Hawkeye - properties of a stone, healing and magical properties, who suits, jewelry and price


The hawk's eye stone, endowed with iridescence - bright glare that occurs when its position changes (the mineral labrador has the same optical effect), has always had a magical effect on a person.

According to the ideas of primitive people, the crystals of this mineral are the eyes of the supreme deity - the owner of the entire universe. With their help, he observes the Earth. That is why the properties of a powerful amulet are attributed to this stone.

What is this stone

Hawkeye Stone

The falcon's (or hawk's) eye is a valuable ornamental stone - a special kind of translucent quartz with amphibole inclusions.

Most often, its crystals are blue, cyan or grayish-blue, and the cabochons made from them show a silky iridescence due to inclusions of crocidolite and the presence of numerous parallel hollow channels.

Scientific studies have shown that the formation of eye stones (this category includes minerals: bovine, brindle and feline eye) is a consequence of the replacement of asbestos-like veins with quartz.

A similar effect of a tracking “eye” is created by the fibrous structures of oxidized riebeckite, which gives the gem its most characteristic shades: from pale blue to dark blue (almost black) color.

When mixing golden and blue fibers, a kind of gem is obtained - a tiger-falcon eye stone.

History of origin


There are many legends about the origin of this mysterious mineral.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians

This gem was once the left eye of Horus (a deity who had a human body and the head of a falcon), lost during a fight with Set, the god of death, war and chaos. Both deities after the death of the main ruler of the kingdom of the dead - Osiris - claimed his throne, and the eye of Horus was gouged out by Set during the battle for the throne.

Since then, the Egyptians began to perform a ceremony to restore the lost eye, which began to be identified with the moon. According to their ideas, with the monthly change of the lunar cycle, the fight of the mythical deities was repeated, so the ceremony was held in each phase of the moon.

There are two versions of the legend about the rite of restoration of the eye: According to the first, Hathor (the goddess of beauty and fertility) took part in the ceremony, filling her empty eye socket with milk. According to the second, the god of embalming, Anubis, buried the gouged eye out in the ground. Soon he was revived, taking the form of luxurious vineyards that grew in the burial place, on the side of the mountain.

The revived eye was presented by Horus as a gift to Osiris: having swallowed it, he was resurrected. From that moment on, the eye of Horus was turned into a symbol of the resurrection from the dead, and the Egyptians had a tradition of wearing amulets from a hawk's eye during rituals dedicated to the dead.

In ancient India

The hawk eye was considered a symbol of Brahma, the god of creation. According to the ideas of the Hindus, the connection with the creator god occurs precisely through this mineral, therefore its value for them far exceeds the cost of any precious stones, including Diamonds.

With the help of a hawk's eye, in their opinion, one can open the sixth chakra, which opens access to other dimensions, helps to master clairvoyance and comprehend higher wisdom.

The help of a gem can give a person the ability to read minds and awaken a "sixth sense" in him.

In the Christian world

Ideas about the mysterious mineral were directly opposite. According to them, after the completion of the flood, Satan, the supreme demon of evil, could not find a sinner who would agree to give him his soul. Then the devil created magnificent iridescent gems and scattered them all over the world.

The people who found them could not take their eyes off the mysterious band that shimmered inside the stones. The longer they peered into them, the more they forgot, losing faith in God, a sense of duty and love.

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Instead, anger and hatred penetrated the souls. From people who wore mysterious gems, God turned away and stopped noticing them.

Even their best deeds ceased to be counted, so after death such a person was doomed to go to hell. That is why these stones were used only by sorcerers and magicians who were able to protect themselves from the effects of dark forces and did not receive any harm from them.

Ordinary people - according to Christians - could completely fall under the influence of an eye mineral that could provoke them to commit bad deeds.

Today, the notoriety of the gem has remained in the distant past. It is worn without fear of either curses or the approach of imminent death.

Ancient people considered shimmering pebbles to be fragments of stars that fell to the ground.

Stone application

Hawkeye beads

The main purpose of this beautiful mineral is its use in jewelry:

  • Small and medium tumbling is used to make bracelets and beads.
  • After polishing, medium-sized stones are used to make pendants and inserts for earrings and rings, which are most often set in white metal (silver, cupronickel, white gold), which goes well with the natural color of the gem.
  • Large gems are used to create figurines and souvenirs.

physical properties

Hawkeye: stone properties, meaning, photo
tiger hawk eye

Hawkeye, which is silicon oxide and interspersed with crocidolite and rhodusite, is included in the group of eye quartz:

  1. The physical properties of a hawk's eye are almost identical to those of ordinary quartz, with the only exception: a natural stone containing compressed crocidolite fibers is highly resistant to any mechanical stress. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 7-8 points.
  2. The most common color of the mineral is dark blue. In nature, there are samples of blue, bluish-gray, pink, black, light green and blue.
  3. This iridescent translucent gem, endowed with a glassy luster, has a well-defined light spot that moves when the stone is turned like the pupil of an eyeball. Hawkeye cabochons after polishing acquire a beautiful silky overflow.
  4. The fracture of the mineral is brilliant.

