Augite - description of the stone, properties and price of jewelry, who suits


A stone from the pyroxene group is very common. The appearance is modest, because the color is dark - from green with an admixture of brown to black. But the inner radiance of the mineral strikes with a variety of shades. Unlike its counterparts, which begin to glow only after grinding, augite shines even when untreated. In jewelry, it is used as an insert. More in demand as a collection material.

A bit of history

Augita was found in the vicinity of the Saxon city of Freiberg. Minerologist A. Werner taught at the Mining Academy, who studied and described the gem at the end of the 18th century. He also gave the mineral a name that, according to some of Werner's colleagues, does not fit the stone.

The mineral was kept in the storerooms of the academy for a long time. After thoroughly examining the specimen under a magnifying glass and conducting a series of studies, the professor made a conclusion: despite the “dull” appearance of the specimen, give it the name “augite”, that is, “sparkling”. The stone was assigned to the flint group.

Finding places

The mineral is found on most continents. In Europe, they are mined in Italy (the purest and most beautiful crystals are found there), the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Ukraine. In Russia - in Yakutia, Karelia, in the Urals, the Taimyr and Kola Peninsulas, Kamchatka, near Lake Baikal, and other places in Eastern Siberia.

The African states of Kenya and Namibia are proud of augite deposits. Even in Greenland they find this mineral. There is it in Australia, India, China, USA, Canada, Mexico. In the earth's crust, varieties of augite are up to 4 percent, but the mineral is not mined as an independent mineral.

On the complexity of the composition and properties

The mineral is a multicomponent silicate. Depending on which element predominates, augites are isolated, where there is more magnesium, where there is more iron, and where they are equally divided. In addition to these two metals, chromium, calcium, aluminum, titanium, sodium, and aluminum are found in augites to a greater or lesser extent.

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Property Description
Formula (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6
Hardness 5 - 6,5
Density 3,2-3,6 g / cm³
Syngonia Monoclinic
Kink The mineral is elastic, flexible, splits into leaves
Cleavage Average over {110}
Brilliance Glass
Transparency Translucent or opaque
Color Black and greenish

Crystals in the form of columns or needles with an octagonal cross section. Combining, they form beautiful clusters - druze.

It occurs in volcanic rocks: basalts, andesites.

Other names of the mineral are augite spar, volcanic sherp, violatite. The types of minerals are:

  • stellate asteroite;
  • basaltine (black augite);
  • diallag;
  • titanaugyte;
  • fassait and a number of others.

When weathered, augite becomes similar to opal.

The stone looks inexpressive. Specimens with a reddish, yellow, purple tint are valued, but usually the crystals are brown-green and greenish-black. When melted, it turns into glass.

The coloring is uneven, because of this, landscape motifs appear - the outlines of a river, a tree, a flower, a rock.

When split, the stone forms perfectly smooth surfaces due to the perfect cleavage of the layers.

Surprisingly, the fact Augita is justifiably called a celestial. Scientists have proven that meteorites falling to Earth contain varieties of augite. Studies of lunar soil samples also showed that particles that make up this mineral are found in regolith.

Stone application

Augite is not classified as precious and semiprecious stones, it is an ornamental material. Faceted stone is used in interior decoration, but you need to be careful with it because of its fragility.

Jewelry is not in high demand, although more or less transparent minerals look presentable in earrings, pendants, brooches, rings, bracelets. The fragility of the material is balanced by its beauty after processing, when the effect of translucence is enhanced.

The frame is made of silver, cupronickel, copper alloys. There are jewelry with stone, set in gold, silver, platinum. This is typical for Italy, one of the symbols of which has long been augite, and where there are a lot of souvenirs with this gem.

Facet cutting is rarely used due to the brittleness of the mineral. Basically, dark green cabochons, called "Chinese onyx", are used for crafts and jewelry. Unusual crystals are found in Russia and France, nicknamed "Auvergne pyroxenes". Collectors are after them.

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stone bracelet
Stone bracelet

Augite is easy to synthesize, for example, from basalt and other rocks. You can distinguish a gem from a fake by its appearance: augite will be more modest and inconspicuous. However, the low cost of artificial crafts, like a real crystal, makes imitation economically impractical.

Use for healing

Healing stone is essential for a person. Traditional healers use it to treat eye diseases, heart and vascular diseases. By the way, black-green augite is often used as a way of love spell (powder from the mineral is poured into drinks). It is believed that mental disorders are also subject to the influence of a dark gem.

It is noticed that the patient, interacting with the stone, improves the condition caused by the disease of the cerebral cortex. The mineral calms and balances, relieves depression, sets in an optimistic mood.

Magical properties

Oddly enough, the mineral symbolizes joy and pleasure. It is believed to attract success and wealth to the wearer. It is recommended to have it as a talisman for people who are not indifferent, boldly going through life, with an active life position. "Vegetable" frame enhances the spiritual power of the stone.


The magical augite stone distracts the owner from abrupt actions, helps to properly allocate time, build a life rhythm.

Products, like a raw mineral, help to think rationally, balance the positive and negative in a person. This, in turn, improves the quality of life and actually leads to business success. The owner of the gem will certainly feel a change for the better.

The color of the mineral is "responsible" for changes in its own way. Brown will cheer you up, relieve fear and depression. Green will help to avoid conflict or level its consequences. Black activates creativity.


Stone compatibility with zodiac signs

When figuring out who is suitable for and for whom a stone is useless, it should be remembered that the astrological properties of a universal mineral affect representatives of the zodiac signs in different ways:

  • In Aries, it develops organization, punctuality, and protects health.
  • Taurus protects from the evil eye.
  • Gemini with the help of augite become more confident in their abilities, less emotional and quick-tempered.
  • On Rakov, the gem acts as a personal doctor. Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on vision.
  • Leo helps to cope with problems, supports.
  • Virgos feel that with an augite amulet they are more attractive to the opposite sex.
  • It becomes easier for Libra to help others.
  • Scorpions, having become the owners of augite jewelry, normalize the nervous system.
  • Sagittarius will feel a craving for spiritual life, will succeed in creativity.
  • Capricorn will strengthen relationships with relatives and colleagues.
  • The compatibility of the mineral with Aquarius is ideal.
  • In Pisces, the stone will develop creativity.
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From the point of view of esotericists, there is not a single sign of the zodiac for which augite is contraindicated. Magical properties are not affected by name, outfit, or hair color. Everyone can use the gem for the growth of material well-being, good luck, and new achievements. You can wear it on any finger.

The cost and storage of the mineral

Since there is no shortage of this mineral in nature, the products are inexpensive. If they ask for a high price, they justify it by the fact that the stone is natural. Collectors can buy a copy at an inflated price if it is unique. A crystal measuring 5x8 centimeters can cost both 10 and 100 euros.


Exclusive products are valued for artistic processing. An oval brooch or ring without a rim can be found for 12-200 euros. A bracelet made of beads without artistic processing - for the same amount.

It is advisable to store jewelry in a separate box so that different stones do not touch. It is easy to care for: regularly, but not often, polish with suede or thin felt.

Augite combines magnesium, iron and many other elements of the periodic table. Color from light green to black. The glass sheen on the edges served as the basis for the name. Most often, augite is used to make jewelry, and also as a talisman.
