Onyx - description and types, magical and healing properties of the mineral, who suits


Ancient tales, myths, legends and Biblical writings are not complete without mention of onyx. This mineral has long been associated with power, holiness, witchcraft. A striped nugget adorned the images of priests and rulers, and a black mineral accompanied magicians and shamans.

Today, the gem is used in the same areas as in antiquity. Only the modern world allows everyone to feel the power of the mineral, and not just the elect.

History and origin

The legends of several peoples who professed different faiths tell about onyx. The mineral acted as an obligatory ritual attribute, decorated the walls of sanctuaries, and was used to make dishes and handicrafts.

  1. The ancient Greeks in their myths identified the gem with the petrified nails of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to legend, the divine son Eros cut off his mother's nails during sleep. The word "onyx" itself is translated from ancient Greek as "nail". In fact, nugget stones are shaped like nails.
  2. Islamists highly revered the black mineral. The main shrine of Muslims, the Kaab, is decorated with a rare gem.
  3. The Aztecs erected entire buildings from onyx, for religious and secular purposes. Temples were decorated with a striped nugget, and vessels for sacrifices were created from it. This people more than others revered the green mineral of pale shades with orange-brown layers.
  4. Biblical stories on the first pages mention onyx as a stone from the Garden of Eden. The Paradise gem adorned the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, being one of the 12 gems. The rich robes of ancient Jewish priests were decorated with a nugget. And according to the Old Testament of the Bible, Solomon's temple was built from onyx.
  5. The most extraordinary story tells about sardonyx - one of the varieties of onyx. A legend is connected with the name of the famous artist Benvenuto Cellini. Disappearing once for a long time from the Vatican, along with an armful of gold and precious stones, the master aroused the wrath and indignation of His Holiness.
  6. In response to abusive reproaches, Cellini presented the Pope with a gem carved from multi-colored sardonyx. The gospel canonical plot showed the last supper, where each multi-colored layer of the mineral characterized the characters. Christ was depicted in white, the apostle John was dressed in a blue robe. Peter got a red vestment, and a gloomy tunic of dark brown color was intended for Judas.

This work impressed the Pope not only with its skill, but also with the way that an ordinary cobblestone turned into a masterpiece, although for many years it lay needlessly underfoot. So Cellini received forgiveness and the title of the beloved son of the church, and the work of the master to this day adorns the altar of the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Modern architects, following the example of the ancients, use onyx for cladding. Only today such decor is used not in temples, but at metro stations, restaurants, private residences of high-ranking persons.

onyx deposits

Onyx refers to minerals that are widely distributed throughout the globe. The most rare and exotic specimens have deposits:

  • Brazil.
  • Uruguay.
  • Arabian Peninsula.
  • India

Turkmenistan is famous for its cave deposits, where nature has created whole galleries from onyx, decorated with stalagmites and stalactites.


Industrial onyx raw materials have:

  • Pakistan.
  • Turkey.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Iran.
  • Mexico.
  • Egypt.

Russia is also rich in onyx deposits. The mineral is mined in Kolyma, Chukotka and Primorye.

physical properties

Onyx is silicon dioxide, it is a kind of quartz, in which minor impurities form parallel multi-colored layers.

Property Description
Formula SiO2
Density 2,65-2,667 g / cm³
Hardness 6,5-7
Brilliance Glass.
Syngonia Rhombic.
Transparency See through or
Color Gray, milky white, gray blue, green, brown, pink, blue, black.

Onyx is hard, frost-resistant, endowed with the ability to absorb water. These properties exceed those of Granite and Marble.

Color varieties

Onyx is often confused with Agate. However, this mineral differs from agate in the clarity of lines, pronounced brilliance, as well as noticeable heaviness. Onyxes are classified according to the alternation of stripes of one color or another:

  • Carnelian. White-red striped gem.
  • Sardonyx. This nugget is distinguished by several color options. There are red-brown, orange-red or white-brown sardonyx.sardonyx
  • Arabic onyx. A deep black stone with barely noticeable white streaks.
  • Tricolor onyx. The mineral is brown, white and blue.
  • Chalcedony. Striped white-gray gem.chalcedony
  • Marble onyx. An unusual nugget that combines stripes of all shades of green.
  • Onyx agate. Gray stone with fragments of other colors.
  • Ordinary onyx. There are minerals of pink, blue or yellow colors with stripes of different shades of the main color.
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In addition to striped gems, rare single-color expensive specimens are also mined:

  • black;
  • white;
  • green;
  • red.

