Anhydrite - description and properties, who is suitable, price and scope of application of the stone


Anhydrite is the closest relative of gypsum. This sedimentary rock is dehydrated gypsum, differing only in the absence of water in the chemical composition. Nevertheless, the mineral, unremarkable at first glance, has useful properties, which expands the scope of the stone.

History and origin

A detailed study of anhydrite took place in 1804. The mineral was described by the German scientist Abraham Werner, who gave the nugget a name that sounds like “dehydrated” in Greek. An interesting property of this stone is that anhydrite turns into gypsum without any problems, and then becomes itself again. This transformation occurs due to the absorption of water. The subsequent loss of fluid makes the gypsum anhydrite again.

Mineral – Anhydrite

The mineral also has another name - karstenite, due to the peculiarities of rock formation. When gypsum deposits are dehydrated, this leads to the formation of underground voids called karsts or caverns.

Anhydrite was used by the ancient Romans and Egyptians. Masters created beautiful vases and lamps from stone. Occasionally, the nugget was used for interior decoration of houses. For this, the mineral was sawn in the form of tiles and the walls were laid out with it. On the territory of Italian Lombardy, anhydrite has long replaced marble.

The last two centuries have been marked by a fashion for anhydrite carved writing sets. True, such objects, unfortunately, were short-lived, although they looked monumental due to the aluminosilicate veins contained in the mineral.

Do you know that in the northernmost city of the world - Norilsk - there is a mine named after "Anhydrite".

Anhydrite is of surface origin. Being an ordinary chemical sediment, the mineral lies next to such rocks as calcite, sylvin, rock salt. Anhydrite, located in areas of volcanic activity, is a deposit of hot solutions that have come to the surface.

Place of Birth

Anhydrite deposits are located all over the world:

  • Russia (Ural, Taimyr Peninsula, Perm, Orenburg region).
  • Ukraine (Artemovsk, Slavyansk).
  • Germany (South Hertz, Hannover).
  • Switzerland (Simplon Pass).
  • Austria.
  • England.
  • Mexico (state of Chihuahua).

Rare pale pink and purple-red stones are found on the Iranian islands of Hormuz and Qeshm. Violet-purple gems are mined from the Canadian Lake Ontario. Such stones are processed better than others, turning into gems weighing over 7 carats. Blue nuggets from Peru deserve special attention. For their heavenly hue, these stones were called "angelites".

physical properties

Chemically, anhydrite is a mixture of sulfur dioxide and calcium oxide. Often contains inclusions of strontium. The structure of the rock is crystalline. The nugget occurs in the form of fibrous aggregates or dense fine-grained masses. Clear-cut crystals are rare.

Property Description
Formula CaSO4
Hardness 3,0 - 3,5
Density 2,8-3,0 g / cm³
Melting temperature 1450°C
Refractive indices nα = 1.567 - 1.574, nβ = 1.574 - 1.579, nγ = 1.609 - 1.618
Syngonia Rhombic
Kink Uneven
Pleochroism Visible, colorless to purple
Cleavage Perfect
Impurities Sr,Ba and H2O
Brilliance Glassy, ​​bold and pearly
Transparency Clear, translucent or cloudy
Color White, blue, purple, gray and red

Main chemical composition:

  • calcium oxide (CaO) 41,2%,
  • sulfur trioxide (S03) 58,8%,
  • isostructural with ferruchite,
  • isostructural and isomorphic with α-BaSO4 and α-SrSO4.

Crystal structure. Sulfur ions (S6+) are located in the center of the tetrahedral oxygen groups (O2-), and each calcium ion (Ca2+) is in an eight-dimensional environment of oxygen ions.

The main property of anhydrite is its transformation into gypsum when interacting with water. The mineral does not react to hydrochloric acid, but the stone powder dissolves in sulfuric acid, but is insoluble in water. Some specimens of anhydrite luminesce or fluoresce under ultraviolet light.

The color palette

Most anhydrite samples are given gray color. The mineral is also colorless or white. There are rare specimens of a bluish tint. Bituminous organic impurities make karstenite purple or red. Barium and strontium are responsible for giving some specimens pink, brown, blue hues. Violet-red and red-blue anhydrite looks unusually beautiful.

Photo gallery of colors:

Healing properties

According to lithotherapists, upon contact with the human body, anhydrite sends vibrations caused by its own energy fields. The stone activates the body at the cellular level, setting the stage for recovery. The scope of the mineral extends to such problems as:

  • headache and toothache;
  • fever;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • purulent inflammation of the eyes, ears, lungs;
  • thyroid pathology.

For each of the problems, the gem is presented differently. For example, earrings with a stone relieve a toothache or headache, a ring will help with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and diseases of the thyroid gland or throat are treated by wearing a pendant. People suffering from Alzheimer's disease are advised to regularly keep the mineral with them. The same advice applies to those who complain of absent-mindedness or memory lapses.

Water charged with anhydrite rids the body of toxins. It is enough to throw a small pebble into a vessel with water, and then drink 1 glass of such water every day. With hormonal disorders, massage using several crystals of processed anhydrite helps.

Meditations, like yoga sessions, also cannot do without this mineral. By improving blood flow in all vessels of the human body, the stone helps to open the chakras for an influx of energy, relax muscles, and set the whole body in the right way.

Magic abilities

While healers advise the constant use of the mineral for medicinal purposes, esotericists warn against systematic contact with anhydrite. The fact is that the powerful energy of the gem, working for the benefit of a person, nevertheless acts to his detriment somewhere.


