Stones for Leo: which are suitable for men and women of this zodiac sign


Energetic and ambitious Leos - bright representatives of the fire element... A strong and active character does not allow these people to sit still. They crave success, recognition and financial well-being, while demanding attention and submission. The desire to arouse the admiration of Lions is often well-founded. They stubbornly pursue their goals, are smart and hard-working, fair and honest.
Although Leo is inherent in inner nobility, they cannot always cope with their seething energy. Then they become hot-tempered, even explosive, and too emotional. Self-love in Leo can grow into pride, narcissism, and arrogance. Increased self-confidence often leads to a painful perception of criticism. At the same time, Leo finds it difficult to accept other people's shortcomings.

Despite their flaws, Leos are usually open and charming people, they are sociable and get along well with others.

Astrologers believe that to reveal a person's abilities and smooth out the negative aspects of his character will help natural stones... They have their own energy, which can both benefit the owner and bring him harm. Therefore, choosing a reliable protector and assistant among the stones, you should focus primarily on your zodiac sign.

What stones are suitable for all Leo

Leo patronizes Sun, so their friendly stones have yellow, golden, orange, red colors... Season - summer, however, it is already declining, so that gems can have not only bright sunny shades, but also green, and green-yellow.


Amber, like a frozen piece of the sun, is the perfect stone for this fiery zodiac sign. Its soft warm energy smoothes out the sometimes too harsh character of Leos, making them cheerful, warm-hearted, kind and sympathetic. In addition, the stone feeds its owner with the power and energy of the sun, guides and inspires.
For better interaction with the stone, it is recommended that the amber is in direct contact with human skin. In this case, a bracelet would be a great option, and women may like vintage beads.


Diamond with its luxurious brilliance, it emphasizes the majesty and royalty of Leo Together they form perfect union.

A diamond gives Leo confidence in their strengths, perseverance and dedication.

This expensive stone is not just an indicator of status and importance, but an irreplaceable assistant for people who are active, seeking, for leaders who go to their goal. The diamond activates all the strengths of Lions, increases their attractiveness and attractiveness in the eyes of others.


Heliodor - another sun stone, as its name suggests. This golden gem has a positive effect on the clarity of mind and sharpness of thought in Leo, allows him to soberly assess the environment and highlight the main thing. Heliodor promotes concentration and thoughtfulness.


Cornelian helps to overcome self-doubt and indecision, adjusts to easy and effective communication with people. The stone activates internal resources and undisclosed talents, pushes a person to self-development and self-realization.


Chrysolite (peridot, olivine) is also a symbol of growth and improvement for Leo. The stone reveals the charisma of this zodiac sign, attracts and disposes people to it. In addition, chrysolite strengthens the spirit and inner core of a person, at the same time adjusts him to a creative mood.

Eye of the Tiger

Eye of the Tiger makes Leo think about the necessity and usefulness of his actions. Thus, the stone helps him to properly manage his time and resources. The tiger's eye gives the "lion" character of gravity and solidity.

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Ruby has a very strong influence on Lviv.

Ruby for Leo is a powerful inflow of energy and strength, a stone of wisdom, confidence and inspiration.

The energy of this gem is aimed at bringing to life the most daring plans and crazy ideas of its owner, making him stubborn, hardworking and persistent. Ruby does not allow a person to be scattered over trifles and delve into unnecessary information. It makes the mind flexible and receptive, puts thoughts in order.


Garnet attracts Lviv with a rich blood-red color. The stone generously nourishes the inner strength of a person, charges him with optimism and good mood. At the same time, the pomegranate helps to understand the essence and causes of the actions of the people around them, which will be especially useful for powerful Leos - leaders and managers. Pomegranate is closely associated with creative people: it pushes a person to new ideas, gives inspiration and out-of-the-box thinking, helps to gain recognition.


Topaz suitable for Leo-grumblers, irritable, dissatisfied and picky. However, this gem must be yellow, golden or orange... In this case, topaz will restrain and mitigate anger and melancholy, will help in establishing inner balance and tranquility, and will return Leo to cheerfulness.

Which stone is suitable for Leo women according to the zodiac sign

A reliable companion in life for a Leo woman will be diamond... Even a small ring with this gem will add the shine and luxury to the owner that she loves so much. The diamond will help control the Lioness of the emotions and passions that rage in her soul. This will have a beneficial effect not only on personal life, but also on professional activity. The lioness will achieve recognition and financial well-being.
Despite their independence and ambition, these fiery women greatly appreciate family bonds.

Heliodor and carnelian will provide single girls with the attention of fans and help them find their soul mate.