Among the same-color stones, brown, blue, greenish or pink gems are often found. White onyx is often not endowed with a pure shade. Usually these are pale tones of pink or aquamarine.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, people have learned to use the healing power of onyx to treat many ailments. Powder from the mineral coped with the problems of the oral cavity, and water infused with onyx acted as a means for healing wounds and losing weight.

Modern lithotherapists recommend wearing stone jewelry according to problem areas:

  • With eye or ear diseases, earrings with marble onyx will help.
  • A red stone pendant will cope with heart diseases.
  • With arthritis, an onyx bracelet is useful.

For the treatment of other sore spots, an onyx egg is used, with which problem points are massaged daily.

It is interesting! Lithotherapists believe that marble onyx has a rejuvenating effect on the body. In addition, the green mineral suppresses chronic fatigue, improves immunity. And best of all, a stone endowed with a large number of stripes copes with these tasks.

The healing capabilities of the mineral are such that the stone is able to withstand almost any disease, including:

  • problems with the organs of speech;
  • diseases of the nervous system - phobias, depression, lethargy, outbreaks of unreasonable anxiety, insomnia;
  • prevention and treatment of impotence (minerals of red shades are suitable);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • migraines, headaches;
  • inflammatory processes, feverish conditions;
  • colic of various origins;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • rheumatism;
  • asthma;
  • drug, alcohol addiction;
  • oncological processes.

In addition, onyx improves memory, promotes concentration and increases mental abilities. Therefore, healers recommend wearing the mineral as a talisman to students. And also there is an opinion that if the room is lined with natural stone, people living there feel better.


The power of the mineral returns optimism to a person, helps to drive away laziness, fatigue and sadness. It is worth noting that only a natural mineral has such power. And the possibilities of the stone are enhanced by the presence of stripes - the more stripes, the stronger the healing powers.

The magical possibilities of the mineral

Each of the varieties of the mineral has magical powers. But there are a number of abilities inherent in all types of onyx without exception:

  • manifestation and development of the hidden talents of the owner;
  • help in gaining authority in society;
  • the stone gives a person self-confidence;
  • helps to show oratory talent;
  • contributes to the completion of the work begun;
  • the mineral develops logical thinking, intellectual abilities;
  • acts as a talisman against accidents, mortal dangers, betrayal from the inner circle, as well as from any witchcraft influence - love spell, damage, evil eye;
  • endows the owner with wisdom, endurance, determination, courage.

Onyx provides the greatest magical help to responsible and strong people. Therefore, the gem becomes a reliable talisman for rescuers, military, teachers and all those whose activities are related to leadership.

For young and quick-tempered people, the talisman will help cool the ardor, assess the current situation and not commit rash acts. The older generation needs an onyx amulet to support health, find peace, maintain optimism and protect against loneliness.

Magic of Varieties

Some of the subspecies of stone, in addition to the general impact on humans, have specific abilities inherent in a particular species.

  • Yellow onyx acts as a lifeline for apathetic individuals whose nervous system is prone to frequent depression. For such people, a solar souvenir standing in the house will be enough. The yellow talisman will illuminate the room with light, making the home a source of comfort and tranquility.yellow
  • The green mineral is the amulet of the family hearth. Such a stone protects newlyweds and spouses with many years of family experience from discord and quarrels. Beads or rings are best suited for this purpose. The talisman restores balance and tranquility to the soul. A green stone in the form of a ball or pyramid gives a powerful boost of energy, activating the sleeping abilities of the owner.green
  • White onyx will help those who do not love themselves or underestimate themselves in the form of a pendant or inserted into a ring. Also, the gem scares away unnecessary and unpleasant persons from the owner. The white stone protects families from negativity and contributes to success. Such a mineral will be a good gift for a woman who is to occupy a high position.white
  • Marble onyx is a good gift for young people on their wedding day. Such a talisman protects against rash acts, including the infidelity of spouses. For people with a choleric type of nervous system, marble mineral is suitable as a sedative, preventing mood swings.marble
  • Black onyx. The rarest, most expensive and magically powerful type of mineral. This stone is best at protecting against witchcraft forces. The black gem helps to cope with fears, including the fear of death, gives moral stamina to survive the loss.the black

Important! To maximize the magical abilities of the black nugget, it is recommended to wear the ring exclusively on the index finger. If it is a pendant, then the decoration is located in the solar plexus zone. The best cut for this mineral is an oval or round cabochon.

