Diabase stone - origin, properties, varieties and scope


Diabase is one of the most ancient volcanic rocks, found in nature in the form of granular masses or - quite rarely - crystals. This unusually durable and beautiful mineral was appreciated by stone cutters, builders and lovers of Russian steam baths.

In the specialized literature, diabase is often referred to as:

  • dolerite;
  • altered full-crystalline basalt;
  • full-crystalline basalt with an ophitic structure.

What is this stone?

Diabase stone is a hypabyssal rock formed at a relatively shallow depth, which, in terms of its structure and occurrence conditions, occupies an intermediate position between erupted and deep (abyssal) rocks of volcanic origin.

Diabases are among the granular-crystalline rocks, which are aggregates of augite and plagioclase.

The mineral composition of different types of diabase may include other minerals, for example: limonite, quartz, enstatite, hornblende, olivine, apatite, ilmenite, biotite, magnetite, calcite, serpentine, etc.

Due to the similarity of the mineral composition, diabase is often considered a variety of basalt, however, compared to the latter, the silica content in it is quite low and does not exceed 50%.

From the point of view of mineralogists, the formation of powerful layers of diabase - traps - was due to geological processes that took place in the bowels of our planet, as a result of which volcanic magma rose in colossal volumes to the upper layers of the earth's crust.

Diabase rocks

One of the most significant traps, located on the territory of the Deccan Plateau (Hindostan), was formed, according to one of the versions of scientists, as a result of the ejection of volcanic lava to the Earth's surface after its collision with a huge meteorite.

In diabase deposits, deposits of silver and copper, as well as radioactive (thorium, uranium) and rare earth (niobium, titanium, tantalum) elements are often found.

In the diabase layers located on the territory of the East Siberian Platform, rich deposits of Icelandic spar and graphite are concentrated.

In the South American traps of Argentina and Bolivia, geologists periodically discover significant (up to several cubic meters) voids studded with amethysts.

Production volumes and history of use

Diabase stone breed

  • Diabase, mined from sedimentary rocks, is of volcanic origin and has a history dating back hundreds of millions of years. The explored reserves of this rock on a global scale are millions of cubic meters, and the thickness of the layers varies from a few tens of centimeters to hundreds of meters.
  • Massive blocks of gabbro-diabase rocks, which perfectly accumulate heat and are not afraid of sudden temperature changes when in contact with cold water, have been used by the inhabitants of Rus' as bath stones since time immemorial.
  • The Crimean diabase was used for the construction and cladding of the Vorontsov Palace, located in the city of Alupka (Crimea).
  • Red Square in Moscow in 1930 was paved with paving stones from Karelian diabase mined on the shores of Lake Onega. In 1974, during the reconstruction of Red Square, the paving stones were completely renewed and laid on a concrete base. The new pavement was made from gabbro-diabase.

physical properties


Diabase, which is an opaque full-crystalline fine-grained rock, is very close to basalt in its properties, as well as in its mineral and chemical composition.

Natural diabase, which is not afraid of frost, extreme heat, or sudden temperature changes, is characterized by:

  • High (within 500 MPa) compressive strength. This characteristic of the stone is of the greatest value. Granite - for comparison - has a strength of 90-250 MPa. Due to this property, diabase is able to withstand enormous loads (dynamic and static).
  • Excellent frost resistance (up to 300 cycles), which allows the mineral to easily withstand the effects of abnormally low temperatures.
  • hardness (on the Mohs scale), equal to 7 points.
  • microhardness from 7 to 10 GPa.
  • Abrasion, which is 0,07 g/cm2.
  • High (2,79-3,3 g/cm3) density.
  • Specific Gravity about 3 g / cm3.
  • Coefficient total porosity, amounting to 0,8-12.
  • ophitic structureformed by randomly arranged elongated plagioclase crystals, the voids between which are filled with augite.
  • Uneven fracture.
  • melting point, fluctuating between 1000-1250 degrees.
  • minor coefficient of uniform expansion during heating.
  • Thermal conductivity within 1,71-2,90 W / (m K).
  • heat capacity, component 783-929 J/(kg K).
  • Low (not more than 0,1%) the level of water absorption. The stone practically does not absorb water.
  • Specific radioactivitynot exceeding 74 Bq/kg.
  • Limited color range, represented by black, green and gray.
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Diabase stone

Chemical composition

The average chemical composition of diabase is as follows:

  • 49% SiO2;
  • 15,7% Al2О3;
  • 9,3% CaO;
  • 7,7% FeO;
  • 5,9% MgO;
  • 4% FeO3;
  • 2,8% Na2O;
  • 1,5% TiO2;
  • 0,3%P2O5;
  • 0,3% MNO;
  • 0,9% K2O.