Talismans for love are also ruby and garnet... They help not only with an active search for a betrothed, but also help to strengthen the already established relationship. In addition, these stones have a beneficial effect on the appearance and health of a woman, charge her with positive energy, help to feel and control other people.

Maintain the activity and creativity of the Lioness, her self-confidence will amber... The stone takes care of both the appearance of the owner and her intellect - it keeps the sharpness of the mind and directs towards the right decisions.

Cornelian inspires and reveals the talents and inner potential of Lionesses, helps in finding oneself as a self-sufficient person, contributes to the establishment of business and friendly contacts.
Talisman Stones recommended to be worn as close to the body as possible... A necklace, bracelet or pendant made of whole pieces of gem works well. It is better to choose a ring or earrings round, like the sun, or oval, preferably in a gold frame.

She is able to protect the Lioness from the surrounding negativity jasper... However, in this case, it is not recommended to flaunt the gem. Also, this ornamental stone extinguishes anger and suppresses irascibility, relieves bad thoughts, anxieties and worries, calms and pacifies.

What are the stones for men-Lviv according to the horoscope

Ambitious and purposeful Leo men, striving for power and success, will like it as a talisman alexandrite, yellow sapphire, sardonyx.

Alexandrite - a stone of strong and successful men, confident leaders, decisive, but at the same time wise.

Sapphire protects Leo from impetuous rash decisions, helps to fight hot temper and irritability. This contributes to an increase in the authority of a man and rapid career advancement. Sapphire develops Leo's intuition and directs his ambitions in the right direction.

Sardonyx will dispel unfounded fears and doubts, give courage and determination that will help Leo to bring to life the most daring ideas and projects. Faith in one's own abilities and strengths also strengthens cornelian... This stone will be especially useful for young Leos who are just starting to achieve something in life.
Sardonyx and carnelian suitable for connoisseurs of a strong family hearth.

Cheerfulness, lightness, a supply of strength and energy will bring to the life of men amber.
Lion wearing pomegranate, will enjoy increased attention, including of the opposite sex, to his person. The stone will contribute to successful negotiations and finding compromise solutions.

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Chrysolite softens the fiery character of Leos and develops tolerance and openness. He makes them unsurpassed interlocutors, grabs the attention of the audience.
But with an energetically strong ruby you should be more careful with men who are domineering and tough. It can aggravate the negative aspects of their character, lead to cruelty and aggressiveness. Ruby will suit Leo already experienced and wise in life.

A watch can be inlaid with a talisman stone. The round shape of the dial is like the sun.

Leo men are recommended to wear rings with the chosen amulet. For important meetings and negotiations, you can wear an inlaid pin or tie clip. In an informal setting, a bracelet made of favorite gems will be relevant.

Patron minerals for children of the constellation Leo: boys and girls

Natural stones will protect little Leos from evil and evil eyes, misfortunes and negative energies. They contribute to the health of the child and the development of a positive outlook on the world.
One of the most powerful amulets for children is considered amber... It will help boys and girls believe in themselves and their strengths, set the right goals and achieve them, not be lazy and actively develop. This sun stone gives a good mood and joy.

Yellow agate suitable for hyperactive children. He develops calmness, attentiveness and perseverance.
Varieties quartz yellow, for example eye of the Tiger, will help the child's intellectual development, memory, concentration and logical thinking.

Jasper rich brown-red color (bloody jasper, bloody) will save the Lion Cub from sad thoughts, develop a desire to learn and work.

Children will love bright stones with an original striped texture.

The child can be presented with a neat bracelet made of gems or a small pebble in the form of a pendant. The amulet for baby Leo is attached to the crib or stroller.

The best gems for Lviv by date of birth

Astrologers divide the "lion" period into three decades, depending on the planet-co-ruler of this zodiac sign.

Born 23 July - 1 August protects Saturn... These people are strong, stubborn, with a rebellious and freedom-loving character. However, they are very charming. Such Leos need stones that can withstand their ebullient nature and soften the waywardness and harshness of the "king of beasts". For example:

  • eye of the Tiger;
  • jasper;
  • sapphire;
  • onyx.

Onyx will not allow Leo to be led by destructive emotions and will help contain discontent and irritation. Jasper will develop tolerance and benevolence towards other people, reduce selfishness.
Lions born on August 2-12 are associated with Jupiter... These people are pedantic, disciplined, strictly following their rules and demanding the same from others. For such Lions, stones are suitable that will make their character softer and teach them to listen to the opinions of others. You can recommend:

  • amber;
  • citrine;
  • nephritis;
  • heliodor.