However, the energy of such a stone is sometimes aggressive, so you should not wear this amulet to soft-bodied individuals - the amulet supports only strong-willed and strong people. Black onyx will help such an owner achieve his goal, not allowing him to lose his common sense and wallow in greed. The black mineral is considered a stone of men, but women with a masculine character are also under the auspices of the talisman.

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A rare gem will make a good gift from parents to a graduate. The amulet will help a son or daughter to enter a university, successfully graduate, and fly up the career ladder.

The power of talismans

It is easier to activate certain magical abilities for yourself, knowing in what form the talisman will be useful for you:

  • A ring with a black onyx insert is perfect for businessmen. Thanks to the amulet, it will be possible to avoid financial losses, to establish the necessary connections. For people who are not related to entrepreneurship, such decoration will serve another purpose - it will increase self-esteem, confidence, and help get rid of the psychological consequences of long-experienced problems.
  • Kitchen items. Gem utensils are a good family item to help make food and drinks tastier.
  • Figures in the form of an apple or a pyramid. They carry healing power, helping people prone to pain. Applying such a souvenir to the problem area for several weeks in a row, there is a noticeable improvement.
  • Fish figurine. The talisman of people seeking to reach career heights. The amulet attracts good luck, finances, helps in passing exams or when speaking at castings.
  • To protect the house from thieves and destruction, any object made of a mineral is suitable.

For the manifestation of the abilities of a leader, a gold frame is suitable. Silver enhances the general magical abilities of onyx.

For people who go "over their heads" in order to achieve what they want, onyx will not provide the slightest assistance.

Compatible with other stones

Onyx is a magically powerful, self-sufficient mineral. Such a stone is not something that cannot be combined with other minerals, but simply not desirable. For example, a ruby, amethyst or pearl will somewhat "slow down", pacify the owner. Onyx is the stone of leadership. Leaders don't need appeasement.

This mineral belongs to the elements of the Earth, fueled by the support of two planets - Mercury and Saturn. This means that the proximity of fiery minerals is unacceptable. These include:

From the point of view of the astrologer Pavel Globa, onyx is not energetically compatible with Citrine.

Jewelry with mineral

Natural stone is not only beautiful, but also easy to process due to its physical properties. Therefore, jewelers do not miss the opportunity to create a variety of jewelry with onyx.


The cost of such jewelry depends more on the setting and the accompanying gemstone inserts than on the onyx itself. However, rare black and white gems are valued more than ordinary gems. Such specimens are sent in gold or silver. Therefore, the price of these jewelry is several times higher. For example:

  • Gold earrings with black onyx start at 120 euros.
  • The pendant in gold can be purchased for 50 euros or more.
  • The average price for silver rings is 12 euros, for gold rings - 180 euros.
  • Silver cufflinks cost 45-60 euros, while gold cufflinks cost about 400 euros.
  • Bracelets start at 12 euros.

Beads made of multi-colored onyx range in price from 12-25 euros, given that handmade ones are more expensive.

How to distinguish a fake

Onyx is available and inexpensive, but fakes still occur. Most often imitate a black gem. You can recognize a linden mineral as follows:

  • A natural nugget cannot be scratched with a blade.
  • The natural mineral is endowed with harmonious colors without sharp transitions. The unnatural brightness of the color also signals a fake.
  • The Linden Gem will be suspiciously cheap.
  • Natural stone is always cool and almost does not absorb the heat of the hands.

Usually, the cheapest agate, painted with all kinds of chemical dyes, acts as an imitation.

How to wear

Traditionally, we first choose an auspicious day to buy a talisman. Sardonyx and carnelian, prefer their days for acquisition. Sardonyx is recommended to be bought on the 24th lunar day, and worn from the 10th of the next cycle.

Carnelian is demanding by the 3rd day of purchase and the 17th lunar day to start using. As for the rest of onyxes, such stones are brought home on the 5th lunar day, starting to be used from the 19th lunar day.