Place of Birth

Hawkeye is the rarest representative of the group of eye quartz. The main deposit of this mineral is located on the territory of East Grikvaland, which is part of South Africa.

The quality of gems mined in different countries can vary significantly:

  • The most beautiful stones come from South Africa, the USA and India.
  • Less flashy minerals, rarely used in jewelry, are mined in Australia, Mexico and the Czech Republic.
  • There is a small field of hawk's eye on the island of Sri Lanka.

Varieties and colors

Hawkeye: stone properties, meaning, photo

In nature, pebbles that have a dark blue color are most often found, however, in extremely rare cases, prospectors find gems of the following shades:

  • pink;
  • dark grey;
  • light green or light green;
  • bright orange (almost amber);
  • dark red.

The central veins of these rare specimens, called needles, are most often rusty or blue-green in color.

Medicinal properties

Hawkeye beads

The healing properties of the mineral are very diverse. It has been used for a long time for:

  1. Strengthening the immune system.
  2. Stops inflammatory processes and in order to alleviate the course of serious diseases.
  3. Improving the functioning of the digestive tract.
  4. Removing mental and emotional stress by contemplating shimmering gems (session duration - 15-20 minutes): this helps the owner of the stone to normalize the emotional state and get rid of fatigue.
  5. Treatment of arthritis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and complex pathologies of the spinal column. In spa salons, heated stones make a special massage that helps get rid of joint and muscle pain. Lithotherapists claim that a few sessions of massage with heated pebbles (they are placed on the lumbar region and on the back) are enough to get rid of the pain caused by any chronic diseases.
  6. Treatment of mental and neurological disorders.
  7. Treatment of the skin in case of a rash, as well as in the presence of wounds, cuts and abrasions.

Magical properties


The magical properties of the hawk's eye are truly multifaceted.

This mineral, suitable for ambitious individuals with clearly defined goals and absolutely contraindicated for weak people, is capable of:

  1. Sharpen intuition and reveal in a person the ability to telepathy and clairvoyance.
  2. Maintain peace in the family by reviving warm relations between spouses after serious conflicts.
  3. Develop the intellect by honing the sharpness of the mind.
  4. Help lonely people find their love.
  5. Protect representatives of dangerous professions from misfortunes (this category includes: firefighters, military, pilots and rescuers).
  6. Protect overly gullible and sentimental people from the dangers.
  7. Ensure the success of business negotiations.
  8. Create a protective aura for a very close person (just put a gem next to his photo).
  9. Help young girls meet a worthy contender for her hand and heart and create a strong family.
  10. Permanently relieve its owner of aerophobia (fear of flying on an airplane).
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Talismans and charms

Falcon's eye rosary

Hawkeye, like all eye quartz, is one of the protective stones that, like the eyes of unknown predators, watch those around them, warning them that the owner of the stone is under reliable supervision.

And in fact: thanks to a thin glare of light constantly moving over the stone at different angles of illumination, an illusion can be created that the gem really notices everything and protects its owner.

Being a powerful amulet, the hawk's eye is equally suitable for both women and men. He is capable of:

  1. Protect them from any negative energy impact (curses, damage and the evil eye), as well as gossip and theft. In order for children not to become the object of the evil eye, it is necessary to put a gem at their head. A pebble sewn into a children's pillow will guarantee a healthy and sound sleep.
  2. Save your home from fires and natural disasters. To do this, just hang a pebble on the wall or above the front door.
  3. Protect your master with an energy shield from the machinations of ill-wishers. There is a belief according to which a person who came to a house with insidious intentions should be offered to touch the amulet from a falcon's eye. After that, the uninvited guest will not only not be able to harm its owner, but will not even linger in the house, taking all the negative energy with it. The return entrance to this house will be closed to him forever.
  4. Warn your master of impending danger. If he talks with a person who has planned something evil against him, the stone inserted into the ring will become heavier and begin to put pressure on his finger. In this case, the conversation should be immediately interrupted, henceforth terminating all relations with this interlocutor.
  5. To protect its owner from all the troubles that can happen to him on the way, therefore, when going on a long journey, the amulet must be taken with you: thanks to his help, he will definitely return home alive and healthy.

