Sphene - a description of the stone, magical and healing properties, who suits the Zodiac


The sphene stone is one of the rarest, available to jewelers for only a decade and a half, when geologists finally found profitable deposits. Professional cut equalizes it with a diamond. This mineral is not only loved by jewelers, but also has industrial value. Faceted crystals boldly compete with diamonds in terms of optical properties. In addition, the gem is endowed with magical properties that were revered by the people of the ancient world.

History and origin

In ancient Egypt, sphene was revered by people as the gem of the sun god Ra. The priests of this deity wore titanite talismans. The Egyptians considered the stone to be a particle of the god Ra, because the nugget shone very brightly under the rays of the sun. In addition to priests, amulets from sphene were supposed to be worn by cats - the sacred animals of Egypt. Mineral collars protected them from misfortune.

The mineral has several names:

  • titanite (due to the chemical composition of the ore);
  • sphene - because of the shape of the crystals, outwardly resembling a triangle ("sphenos" in Greek - a wedge);
  • greenowite, ligurite - these terms are used by professionals.

It so happened that scientific descriptions of sphene were made by German mineralogists. The discoverer is considered to be Martin Klaproth, who described the nugget under the name "titanite", which corresponded to the chemical structure of the mineral. Later, in 1842, large specimens of the stone were discovered on Russian lands by a naturalist from Germany, Gustav Rose, who gave his description to titanite from the Ilmensky mountains. Thus began the extraction of a beautiful gem, which goes to the needs of the jewelry industry. Mass development was impossible due to the limited reserves of the mineral, which, moreover, was an accompanying rock.

Mineral - Sphene (Titanite)

Description of the mineral sphene

The mineral sphene in nature is flattened single wedge-shaped crystals and intergrowths-twins. Needle aggregates or "seeds" are rare.

The description of the mineral provides an indication of the color created by impurities:

  • Iron gives rise to yellowness, greenness, or a light brown tint to the stone.
  • If the titanium content is more than 40%, the color is deep brown. The higher the percentage, the darker the color, down to black.
  • Chromium creates bright green crystals, indistinguishable from emerald.
  • Delicate pink tones are the merit of manganese.
  • Rare earth cerium colors the crystal blue-violet.

A valued property of sphene is a high coefficient of dispersion. Thanks to him, iridescent overflows are formed on the edges of the crystal, overshadowing the diamond.

Physico-chemical characteristics

Property Description
Formula CaTiSiO5
Hardness 5 - 5,5
Density 3,40 - 3,54 g / cm³
Refractive index 1,885 - 2,050
Syngonia Monoclinic
Kink Rough, conchoidal
fragility Fragile
Cleavage Perfect
Brilliance glass or diamond
Transparency Opaque to translucent, sometimes transparent
Color Yellow, green, brown to black
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Titanite is a silicate of titanium and calcium, supplemented with impurities of various elements - magnesium and manganese, iron and zinc, niobium, chromium, zirconium. Pure calcium titanium silicate is very rare. The mineral is completely soluble in sulfate acid and partially in hydrochloric acid.

Sphene has high dichroism and dispersion. Most specimens are translucent, there are also transparent specimens. It is formed by crystals, sometimes twinned. In cross section, the shape of the wedge is visible. The mineral is fragile, therefore, for the needs of the jewelry industry, stones of green and yellow shades are taken, which are more durable due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition.

The physical properties of sphene preclude ennoblement. Only heat treatment can lighten dark specimens.

Place of Birth

The prevalence of titanite in nature is ubiquitous, however, the mineral itself is not so much. Sphene belongs to igneous rocks and is mined simultaneously with accompanying zircon, granite, adularia, syenite. Gem-quality crystals come to the market from deposits:

  • Madagascar.
  • Mexico.
  • Italy.
  • Germany.
  • Brazil.
  • Norway.
  • Switzerland.

There is titanite in the territories of Canada and Austria. Large aggregates of the nugget were found in Brazil, as well as in Myanmar. After cutting, the crystals weighed over 20 carats.

Russia is famous for its deposits of the largest titanite crystals, which provide raw materials not only for the jewelry industry, but also for metallurgy. The mineral is mined on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in the Urals.

Varieties and colors

Due to the variety of impurities, sphene is formed by crystals of various colors. Titanite happens:

  • yellow;
  • green;
  • gray-black;
  • brown;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • purple;
  • indigo.

Transparent specimens are extremely rare. The faceted sphene is second only to a diamond in terms of brilliance and iridescent facets. Titanite has an excellent optical property - trichroic color. Depending on the refraction of the light beam, three shades are visible on a faceted stone, bright in the center, and fading towards the periphery.


