Bronzite - description and properties of the stone, who suits the Zodiac, jewelry and their price


Bronzite is a representative of a numerous class of silicates. A distinctive feature of the semi-precious and ornamental gem is a characteristic tint of bronze color. Among the 4 thousand minerals known to modern science, it is unfamiliar to most, but an unusually interesting and unusual stone.

History and origin

The mineral itself has been known to researchers of igneous rocks for a long time. But it owes its name to the German mineralogist Dietrich Gustav Ludwig Karsten. Drawing attention to the striking similarity of the stone with slightly darkened bronze, Karsten called it bronzite, and under this name he included in his own catalog of minerals in 1807.

Deposits and production

Bronzite is a naturally occurring mineral found in igneous rocks such as peridotites and basalts. Also, researchers often find a gem in the remains of "space guests" - meteorites.

Currently, bronzite is found on all continents of the Earth. However, most of the mineral is mined in the United States, Australia, Sweden and Portugal. On the territory of Russia, extensive deposits of bronzite have been discovered in the Urals.

physical properties

The composition of the mineral includes iron and manganese, the ratio of which affects the shades of the stone: from pure bronze to brown-yellow or greenish. Depending on the conditions of formation, the gem has a granular or scaly structure. The latter looks like autumn leaves layered on top of each other. The gem is easy to polish.

Property Description
Formula (Mg, Fe)Mg[Si2O6]
Hardness 5,5
Density from 3,294 to 3,42
Syngonia Rhombic
fragility Fragile
Kink Uneven
Cleavage according to (110) clear (angle 88°), according to (010) and (100) imperfect (separation)
Brilliance metallic
Transparency Transparent or opaque
Color Greenish, yellowish or brown
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In addition to the basic elements, bronzite contains "minor" elements, which, nevertheless, affect how the stone looks. Depending on the impurities, the mineral is divided into:

  • Calcium or limestone. Also known as jasper or lime.
  • Festin - interspersed with serpentine.
  • Morandite.
  • Alumobronsite.

It is interesting! On the territory of northern Kazakhstan, bronzite is found with inclusions of gold and copper, and in the US state of Montana - with impurities of silver.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapists claim that bronzite is not only beautiful, but also a healing stone. Its energy is used to treat and prevent a number of ailments.

Bronze Gem has the following effect:

  1. Gives beautiful skin. After applying the stone to diseased areas of the skin, psoriasis, eczema, and redness disappear. Massage with "solid medicine" smoothes wrinkles, improves complexion, acts as a scrub, regulates the sebaceous glands, eliminating blackheads and acne. After massaging, local blood circulation is enhanced, and skin renewal processes are faster.
  2. Strengthens hair. It is also advised to massage the scalp with healing crystals - this stimulates the hair follicles, so that the hair begins to absorb nutrients better and grow faster. In addition, the procedure will help to relax, relieve headaches, tension, and speed up thinking.
  3. Helps to say goodbye to weather dependence. If you constantly wear a pendant with bronzite, you will no longer be bothered by drowsiness, aching joints, migraines before the change of weather. Sometimes even children up to one year of age are affected by this disease: they are capricious, refuse to eat before rain or snow. A bead of bronzite above the crib will solve the problem.
  4. Defeats insomnia and at the same time tones up. The miraculous stone should be placed under the pillow: sleep will come quickly, pleasant dreams will begin instead of nightmares, and in the morning a person will feel a charge of vivacity and good mood.
  5. Useful for thyroid disorders. The constant wearing of bronzite beads alleviates the symptoms of dysfunction of this organ, slows down the development of the disease, but cannot completely replace the treatment with medicines.
  6. Removes bouts of laziness, aggression, apathy. For people who tend to be inactive, the mineral will give a surge of strength and the ability to control their emotions.
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Bronzite stone bracelet

The gem is also used as an antiviral agent, more precisely, as an additional protection against colds and flu. It is believed that the stone protects its "carrier" from all kinds of viruses, even in the season of their increased activity.

The magical properties of bronzite

Bronzite is also a real magical stone that can affect not only the health of its owner, but also most aspects of his life.

One of the abilities of the mineral is the ability to attract money and other material values. Therefore, the gem will become an indispensable assistant for those who have stable financial problems. Having “settled” bronzite at home (in the form of jewelry, or any decorative products made from a natural gem), you can soon feel the effect of the mineral.


At the same time, the cash increase can be different: from a promotion with an increase in wages to income from the most unexpected sources, for example, an unexpected inheritance, an old and long-forgotten debt, or even an amazing find.

In parallel with the increase in income, bronzite will definitely “teach” you how to spend finances correctly, help you get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary expenses.

Among other magical properties of bronzite is the purification of thoughts from negativity, the replenishment of energy.

In addition, it helps to avoid conflict situations, for which the mineral was nicknamed the “stone of courtesy” and to find the right solution in any, even the most difficult situations. It is thanks to these abilities that jewelry with a bronze-colored stone is advised to be worn by all media people and those whose work is associated with constant communication.

Among those who are suitable stone as a talisman:

  • medical workers who, with its help, will be able to “see” the diagnosis more clearly;
  • managers;
  • psychologists;
  • journalists;
  • secretaries.

And of course, bronzite in family relationships will be invaluable help, especially if they do not go well for any reason.