Forms of finding diabase stones

Diabase stone

The formation of the main deposits of diabase occurs in areas with a gentle occurrence of sedimentary rocks and in areas of accumulation of volcanic lava and tuffs:

  • In the vast majority of cases, diabase rocks compose intrusive (formed as a result of solidification of volcanic magma at a certain depth from the earth's surface) geological bodies called dikes and sills. Their power can be different (from 2-3 to several hundred meters).
  • Quite often, veins and layers of diabase are formed at the bottom of the seas and oceans.
  • Sometimes diabases are composed of effusive (arising from the solidification of lava on the surface of the earth or near it) geological bodies: covers and flows.

Varieties of diabase

Diabase stone

There are different classifications that make it possible to systematize the diversity (there are more than two dozen) of diabase rocks, based on their origin, properties, and features of the chemical and mineralogical composition.

According to the classification that divides mountain diabase rocks into three large groups, diabases are:

  • quartz;
  • ordinary (not containing olivine);
  • olivine (they are also called dolerites).

The most popular is the classification that groups diabases according to their mineralogical composition and features, which makes it possible to distinguish between the following varieties:

  • augite;
  • amphibole;
  • needle;
  • anorthite;
  • aphanitic;
  • albite;
  • analcite;
  • bronze;
  • variolitic;
  • diallag;
  • dipyr;
  • vein;
  • grainy;
  • malacolitic;
  • almond stone;
  • pegmatite;
  • porphyritic;
  • ashy;
  • spotted;
  • salite;
  • syenite;
  • mica;
  • spilite;
  • teralitic;
  • tuff;
  • Uralite;
  • ball;
  • alkaline;
  • enstatite;
  • essexite.

The most demanded type of mineral - gabbro-diabase - is mined in large volumes in the USA, Great Britain, Ukraine, Australia, France and Russia.

Diabase deposits

Extraction of diabase

Numerous deposits of diabase available on all continents are unequal in volume (the thickness of the lenses and layers of this mineral can be different: from tens of centimeters to several hundred meters) and the value of the extracted raw materials.

For example, Karelian black diabases are valued much higher than the greenish-gray rock mined in the quarries of the Crimea.

The quality of Australian diabases is identical to the characteristics of Karelian stones, but they are three times more expensive than the latter.

The largest deposits of diabase are located in:

  • Brazil.
  • UK.
  • Argentina.
  • Of Finland.
  • India
  • Russia (the main suppliers of the mineral are: Crimea, Urals, Karelia, Altai and Eastern Siberia).

The extraction of diabases is carried out by sparing methods, which allow to preserve the integrity of the stones as much as possible.

Extraction of diabase

The most popular are:

  • Diamond Sawing Method, consisting in the use of special stone cutters equipped with diamond-coated ropes. The ropes are passed through pre-drilled holes and, continuously pulled by wire rope machines, blocks of the desired size are cut out, which are then taken out by an excavator.
  • Drilling and blasting method, in which holes (narrow holes) are drilled in the rock, into which an explosive is placed and an explosion is carried out to obtain blocks of the maximum size.
  • hydraulic method, involving the use of a hydrowedge installation. Hydraulic wedges are immersed in pre-drilled holes, which, under the pressure of hydraulic fluid, push the walls of the pits apart, splitting the monolithic layer into pieces.

To obtain crushed stone of various geometric shapes and sizes, various crushing and screening devices are used:

  • impact centrifugal granulators;
  • cone or jaw crushers;
  • crushers equipped with a cone-inertial system.

Differences between diabase and dolerite

Dolerite stone

Both diabase and dolerite are full-crystalline rocks (most often fine- or medium-grained) consisting of augite and plagioclase and having an ophitic texture.

In terms of mineral and chemical composition, dolerites and diabases are hypabyssal analogues of basalt..

In modern mineralogy, the term "diabase" is considered obsolete.

Today it is used in relation to altered rocks in which the minerals that make them up to one degree or another turned out to be subject to decomposition.

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Cainotype (that is, fresh, unaltered by secondary geological processes) igneous rocks of a similar composition are called dolerites.

However, in some cases, the term "diabase" still refers to fresh rocks, introducing confusion into petrographic terminology.

The authors of the Petrographic Code of Russia (2009 version) insist that the use of the term "diabase" should be abandoned, using the name "altered dolerite" if necessary.

