. This stone also has many names, as well as the features with which it is endowed. Since ancient times, its magical properties have been used in magical rites.


selenite stone

Possessing a magical moonlight, the mineral is named after Selene, the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. Under this name, the stone has been officially known only since 1817.

Before that, it was popularly called the "Kiss of the Moon", oriental alabaster, Egyptian stone. Nowadays, it is also called moonstone (translated from Greek, “selenite” means lunar), but minerologists call another mineral by this name - Adular.

This is interesting: The name of selenite in some countries depends on the location, as well as the color of the rock. So a stone found off the coast of the White Sea will be called belomorite, and a black sample - labrador.

The thread of the origin of the stone stretches from ancient times. Archaeological finds dating back to the XNUMXth century BC indicate that selenite was already used to make dishes and jewelry. Ancient magical rituals were accompanied by products made from this mineral; shamans used it during sacrifices.

Medieval chronicles have not lost the chain of references. Selenite was used to make church utensils. In the paintings of famous artists, you can see interior items made of this mineral that adorn noble houses.

Later, by the middle of the XNUMXth century, selenite gained popularity in Russia. Samples of snow-white color were found in the Perm region, using it soon to decorate the St. Petersburg Winter Palace.

Since then, the interiors of houses have been decorated with figurines or crafts made from this extraordinary mineral.


physical properties

selenite stone

According to its physical and chemical characteristics, this mineral resembles gypsum, but unlike it, it has a peculiar silky sheen and a rich palette.

Characteristic shades - cream, milky, yellow, mother-of-pearl, pink, tend to change throughout the day.

In addition, the chemical basis of selenite is calcium silicate and water.

Selenite is a very fragile stone. It is easy to scratch with a fingernail, but the softness of the material has its advantages when processing and polishing it. Most of the mineral samples are transparent, which causes the effect of moonlight.

However, there are specimens with inclusions of organic impurities, clay, sand, hematite or sulfur, since the rock itself is the result of fossilization of sediments in the territories of the former seas.

Property Description
Formula CaSO4•2H2O
Hardness 1,5-2,0
Density 2,31-2,33 g / cm³
Syngonia Monoclinic.
Cleavage Perfect.
Transparency Transparent and translucent.
Color White, gray, sometimes colored with impurities in yellowish, bluish or pinkish shades.

Due to the fact that selenite is easily polished and polished, the stone is suitable only for making cheap decorative jewelry, which, alas, is short-lived and can simply crumble if handled carelessly.

But as a collector's item, and especially a talisman, the mineral is a real find!

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Place of Birth

Selenite deposit

Selenite can be found in various parts of the world, in areas where the sea once roared. It is formed in the deep layers of the Earth at very high temperatures.

The largest crystals of the mineral occur in the Mexican Cave of Crystals. Since selenite is an ornamental stone belonging to the feldspar group, its deposits are located wherever clayey sedimentary rocks are found.

More valuable, "lunar" samples are mined in Sri Lanka. Ornamental specimens are found in Russia, Australia, Canada and the USA, Germany, France, Egypt.

The magical properties of lunar selenite

Once upon a time, selenite was considered a feminine stone. But later his influence on the strong half of humanity was revealed. If the mineral makes girls sophisticated, dreamy, then in guys it will awaken determination and courage. The owner of selenite will be able to forever get rid of manias, fears, gain the ability to speak eloquently, develop intuition, and reveal talents.

Selenite is the sacred stone of the Hindus. According to ancient legends, only Mesopotamian priests, who wore the crystals under their tongues, were allowed to use this stone.


During the full moon, special rites were held, during which the clergy could open the veil of the future. Their prophecies were perpetuated by the chroniclers, admiring the amazing gift of clairvoyance.

Modern esotericists also know other magical abilities of selenite:

  • the owner of the stone will eventually be distinguished by a strong will, an amazing memory;
  • selenite brings harmony to family relationships, returns the lost tenderness of feelings, helps to smooth out conflicts;
  • the owner of the stone eventually becomes kinder, more sentimental, acquires childish daydreaming;
  • a stone framed with silver will help creative people develop their imagination, discover an endless flight of fantasy, and develop talents;
  • selenite will give a person caution, the ability to foresee danger, while thinking soberly; also the stone will help to catch the deceiver with his impure intentions.

The magical qualities of selenite become especially powerful during the full moon. And if you wear it together with a silver amulet, the beneficial effect of both gems becomes many times greater!

Talismans and charms

Selenite pendant

Selenite amulets are mainly used as inlays in all sorts of souvenirs and trinkets.

Nowadays, women's jewelry in the form of pendants and pendants is made from selenite.

Earrings are also made, but they are not so popular, since it is believed that selenite amulets should be worn closer to the heart - so they can more easily cope with all adversities and problems.

This gem is unsuitable for decorating rings, since after cutting it usually has a flat shape.

For men, tie pins are more suitable, as well as cufflinks.

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Medicinal properties

The healers of ancient Greece believed in the healing power of selenite. They considered this stone a gift from the god of healing to earthlings, calling it the Crystal of Apollo, capable of endowing a person with strength, as well as good health.


In India, mediums cured people of nightmares by restoring calm, peaceful sleep. The healing powers of the stone are credited with the ability to heal the soul and mind, expel anger, anger, aggression, irritability from a person.