Note! The stone is able to protect its "owner" from the evil eye and damage, returning all the negativity to the one who directed it.

Compatible with other stones

In order for a gem to fully reveal its potential, to “endow” the one who wears it and give it its protection, it is necessary to wear it separately from other minerals, or else choose the right neighborhood for it.

Bronzite is considered the stone of the Sun. And the influence of this celestial body determines the relationship of the stone with other minerals.


So, in jewelry, it goes well with other "solar" stones, such as amber, hyacinth, heliodor.

It will also be good to “feel” bronzite in the vicinity of the stones of Mars and Jupiter, including jasper, hematite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine.

Bronzite is combined with minerals under the auspices of the Moon, Venus and Mercury:

But in these cases, the compatibility of the mineral with other gems will depend on a number of circumstances, including the “carrier” itself, its zodiac and the ruling planet.

But with the minerals of Saturn - jade, chalcedony, dark topaz, agate bronzite, according to astrologers and esotericists, is completely incompatible.

In addition, according to Indian Vedic culture, this mineral should not be combined with stones controlled by Rahu (hessonite) and Ketu (cat's eye).

Jewelry with mineral

The use of the gem, called bronzite, is different: industrial and jewelry. In industry, a granular brown mineral is used. And the stones, which have a scaly structure and warm color shades, are great for making jewelry.

Most often, gems are inserted into pendants and rings. Less often, due to the significant weight of the stone, it is used in the manufacture of earrings. The processed mineral is also used to make bracelets, beads, necklaces, necklaces, key rings.

Bronzite stone beads

When processing the stone in its main part, they give a rounded shape, which allows you to demonstrate all the splendor of the mineral, to convey all the facets of its shades.

As a setting for bronzite, mainly silver is used, although jewelry with gold is also found.

  • The cost of the processed bronzite itself is not very high - the price of medium-sized beads varies from 1 to 2 euros. Ready-made bracelets from elements of the same size will cost 12-18 euros.
  • As for other jewelry, much depends on the frame. For example, a silver-plated ring with a small bronzite insert can be bought for 25 euros, and a bronzite and smoky quartz necklace for 30 euros.

How to distinguish a fake?

Astrologers and esotericists warn that only natural stone has magical and healing properties. Yes, and in jewelry, natural bronze looks much more spectacular and original.

Unlike most stones, bronzite is currently not synthesized in the laboratory, so it is impossible to find an artificially grown mineral on sale. Glass and plastic are completely different. Despite the not very high price of the mineral, its glass and plastic "analogues" are even cheaper, so they are found on sale.

It is guaranteed that a mineralogist can recognize the "glass". However, there are several signs that will help distinguish a real stone from a fake at home.

  1. Natural stones heat up very slowly, even if they are tightly clenched in a fist.
  2. Products made from natural materials are much heavier than those made from glass and especially plastic. Any natural stone will help you navigate by weight.
  3. Each gem is unique, like a person's fingerprints. To understand how unique the pattern of a particular stone is, it is enough to compare it with those that lie nearby. If the designs in all cabochons or beads inserted into earrings, necklace or bracelet are identical, then the products consist of fake bronzites.

Another sign is small inclusions, zoning. They are found even in the highest quality minerals. You can see them with a magnifying glass.

How to wear and how to care for products

Bronzite practically does not wear out and retains its attractiveness for a long time. However, stone jewelry still requires care.


Despite the resistance to external negative factors in the form of acids, UV rays, water and temperature changes, the stone is quite soft, so it is recommended to store it separately from other minerals and jewelry. The best option is to place the bronzite in a soft bag or box.

In order for the jewelry to have a luxurious look, the mineral is periodically polished with a piece of felt or suede.

If the stone is heavily contaminated, it is washed in a solution of water and liquid soap.

Important! In no case should you use caustic household chemicals, abrasive materials and hard brushes for washing. In addition, before embarking on household chores (laundry, cleaning, cooking), remove all jewelry.

A gem requires not only external cleaning - from time to time it is necessary to clean its energy. To do this, place the stone for a while next to the rock crystal.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Gemini +
Cancer +
a lion + + +
Virgo +
Scales +
Scorpio +
Sagittarius +
Aquarius +
Pisces +

Bronzite will fully reveal its astrological properties if its owner was born under the sign of Leo. It is this zodiac sign that will get the most out of using the stone. Bronzite will give Leos maximum health, wealth and good luck. In addition, the stone will allow those born under this sign to reveal their hidden talents.

Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius can use the gem as a talisman and talisman. But the stone will have less effect on them.

But the mineral is contraindicated for Taurus and Capricorn. It will have the opposite effect on them: it will upset the emotional balance, make you feel worse and attract all the troubles that are possible.

Interesting about the stone

In addition to the usual variants of bronzite, there are also completely original specimens in nature. So, on the island of Sri Lanka, minerals of a golden yellow color were found. They differ from their "brothers" in greater transparency.


Bronzites are found not only on Earth, but also on the Moon. Samples of lunar minerals with similar properties were delivered among the samples from the Luna 20, Apollo 14 and Apollo 16 stations. A distinctive feature of lunar minerals is the increased content of chromium and titanium.

When all the greenish inclusions are removed from the gem, the bronzite becomes almost indistinguishable from a gold alloy.