Titanite is used in two industries - the jewelry industry and metallurgy. Jewelry makers prefer to work with specimens containing zinc and chromium. Thanks to these elements, light shades of brown, green and yellow stones do not crumble so much during processing. For jewelers, sphene is considered a semi-precious stone.

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For metallurgy, as well as for the defense industry, titanite is the most important, since it contains from 20 to 40% of the titanium necessary for the aircraft industry. The titanium present in the ore is easily enriched.

The healing properties of titanite

A prerequisite for the manifestation of the healing properties of the mineral is direct contact with a person. Depending on the shade of the stone, healing abilities change:

  • The yellow gem is useful for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of sphene, toxins are removed and the body is cleansed. The result is an improvement in appetite, an increase in the activity of the brain, and an acceleration of the metabolic process.
  • Green titanite is an indispensable assistant for mental disorders, nervous exhaustion, arterial hypertension, headaches and migraines. Green nuggets are also useful for improving visual function.
Cutaway Green Titanite
Any other shade of the mineral can relieve toothache, prevent the development of bone diseases, joint diseases, support the body's immune forces and muscle tone. The antipyretic properties of sphene are known. In addition, the gem prevents the development of skin pathologies, reduces swelling, and maintains the balance of red and white blood cells.

The magical properties of sphene

Sphene has a useful property for magicians - the ability to develop paranormal abilities. This is used by novice palmists, fortunetellers, numerologists. For an ordinary person, titanite helps to sharpen intuition, develop memory, concentrate attention, and increase mental activity. Astrologers consider this mineral to be universal, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac or the elements.

Such a talisman as a sphene is a godsend for public people. Politicians, artists, orators need the ability to win over a large number of people, win their favor and lead. This requires developed organizational skills, communication skills, eloquence. A talisman made of titanite is a skillful assistant, pushing you to reach new heights.

Sphene is popular with voodoo practitioners. This culture is common in the south of North America. The nugget is not used for sinister rituals, but to create amulets that protect homes from criminals.

Each of the jewelry, where there is an insert of sphene, helps a person solve pressing problems. Earrings contribute to the development of intuitive thinking, gold rings are responsible for material wealth and the love sphere. The suspension is the perfect protection against negative impacts. Absolutely any titanite amulet works for the energy protection of a person, as well as his home from troubles or natural disasters.

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelers willingly work with titanites of light yellow and pale green tones, as these samples are more amenable to processing due to impurities. The price for sphene is different, as well as for jewelry with this stone.

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Prices for sphene products

The average weight of faceted sphene jewelry specimens is 1-6 carats. Its value is determined by the type of cut and color characteristics of the stone. For example, a 4-carat herbaceous Madagascar teardrop-shaped specimen is valued at $850, while a 2-carat round yellow mixed-cut specimen costs about $400. Crystals weighing 20 carats are very rare and mostly become the property of private collections.

How to distinguish natural sphene from a fake

Earrings Star Jewelry Co. in yellow gold with two 13,64 carat titanites (sphenes) and two 1,91 carat emeralds surrounded by diamonds

Since natural sphene is rare in nature, the market resorts to the services of scammers who fake the mineral in products using glass or cheaper stones as raw materials. First of all, you should pay attention to the price: titanite is an expensive semi-precious stone.

You can distinguish natural sphene from a fake by eye. A real gem has iridescent iridescence on the edges, which cannot be imitated on cheap raw materials.

In the center of the processed sphene, under a beam of sunlight or artificial light, a bright colored spot is clearly visible, which gradually fades towards the edge.

Care instructions

Caring for a sphene is simple, but requires caution. After all, titanite is a soft and fragile mineral that needs protection from falls, bumps, temperature changes, any objects or chemicals that can damage the nugget.

Clean the gem under ordinary running cold water with a soft cloth. Such cleaning washes away not only visible pollution, but also negative energy. After thorough drying, the product is sent for storage in soft, tightly closed individual containers.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Astrologers have not singled out a single sign to which the stone would be most suitable.

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Taurus +
Gemini +
Cancer +
a lion +
Virgo +
Scales +
Scorpio +
Sagittarius +
Capricorn +
Aquarius +
Pisces +

Interesting Facts

Most gem-quality sphenes are up to 6 carats when cut. However, there are samples that exceed the mass of 20 carats. Such stones have a collection value. According to rumors, one of the private collections is decorated with titanite weighing 63 carats.

Jewelers use natural stone, which can only be cut, for the manufacture of products. However, there are cases of ennoblement of the gem, when the dark tones of the mineral were lightened with the help of heat treatment.