Magical properties

Diabase stone
Pigeons from diabase

Diabase is endowed with pronounced magical properties, thanks to which it is capable of:

  1. Render support to its owner, starting a new project, helping him to overcome the difficulties of the initial period.
  2. prompt the only correct way out of a critical situation.
  3. Create comfortable microclimate in the family and work team.
  4. Render assistance in promoting a stagnant business.
  5. Protect its owner from the negativity coming from ill-wishers, energy vampires and envious people.
  6. Enhance performance of its owner.
  7. To help the owner does not make mistakes in a situation of difficult choice.

Mineral support can be enlisted by people who take an active life position. Passive and lazy individuals may not count on the help of a stone.

Medicinal properties

Diabase stone

The healing properties of diabase allow it to be used for:

  1. Normalization blood pressure.
  2. Cupping pain syndromes of various origins.
  3. Fortifications nervous system.
  4. Improvements throughput of blood vessels.
  5. Wellness all systems of the human body. For this purpose, the massage of the Zakharyin-Ged zones, performed with a diabase ball, works well. In order to speed up the treatment of the organs of the genitourinary system, the patient is recommended to hold green diabase in his hands from time to time, entering into close tactile contact with it.
  6. Treatments superficial hyperalgesia (pain in certain areas of the skin that occurs without any mechanical irritation) that accompanies some diseases of the peripheral nervous system. In this case, brightly colored diabases are used, crushed into powder and mixed with a massage cream, which is then used to rub the sore spot.
  7. Local therapeutic heating of problem areas. For such procedures, flat diabase pebbles with rounded edges are excellent, they accumulate well and gradually release thermal energy.

In order to strengthen the health of the inhabitants of the house, it is enough to place an unprocessed block of diabase or several figurines from this mineral in it.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Diabase stone
Gabbro diabase backgammon

Diabase, focused not so much on specific signs of the zodiac as on the personal qualities of people, is equally suitable for representatives of all zodiac constellations, but on one condition: they must be efficient and active.

Lazy and apathetic individuals may not count on the support of the stone.

The only exception to this rule are people born under the sign scorpion, enjoying the special favor of the mineral.

Black diabase will be an ideal talisman for them, able to ensure success in all endeavors.

Talismans and charms


In order for the magical properties of the diabase talisman to be fully revealed, it should be worn correctly:

  1. If the owner of the stone faces something new and unknown, any business in which he has no experience, the mineral should be worn around the neck. The magical power of the stone will help its owner succeed in any endeavor (for example, when passing an important interview or when starting a new business).
  2. In order to gain the support of influential people, having ensured their participation in any project, to receive sponsorship, a loan or a grant, it is necessary to wear diabase on the left side of the body. In the same way, a talisman should be worn by people who need qualified advice from a realtor or lawyer.
  3. Position an amulet or talisman from diabase on the right side of the body is recommended for people interested in a quick solution to long-standing problems, as well as for those who find themselves in a critical or risky situation (for example, employees of a company on the verge of ruin or people who will participate in a lawsuit).

Diabase Jewelry

As a rule, not jewelers, but stone cutters are engaged in making jewelry from diabase and dolerite:

  • On the shelves of Russian jewelry stores selling products made from natural minerals, you can find pendants, bracelets, earrings, brooches and pendants made of Yakut dolerite.
  • In Europe, dolerite products (represented by pins for neckerchiefs, cufflinks and tie clips) are in great demand among men.
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Stone application


The aesthetic expressiveness of diabase, which is, in fact, a composite mineral representing plagioclase interspersed with calcite, apatite, hornblende, limonite, quartz, serpentine and other rocks, is largely determined by the visual qualities of the mineral grain.

Being an unusually strong, hard and durable material, having a small coefficient of linear expansion at temperature jumps and capable of withstanding enormous static loads, diabase has found application:

  • In construction: This is the main industry, taking most of the raw materials.
    • Diabase slabs and blocks are used for the construction and cladding of buildings, pools and fountains. This finish gives them solidity and monumentality.
    • In the interior space of residential premises, diabase is used for the manufacture of stair steps, window sills, countertops, curly balusters, fireplace and wall cladding. Thanks to these details, the interior of the room acquires sophistication and aristocracy.
    • Diabase crumb and crushed stone are used as a heat-insulating and reinforcing filler in building mixtures and concrete.
    • Diabase is an excellent material for creating road surfaces and paving urban areas. This is confirmed by the diabase paving stones that cover Red Square and have been serving regularly for 46 years.
  • In applied arts:
    • Polished dark gray and black diabase is used for the manufacture of small plastic, photo frames, boxes, vases, candelabra, writing instruments and chess pieces. Any products made of this stone look elegant and belong to the category of status presents.
    • Diabase is used to create highly artistic cast products, the beauty of which is comparable to Kasli casting. In this regard, diabase is practically not inferior to cast iron and bronze. With strong heating, the stone is plasticized, filling in the molten form the most delicate bends of the mold and not losing its physical properties after cooling. After the final polishing, the cast products become especially expressive.
  • In the aquarium. Gabbro-diabase soil, which does not contain easily soluble minerals and therefore does not emit harmful substances into the water, can be used in an aquarium for planting aquatic plants and creating spectacular compositions.