The talisman muffles the purposefulness in the owner. This causes personal inaction, as the comfort zone narrows, problems become less urgent. A person closes inside this shell, not wanting to change anything for the better.

Magicians claim that there is still magic in this stone. Anhydrite amulet protects from troubles, makes a person calmer, gives courage and honesty. Transferring to a person all the lunar power, the gem will help save the fire of love between lovers. The main thing to remember is that you can carry a stone with you only in rare cases that require it, but not all the time.

It is important to know! Anhydrite talisman works as a powerful amulet for a newborn baby. The stone will not only protect the child from negativity, but also help raise a kind person with good intentions.

Anhydrite souvenirs are appropriate to keep at home. At the same time, each of them has its own role. Figurines of animals such as a squirrel or a rabbit (hare) contribute to building a career. Silhouettes of swans, a nightingale or a stork are helpers in amorous affairs. An ordinary crystal of raw anhydrite will attract fame and success to the owner of the house.

Scope of the mineral

Anhydrite has found application in various industries. Among them are:

  • paper industry;
  • sulfuric acid production;
  • cement industry;
  • building;
  • agriculture;
  • stone cutting and jewellery.

Anhydrite is also useful in the production of ammonium sulfate. In construction, the mineral is used as a binder in the manufacture of mortars.

In addition, the stone is used for interior decoration of the walls of the premises. Old mines were previously filled with concrete, and today they are filled with anhydrite. This method is considered more cost-effective. Agronomists cultivate saline soils with this mineral.

The sphere of creation of beauty did not bypass the gem. Craftsmen carve wonderful souvenirs from anhydrite: vases, caskets, figurines of animals and birds.

Figure made of stone

This is interesting! Until the beginning of the 1725th century, Russia received the mineral from abroad. The first enterprise for the production of handicrafts, souvenirs, decorative elements from this mineral was opened in Peterhof by decree of Tsar Peter I in XNUMX.

Jewelers use the most beautiful stone samples to create inexpensive, but very beautiful designer accessories. Rare transparent large crystals (up to 10 carats) can be faceted and end up with collectors. Hand makers also do not miss the opportunity to create inexpensive jewelry from available anhydrite cabochons.

Jewelry with mineral

Anhydrite, as a raw material for jewelry, is little known within Russia. Abroad, on the contrary, this mineral is successfully used for making jewelry.

The most popular is blue Peruvian anhydrite, also known as angelite. Italians love this mineral - the stone can be successfully polished, beautiful beads and cabochons are obtained from it. Products with this stone look gentle and sophisticated. Prices for such jewelry are more than affordable:

  • Peruvian stone pendant starts from 6 euros;
  • earrings can be bought for 10-13 euros.

Beads from Angelite
Beads from Angelite
Handicraft beads are sold even cheaper. Of these, handmakers create beads and bracelets.

Did you know that the name "angelite" came only in 1987. This is a purely trade name for one of the varieties of anhydrite. In the magical world, angelite is considered a heavenly stone. When a person needs help, you need to turn to the stone with these words: “My angel, be with me. You are ahead and I am behind you.

Due to the rarity of the mineral, as well as because of the fragility, jewelry with angelite is not numerous. The frames are inexpensive metals - bronze, cupronickel, brass, and occasionally silver. Carvings or icons in the form of angels are popular among Catholics.

anel of stone

Care instructions

Jewelry with anhydrite, although beautiful, is short-lived. In order for the stone to serve for the good as long as possible, it must be used carefully and stored in special conditions.

Any mechanical load on the mineral is contraindicated, as are abrasive substances. Cleaning does not allow aggressive chemicals. The stone does not tolerate moisture - from the water it will irrevocably turn into gypsum.

Therefore, it must be stored in a dry place, not forgetting the prohibitions on going to the sauna, pool or beach.

How to distinguish a fake

Despite the scarcity of the range of anhydrite (angelite) jewelry, fakes made of plastic are still found. One of the surest ways to check the authenticity of a stone will be fatal for him - it's water. The mineral will absorb it, but plastic and glass, of course, will not. Other signs of naturalness are the presence of cracks, defects, inclusions. Ideal, bright, smooth stones often speak of a fake.

Anhydrite is an inexpensive mineral, even cheap. However, buying an imitation instead of a natural gem is insulting not so much financially as morally. After all, first of all, it is a talisman. Therefore, be careful.

Astrological affiliation

Astrologers have not found any contraindications to wearing anhydrite by any zodiac families. It is believed that this mineral is not picky about the constellations, but does not tolerate certain personal qualities - deceit, hypocrisy, malice.


("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Taurus +
Gemini +
Cancer +
a lion +
Virgo +
Scales +
Scorpio +
Sagittarius +
Capricorn +
Aquarius + + +
Pisces + + +

Best of all, the mineral will open in the owners born under the signs of Pisces and Aquarius.

In order for the mineral to work at full strength, anhydrite must be nourished by lunar energy, with which it is closely associated. The gem is charged by the light of the full moon on a patch of purple silk.

Anhydrite is a simple but extraordinary mineral that brings good luck to a person. In order for this stone to become a reliable talisman, you must have a good heart, pure thoughts. Do not forget about a careful attitude to your amulet, because it is not just a stone - it needs to be protected, it needs to be looked after, energized. Then the gem will repay you in kind.

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