In order for the talisman not to begin to feed on the energy of its owner and work only for his benefit, it is necessary to periodically send him to rest.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Hawkeye: stone properties, meaning, photo

The astrological compatibility of the hawk's eye, which is a universal talisman, is truly unique: with a few exceptions, representatives of almost all zodiac signs can wear it:

  • For Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, which are signs of the fire element, the gem will become a reliable amulet that protects them from all sorts of misfortunes and helps to contain the intensity of emotions and feelings. Aries, constantly keeping a hawk's eye with them, will receive protection from the effects of energy vampires.
  • Cancers with the help of this gem, they will be able to achieve financial well-being.
  • Aquarius and Capricorn they will find in him a real protector, helping to overcome life's hardships. The support of the amulet will help them create a strong marriage and find family happiness.

For those born under the signs Scorpio and Virgo, it is better to refuse to wear this gem: not having special love for them, the stone will cause them some psychological discomfort.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries ++
Taurus +
Gemini +
Cancer ++
a lion ++
Scales +
Sagittarius ++
Capricorn ++
Aquarius ++
Pisces +

Jewelry and their cost

Hawkeye decoration

Since the Hawkeye is a semi-precious ornamental stone, jewelry with it is affordable and full of variety, and representatives of any gender can choose an individual amulet for themselves. The jewelry industry offers a diverse selection of amulets:

  • Earrings. An indispensable accessory for the fairer sex. Suitable for active, purposeful women. Hawk stone inlays are perfect for evening wear as well as everyday looks. Prices start from 6 euros for simple models, up to 35 euros, depending on the design and metal of the piece.
  • A bracelet. A good assistant in making difficult decisions in matters of health. Wearing a Hawkeye bracelet contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, respiratory tract, improves vision, and helps to get rid of back pain. Prices for such jewelry range from 10-35 euros, depending on the color and size of the mineral elements.
  • Beads, pendants, necklaces. Decoration for fearless people who live by the principle "I see the goal, I see no obstacles." Prices for such jewelry start from 20 euros.
  • Rings. They help the owner to reveal intuition, to see the danger. This talisman can be worn by both women and men. Such medium-sized cabochon silver jewelry costs more than 35 euros.
  • Rosary, key rings. An accessory for men who see themselves as a leader with a clear life position. In terms of price range, key rings are very affordable, from 3 euros. The rosary is somewhat more expensive, in the range of 20-35 euros.
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In addition to individual jewelry made of hawk stone, they make all kinds of figurines, watches, and other souvenirs that will become a welcome amulet in every home.

Other uses of stone

  • Lamellar sections (thin plates of a mineral glued onto glass) of a falcon's eye are purchased by employees of mosaic workshops and used to create panels from natural gems.
  • All sorts of souvenirs, figurines and table clocks that can play the role of home amulets are made from the hawk's eye.
  • Heated stones are used by lithotherapists and spa specialists to perform therapeutic massage.

Fake diamond

Given the large number of deposits of the hawk's eye mineral, there is absolutely no need to manufacture its synthetic counterparts.

Primitive imitations of this stone, made from borosilicates and glass, are extremely rare, since there is no point in wasting time counterfeiting such a cheap and widespread mineral.

How to distinguish from fakes

Most often, stones that are passed off as natural "hawkeye" are made from artificial ulexite or borosilicate glass. At first glance, it is quite difficult to distinguish a fake from a natural stone.

How to determine which stone is genuine:

  • Artificial stones, as a rule, are painted in overly colorful colors, and instead of an eye effect, a bright light glare is observed.
  • The main sign of a fake is the low cost of products sold from street stalls or in spontaneous markets.

You can insure yourself against acquiring a fake if you buy gems in specialized stores or at thematic sales exhibitions.

What stones are combined with

Hawkeye pairs well with closely related minerals, which include any variety quartz, while its proximity to precious and semi-precious stones (diamonds, grenades, rubies и sapphires) would look completely out of place.

Eye quartz care

Jewelry from the Hawkeye mineral is unpretentious in care due to its hardness. However, even for "stubborn" stones, there are several rules for careful use:

  • it is better to protect the product from mechanical impact, shock;
  • avoid the influence of elevated temperature;
  • store preferably in a closed container to exclude the possibility of falls, scratches and chips;
  • do not store Hawkstone jewelry with softer rocks, so as not to damage the latter;
  • you can clean the stone with soapy water and a brush with soft hairs;
  • to give shine, the gem is wiped with a silk napkin.


With proper care, jewelry will last for many years.

Interesting Facts

Hawkeye: stone properties, meaning, photo

  • Constant (for several weeks or months) wearing a falcon's eye amulet helps to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and improve its composition.
  • Products with inserts from a hawk's eye help their owner get rid of a number of serious ailments. The constant wearing of earrings contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin levels; with the help of a pendant, you can improve the functioning of the digestive tract; the healing effect of the bracelet will help cure some skin diseases.