diabase in the aquarium

  • As an ideal bath stone: quickly heating up, keeping heat for a long time, not afraid of stove heat, boiling water and sudden temperature changes. When choosing a bath stone, it is necessary to give preference to specimens that have a fine-grained structure, since it is they who are able to withstand the maximum number of “heating-cooling” cycles. Karelian gabbro-dolerite meets all these requirements: an environmentally friendly and chemically safe mineral that has no contraindications.
  • as the ideal material (most often it is black gabbro-diabase), from which monuments and tombstones are made.
Diabase stone
Diabase in the bath

The main disadvantage of diabases is their high resistance to processing, which necessitates significant labor costs in the extraction and manufacture of products from this stone.

diobase stone price

Diabase porch

You can buy diabase, dolerite and gabbro-diabase in the widest range (from crushed stone to large blocks) via the Internet.

The price of the stone is relatively low:

  • Chipped or bunted gabbro-diabase, intended for a sauna or a bath, is sold in corrugated cardboard boxes (20 kg each). The cost of 1 box is 2,5-3 euros.
  • The cost of diabase crushed stone is about 5 euros per 1 ton.

The price of diabase - depending on the size of the fractions and the degree of processing - can vary between 50-300 dollars per m3.

If the distance is long, then most of the cost of a heavy stone will be its delivery.

Stone care

Caring for diabase consists of periodically removing dirt with a soapy solution or a special cleaner for marble or granite.

To prevent the formation of chips, the cleaned surface of the stone is covered with wax. Thanks to this manipulation, it acquires a well-groomed appearance and does not get dirty longer.

Fake diamond

Diabase stone
Facade made of artificial diabase

Artificial diabase is a decorative material used for facade cladding. Its main characteristics - strength and durability - are in no way inferior to those of natural stone.

Due to its composition, artificial diabase is much lighter than its natural counterpart, but it is more resistant in contact with modern reagents, practically does not absorb water and is perfectly sanitized.

The process of obtaining artificial diabase is referred to as "vibration casting", since the material used is compacted using vibration.

In order for the texture of the artificial stone to resemble the pattern of natural diabase as much as possible, it is cast using special silicone molds.

With the help of special colors obtained on specialized equipment, artificial stone is painted in tones characteristic of natural minerals.

A building lined with artificial diabase will acquire not only an attractive appearance and additional thermal insulation, but will also be reliably protected from mechanical damage and dampness for several decades.

The indisputable advantage of decorative diabase - in comparison with natural stone - is its lower cost.

Interesting Facts

Diabase stone
Violin “Blackbird”

There is the only full-size diabase violin in the world, created by Swedish sculptor and artist Lars Wiedenfalk based on sketches by Antonio Stradivari.

The stone instrument, which bears the name "Blackbird" (partly due to the color of the violin, and partly a tribute to the tradition according to which Stradivarius named his instruments after songbirds), sounds no worse than his wooden counterparts.

The weight of the violin is only 2 kg, since the thickness of its walls does not exceed 2,5 mm. The idea of ​​creating the instrument was born by Wiedenfalk in 1990, while cladding one of the concert halls in Oslo with black diabase blocks.

Noticing that when exposed to a chisel and a hammer, diabase emits a melodic sound, Wiedenfalk decided to make a full-fledged musical instrument out of it.

As material for the violin, the sculptor used an old tombstone from the grave of his grandfather, which remained after the restoration of the family burial. Work on the instrument lasted 2 years. Inside it is covered with gilding, the stand is made of Siberian mammoth bone.

The stone violin received the blessing of the Pope, and the Swedish composer Sven-David Sandström wrote the music especially for it.

Even members of royal families come to listen to the sound of an amazing instrument.

Other facts:

  1. The inner circle of the world-famous cult building Stonehenge, located in the English county of Wiltshire, consists of multi-ton blocks of dolerite, skillfully processed by the hands of ancient masons.
  2. Dolerite was a favorite material of Egyptian sculptors who used it to make statues of pharaohs: most of the sculptures that have come down to us, exhibited in many museums around the world, are made from this mineral.