This is interesting: There is an ancient belief that at deep nights in the moonlight, the stone exudes tears, which are endowed with healing properties.

Tibetan healers discovered the healing power of the mineral, using it for massages, lotions, inhalations, and also curing gallbladder ailments by removing stones from it.

The ancient Egyptians used selenite powder as an anti-aging agent., to maintain elasticity, firmness of the skin, and the Sumerians used the mineral to treat fractures and open wounds.


Modern lithotherapy highlights a number of healing advantages of selenite:

  • improvement of the reproductive system, infertility treatment;
  • quickly relieves emotional and mental stress;
  • treats inflammation of the kidneys, bladder;
  • helps to get rid of headaches, lower blood pressure, and in the form of a powder - lower body temperature;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • calms the nerves, helps to get rid of depressive states, apathy, despondency, adjusts to a positive emotional mood;
  • with prolonged contemplation of selenite, vision improves;
  • selenite strengthens bones and teeth, and also increases joint mobility, elasticity of ligaments;
  • a positive effect is known in pulmonary diseases, fainting, epileptic seizures.

In addition, selenite helps to cure diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system, and also helps with anemia. The mineral has a positive effect on human mental activity.

What signs of the zodiac suits?

In astrology, selenite is considered universal - any representative of the Zodiac can wear it. But so that the stone is not just a neutral, inactive decoration, it is better for representatives of certain signs to wear it.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Taurus +
Gemini ++
Cancer ++
a lion +
Scales +
Scorpio ++
Sagittarius +
Capricorn +
Aquarius ++
Pisces ++

The undisputed favorite of the stone is Cancer. He has perfect compatibility with representatives of this sign - the mineral will reveal all his magical abilities to them. A special talisman "moon kiss" will be for people going through difficult financial times.

The strength of the mineral of the representatives of the signs Scorpio and Pisces does not bypass. The first talisman promises getting rid of negativity, a surge of happiness, success in all endeavors. Pisces will be able to gain courage, self-confidence.

Selenite - the secret magical properties of the stone

Representatives of other signs can also wear such amulets - they will not bring them any harm. But the stone will reveal its maximum abilities when a suitable zodiac sign and a creative personality converge in one person. The mineral is strong as a talisman for the clergy.

Jewelry with mineral and their price

The nugget is popular with jewelers. Inserts are made from it for all kinds of jewelry, framing the stone with various metals. Common white samples of the mineral are widely used, affordable:

  • A silver ring with a selenite insert will cost no more than 20 euros upon purchase.
  • Earrings have the same value as rings.
  • Pendants, brooches, pendants are valued no higher than 15 euros.
  • Beads of medium length will cost about 15-18 euros.
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The cost of jewelry may vary depending on the complexity of the design and the rarity of the stone. White selenite is cheaper, pink, greenish and other shades are more expensive.

Where else is it applied?

Selenite - what is this stone?

The stone also has an industrial purpose and is used in its various branches.

For example, the chemical and medical industries make binders from it, the machine-building industry produces various molds, and the pulp and paper industry produces paints. And, of course, in construction, selenite is used as an ornamental material.

How to distinguish from fakes?

Selenite is considered an ornamental stone. There are many of its deposits in nature, so it has a low cost. It would seem that there is no need to create artificial copies. However, on sale you can still find an imitation of the mineral.

A synthetic fake is a silicate semi-liquid mass with impurities that are interspersed longitudinally to achieve the desired effect. Then this mass is turned into an artificial crystal, and after grinding and processing, the finished product comes out. You can still distinguish such a product from the original:

  • Firstly, a very low cost - if a natural stone is affordable, then a fake will cost a penny at all.
  • Second, strength. The natural mineral is very soft, brittle, easily scratched with a fingernail, which cannot be said about its synthetic counterpart.
  • Thirdly, the size of the product. Of course, when it comes to jewelry, this criterion is not taken into account. But if these are crafts or figurines, then their size cannot exceed 30 cm - because of its fragility, it is simply impossible to make large items from selenite.


It is worth paying attention to the fact that any dubious counter does not guarantee quality. For beautiful, natural products, it is better to go to a jewelry store, where you can get complete information about any product.

What stones is it combined with?

Selenite - what is this stone?
selenite and turquoise

Apart from silver, selenite is most compatible with pearls, turquoise, sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli and a labrador.

How to care?


Since selenite is a fragile and soft material, already at the production stage after the manufacture of the product, it is covered with a transparent varnish, but this does not make it super durable, so it is better to be more careful with mineral jewelry.


Storage is allowed in a closed soft box, not adjacent to other, more durable stones to avoid scratches. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and excessive moisture, this nugget also does not like.

This is interesting: From a magical point of view, selenite should not be washed under running water so that it does not lose its energy. It is better to put the stone under the light of the full moon so that it is charged with the necessary strength and energy.

As for cleaning without superstition, a soapy solution and a soft sponge will do. This procedure is carried out no more than twice a year, after which the product must be wiped dry.

It's fun!

selenite talisman

We bring to your attention some more interesting facts about the stone:

  1. According to legend, the white spot on the selenite grows and decreases according to the lunar cycle, and on the full moon the stone can cry.
  2. The most valuable are the rocks extracted on the island of Sri Lanka.
  3. Experts believe that gem crystals hide information about the future of our planet.
  4. Selenite is able to purify without any help if moonlight falls on it.