Nephritis liberates Leo, makes him more sensitive, open and sincere.

Citrine promotes business and friendly communication, helps to listen and understand other people.
Leo patronizes August 13-22 Mars... These are people-warriors who love power and strive for it. They are hardworking and ambitious, no matter what they stubbornly pursue their goal. Stones should help Leo achieve what he wants, guide him and endow him with wisdom, endurance and composure. Among them:

  • alexandrite;
  • diamond;
  • ruby;
  • sardonyx.

Gems for health

Usually Leos are in good health. However, stress, anxiety and fatigue also affect them in a bad way, provoking various diseases. In such cases, representatives of lithotherapy (stone therapy) recommend affect problem organs with natural gems.
Different stones have different healing effects:

  • for the cardiovascular (circulatory) system, amber, jasper, sapphire, alexandrite, tiger's eye, red stones - ruby ​​and pomegranate will be useful;
  • for the respiratory system - amber, heliodor, ruby, carnelian, tiger's eye;
  • for the endocrine system - amber. So, for example, in case of diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear a pendant made of this stone around the neck;
  • for the skeletal system - tiger's eye;
  • for mental disorders - jasper, onyx, amber, heliodor, carnelian, ruby, topaz;
  • for healthy sleep - chrysolite, amber, onyx;
  • to strengthen immunity and maintain vitality - sapphire, jasper, amber, tiger's eye, heliodor, carnelian, ruby, diamond.

In the presence of any diseases, the use of gems should be taken as an auxiliary therapy.

The magical properties of gems for Lions

Astrologers believe that the magic of natural stones extends, among other things, to financial side of life person and is able to protect him from the environment negativity.

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For luck, luck and money

Precious diamond brings happiness to Leo, makes him successful and successful in the financial sphere. The stone contributes to the establishment of contacts, the search for partners, the achievement of material wealth and prosperity.

Ruby and Topaz bring good luck in business and are used to improve financial well-being.

Garnet - a stone of happy people who strive to become real professionals in their field and get great pleasure from it.

Citrine helps to establish business relationships and negotiate. He brings good luck in making big deals and developing new projects.

Money is considered to be amber... For Leo, he is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Amber helps in the search for funding sources and the implementation of even the most daring ideas, which will subsequently bring income to Leo.

Chrysolite allows you to see the problems that arise in the financial sector, to understand the ways to overcome them and ways to increase profits. He keeps out of trouble and warns against failed deals.

Eye of the Tiger - a talisman that attracts luck, wealth and success to Leo.

Cornelian mobilizes the powers of Leo to achieve material well-being and stability. It promotes the activation of intellectual resources to solve complex financial problems and helps to outplay the competition.

Protective amulets for Lions: from the evil eye and damage

The best amuletsprotecting Lions from the evil eye, damage, slander and negativity are considered

  • sardonyx,
  • jasper,
  • eye of the Tiger,
  • amber,
  • ruby.

Eye of the Tiger also serves as protection from injuries and injuries prophesied by envious people, and sardonyx will help protect you from dangers while traveling.

Jasper - an energetically strong stone. It not only protects its owner from the surrounding negativity, but also cleans the person from the negative emotions that have accumulated in him. To get rid of the internal bad energy, it is recommended to wear oval, elongated or drop-shaped stones or jewelry made of them. But in order to collect good energy inside themselves, their shape must be round or spherical.

What stones can Leo wear

Not all gems have a beneficial effect on Lions. Among the stones, jewelry with which the representatives of this fire sign should not wear - aventurine and turquoise.
Turquoise muffles human fears, and the absolutely fearless Leo will recklessly embark on risky adventures and commit reckless acts. This can lead to financial setbacks and a shattered nervous system.

Turquoise reduces the Leo's stamina and performance, and weakens his health.

Aventurine makes Leo doubt their strengths and abilities, makes them constantly doubting, anxious and fearful.

Leo, as a sign of the element of Fire, is not on friendly terms with the blue stones of the element of Water. Among them aquamarine, moonstone, blue topaz... These gems "extinguish" Leo's activity, take away his strength and energy, make him sick and lethargic.

Also not suitable for this zodiac sign. amethyst, pearl, chrysoprase... They will inspire melancholy and melancholy on Leo, the person will become passive and insecure.

However, if you really like the stones that are on the "black" list, then you can not abandon them completely. Enough not wearing them all the time or every day.

Gems-talismans, suitable for the sign of the zodiac, do not always have to be worn as jewelry. It can also be a small piece of stone in your purse or on your desktop, a keychain or home decor item. The main thing is that its owner likes it - it is pleasing to the eye and pleasant to the touch.