When buying an amulet, you should try to establish a primary energy contact. Hold the gem for a few minutes in your hands. Pleasant sensations will signal friendliness, and discomfort will signal an undesirable union. Remember that you do not choose onyx, but he chooses you.

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It is believed that it is useful to wear onyx all the time so that magical abilities manifest themselves continuously. However, there is one “zest” here - with prolonged contact, a stone that does not tolerate deception can push the owner to impure desires. For example, to improve the financial situation by any means. In this case, it is worth paying attention to a change in human behavior - if the owner of the stone has become rigid, it is necessary to remove the jewelry for a while.

Onyx is considered a cold mineral, so it is best to wear jewelry in late autumn, winter or early spring. The stone has the strongest effect on middle-aged and older people.

On the hand

Onyx gives a person positive energy, but is able to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, periodically the stone must be energetically cleansed. Cold running water will do this best. After the mineral is charged under the moon.

How to care

Storage and care of onyx does not require a special approach. It is recommended to keep the jewelry in a spacious box to avoid rubbing the stones against each other.

For cleaning, a soapy solution and a brush with medium-hard bristles are suitable. A small amount of baking soda can be added if the decoration is complemented by other minerals. Another cleansing option is wiping with bread crumbs.

The gem is not afraid of high temperature, however, bright light leads to discoloration of the mineral.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs


("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries + + +
Taurus +
Cancer +
a lion +
Virgo + + +
Scales +
Scorpio +
Sagittarius +
Capricorn + + +
Aquarius +
Pisces +

According to astrologers, the magical properties of onyx stone for various zodiac signs are as follows:

Water Release:

  1. Cancer. The stone affects this zodiac sign most beneficially. By nature, Cancers are sensitive and impressionable, but nevertheless they have great potential. Onyx will help them unlock their potential, as well as help promote their business. As for color, these representatives of the water element are suitable for a stone of “marine” shades: blue, turquoise, blue, etc.
  2. Fish. It is believed that it is better for Pisces to refrain from acquiring onyx. The stone can enhance their asceticism.
  3. Scorpio. The mysterious melancholic scorpion needs protection from his sad thoughts. Black onyx can easily cope with this and drive away depression. In addition, the talisman protects against accidents and sudden upheavals, the victims of which Scorpios often become.

Air Element:

  1. Twins. Representatives of this sign are often naturally endowed with leadership qualities and creativity. With such a set, the Gemini can achieve great success. However, they are hindered by their inconstancy and windy nature. Onyx can easily cope with this: it will strengthen the strengths and help muffle the weaknesses. For Gemini, choose onyx in bright colors.
  2. Aquarius. Like Gemini, Aquarius often lacks consistency on the way to their intended goals. Onyx will help focus, lead the owner to success. Aquarius will suit stones of green shades.
  3. Libra. A blue stone will help them stay balanced and make the right decisions. If according to the horoscope you are Libra, give preference to onyx of all shades of blue.

Fire Release:

  1. Lev. The mineral will strengthen the leadership qualities of Lviv, help to win the favor of others. The most preferred for them is black onyx. As a rule, Lions by nature have a strong character and are able to curb the energy potential of the mineral.
  2. Aries. Onyx jewelry will help these hot-tempered people to be more tolerant of others.
  3. Sagittarius. The powerful energy of the sign often attracts ill-wishers. Sagittarians have the ability to "infect" others with their hobbies, and as a side effect they face envy. Black onyx will help protect Sagittarius from the evil eye, damage and evil tongues.

Earth Release:

  1. Taurus. These typical representatives of the earth element often suffer from self-doubt. The stone will help them to liberate themselves, and also (if necessary) overcome bad habits. Onyx of warm shades is suitable for Taurus.
  2. Virgo. Onyx will teach pragmatic Devs to be leaders. Often, representatives of this sign, doing all the work, undeservedly remain in the shadows. Onyx of light shades will correct the situation, teach Dev to present themselves correctly.
  3. Capricorn. People born under the sign of Capricorn will find in onyx not only a talisman, but also an adviser in making decisions.

When choosing a patron talisman, you can take into account not only the solar, but also the natal horoscope (the position of all the planets at the time of birth).