What to give a business lady?

Professional gifts

“Losing is not the same as going down. It means to accept and stay downstairs.” - Mary Pickford, Hollywood's first businesswoman.

In our time, a lot has been turned upside down - girls do boxing, and boys do ballet, people are delighted with bald cats, anything can become an object of modern art - the main thing is to present it correctly. Our time has made a “stronger sex” out of a woman, a family breadwinner and a careerist.

gift for business woman

A beautiful feminine charm is hidden behind a business image, but the position obliges you to maintain the style of a business lady.

Format of interaction with a business woman

Feminists rejoice - now women and men are absolutely equal in rights. But how did this affect the character of the woman? From a domestic cat, she turned into a toothy shark, for which a career is sometimes above all else. But, nevertheless, this fish still wants to be treated like a lady, to be looked after and at least sometimes let her feel defenseless. What to give a business woman, you ask? – This is not such a difficult task as it seems at first glance. For example, you…


Do not try to buy a very expensive gift - a business woman may begin to treat you as a flatterer and a pleaser. Don't try to pick something very personal - you might not guess. However, if you are on excellent terms with your boss, these rules can be adjusted. For example, you know that she is a fan of Lermontov. You can buy an originally designed collection of works - it seems to be expensive and quite intimate, but due to the fact that you know exactly about her tastes, a business woman will appreciate such a gift.

battery gift for business lady

It is appropriate to receive an external battery as a gift - a practical, non-binding gift from a subordinate


If you are a business partner of a woman businessman, then most likely you have common ground outside of work. Maybe you go bowling together? Gather your friends and colleagues and arrange a feast in her honor, followed by entertainment in the same bowling alley or sauna - let the "hard worker" relax a bit.

gift for business lady

A quality branded jewelry box should be in every businesswoman


There is a similar principle as with a subordinate. Not too expensive, not too cheap, not too personal, but not completely impersonal either. The gift should not be insanely original (but if you are sure that a colleague loves originality, then go ahead), but an ordinary diary with a pen is also not suitable.

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Let it be a beautiful mouse, a flower in a pot that she could put on her desktop, or, if it is a writing instrument, then a well-known company that emphasizes the efficiency of a business woman. And if you have been planning to raise it for a long time, you can do it on the day of the celebration, accompanied by a speech about its indispensability and excellent qualities.

Exclusive gift book - a complete encyclopedia of business, an original interesting gift


The expected gift for a business woman from her beloved is flowers, perfume, linen. She does not need a fur coat - she can afford it herself. It is better to give her care and tenderness so that she feels that she is not only a lady of steel, but also a beloved woman.

bag for business lady

Not only a briefcase for a woman in business. Every lady should have a stylish bag for casual events.


What to give a business lady? - Don't worry about this! Give her a break and remind her of childhood and family. Bake a cake for her or buy a certificate in the store, let her go shopping.

A universal practical gift for a business woman - a notebook and a high quality pen

Friend / girlfriend

You, like no one else, should know what work means for a business woman. So give her a leather briefcase, an expensive business suit, or an electronic gadget that she doesn't have yet - a laptop or tablet.

No matter how businesslike and important a businesswoman is, she remains a woman and a girl inside, this is her unchanging nature. A gift for a business woman can be of any material value, but let a sincere kind attitude towards a gentle, sweet, sensitive creature and respect for its merits and achievements always remain in the first place.
