How to sign a book as a birthday present for a child, loved one or colleague

Gift wrapping

A book without a signature is just a book. The signature makes it unique and allows you to remember the event and the donor himself for many years. But not everyone knows how to sign a book as a gift correctly. This is due to the fact that at present paper information carriers have been replaced by electronic ones. However, for many connoisseurs of reading, it is the paper version of literary publications that is a valuable gift.

No matter how valuable and beautiful a book is, a commemorative signature will make it even more valuable.

General rules for signing

They are as follows:

  • A worthy gift will be an edition signed by the author himself. If this option is not feasible, then a wish, quote or other catchy phrase can be used as an inscription.
  • Signature lines should correspond to the theme of the work itself.
  • The inscription should contain information about the reason for the gift, the date of the event, the name of the donor and the person being presented.
  • For writing use black or dark blue ink. Before making an inscription, a pen or pen must be checked on paper. Whatever the written is not smeared, you should wait until the ink dries.
  • Letters are displayed in a beautiful and even handwriting. For originality, you can add beautiful squiggles and other decorative elements.
  • The signature is on the first flyleaf. Rarely at the end.
  • The inscription itself is placed horizontally or at an angle.

Signing a book as a gift can be done in different ways. It depends on who the literary present is intended for and in honor of what event.

Even if it is a series of books, for example, Timo Parvela's Ella Pat, it is better to sign each part separately.

For a person who is fond of cuisine, you can present a book on Pyrogology as a gift.

It will be interesting for a woman to read the revelations of real Parisians, who will tell you how to feel like a real Parisian.

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birthday book

There are many ideas on how to sign a book as a birthday present. First of all, these are wishes. What to wish, everyone decides. If the work is about love, then it is important to wish the birthday man harmony and happiness in his personal life. In a book of spiritual content, you can quote lines from the book itself or the thoughts of great philosophers. In a popular science publication, it will be enough just to write a gift from whom and a date.

In addition to wishes and quotes, you can write a few words about the hero of the occasion. You can describe both the positive personal qualities of the birthday man and his achievements. You can also write that you appreciate it and indicate why.

Book for a child

There is no single answer to the question of how to sign a book as a gift to a child. It all depends on the age of the recipient. For school-age children, these can be parting words and wishes for good studies or quotes about the importance of knowledge. In a book of fairy tales, you can highlight the moral of the fairy tale itself and arrange it in the form of a quote or a short phrase. For children of preschool or primary school age, a small drawing can be added to the parting word.

The book is a magical world

A book is a magical world that opens only to those who love to read.

book for a loved one

For lovers, it’s not a pity to get a star from the sky, and write a lot of tender words. In the donated book, you can write a lot of beautiful words about your soulmate. Compliments and words of admiration do not happen much.

In a book of poetry, you can enter a few lines from your favorite poem or write lines of your own composition. An interesting option would be a quote about love in a foreign language. Whatever the theme of the donated edition, the signature should contain thoughts of a love orientation and describe your feelings for the donor.

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teacher book

Teachers and teachers, as a rule, choose popular science publications (textbooks by profile, encyclopedias, dictionaries). How you sign a keepsake is influenced by what you have been taught. You can mention what contribution this person made to your development and education. Or you can just say thank you for everything your teacher has done for you.

Book for a colleague

There are several ways to sign a literary publication for a colleague. In publications on self-development and career growth, one can wish for financial stability, as well as this very career growth. In works of art, where the character of the protagonist is somehow associated with the positive qualities of the recipient, one can focus on this. And you can add a little humor to the inscription.

The book "The Magic of the Morning", which will help you start changing your life for the better.

Who said dreaming is bad? Try to get acquainted with the book "Dreaming is not harmful."

When there is no time to do what you like, the Hobby Guide book will help.

book to a friend

There are no restrictions on how beautifully to sign a book as a gift to a friend. It can be admiration for any personal qualities of a person. Wishing you success, wealth, fame, love or speedy career growth. It all depends on the personal goals and aspirations of the person to whom the gift is being prepared.

For childhood friends, you can write a few phrases that are associated with childhood or joint games. Something that only the two of you know. And you can write a phrase with humor or a good joke. The main thing is not to overdo it with jokes and not offend a friend.

Book for parents

I would like to say a lot of kind and warm words to those people who gave you life, raised and educated you. First of all, do not skimp on words of gratitude to your parents for everything they have done for you. It would be useful to say how much you love and appreciate them. And of course wish you long life and good health.

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The book itself is an interesting and valuable gift. And if it is beautiful and interesting to sign a book as a gift, then the value of such a presentation will double. Even after a few years, such a gift will remind a person of both the donor himself and the event for which he was presented.
