Instructions for introducing color into your style: 5 steps

The influence of color on a person is enormous: color can calm the psyche or invigorate, improve mood or relieve tension. If, when buying clothes, you often look at bright colored things, but still end up at the checkout with black, white, gray, or, in extreme cases, beige things, then this article is for you. I will share instructions that will help you figure out the combination of colors and take the first steps towards a brighter wardrobe!

One accent item

As a first step, you can add one accent color accessory, such as a bag or shoes, to your basic look. Choose any color you like - bright or more subdued. This will make your look more stylish, and you won’t have to worry that the chosen color doesn’t suit you. Firstly, a color cannot “not go”; a certain shade may not be suitable, and secondly, color matters only in the portrait area, and the further it is from the face, the less influence it has.

Actual images
Actual images

Different shades of the same color

Another fairly safe option is to use different shades of the same color. You can put together a monochrome set or use several colored items.

How to Add Color to Your Style
How to Add Color to Your Style

"Neighboring colors"

A bolder option, but quite simple to work with, is to use colors that are nearby on the color wheel. For example, pink and purple or yellow, green and orange. Here you can use two colors side by side or more. Typically 2 to 5 colors are used.

Color circle

How to combine colors
How to combine colors

Contrast combinations

We increase the “degree of brightness” using color contrast:

  • Add two colors that are opposite on the color wheel, for example, red and green or blue and orange. Can be used not only in clothing, but also in accessories.
  • Three colors lying at an equal distance from each other: we take two opposite colors and from any of them we move one step to the left and right - we get the three desired colors, for example, purple, red and light green or purple, blue and orange.
We advise you to read:  Achromatic colors or how not to get lost in your own shadow


How to choose colors


How to add color to an image
How to add color to an image

Forget about “color” stereotypes

There are a lot of restrictions in the world, including those that we create for ourselves, do not believe the myths and forget about stereotypes:

  • “You can’t wear pink after 30.”
  • "Bright colors are only for the young."
  • “Dressing in all black or gray is boring.”
  • "Red doesn't suit me."
  • “The top of the set should be lighter than the bottom.”
  • and many others.

Knowing the rules of color combinations, you can always make your image more vibrant, stylish, and exactly the way you want. And remember, the main thing is to like yourself and feel comfortable.