Why dream of beads, necklaces or necklaces


Dreams are an important part of our life. Every evening we fall into a dream, and often we see quite interesting stories. Sometimes they are remembered, sometimes not. Someone attaches importance to what they saw in a dream, believing that the subconscious gives certain signs that you should listen to.

People have been interpreting dreams for centuries. Depending on the plot and content, on the people present, the shades, and even on what your mood was at the moment of sleep, the meaning of the dream could radically change. That is why it is so important to try to remember the smallest details.

By the way, the simplest explanation for a dream with jewelry can be your subconscious, which hints that it would be nice to update your jewelry arsenal. So maybe it's time to look through the catalogs and pick up a beautiful new thing for yourself.

Despite the fact that beads, necklaces and necklaces are all decorations for the thin neck of beautiful ladies, these products have differences from each other. And in each paragraph we will talk about them in a little more detail.

Why do beads dream

Many women love beads as a successful completion of the image. In one thread or in several, from natural stones, plastic, wood, glass or metal. Beads can be either perfectly round and of the same shape, or different-sized and multi-colored. In one color scheme or in the most unusual combinations. There is no limit to the variety of this accessory option. This is one of the oldest jewelry that has passed through the millennia and has not lost its relevance.

What can this product dream of? Everything will depend on who and how dreamed about it, what the decoration was (from what material, what color, what happened to him in a dream). Let's try to analyze the most popular and frequent dream plots.

... from pearls

What do pearl beads promise in a dream? It all depends on the circumstances of your dream. In general, pearls have been considered for centuries as a symbol of hope for the best, purity of thoughts, true feelings.

According to the interpretation, dreams about pearl jewelry carry good news.

Especially when it comes to white beads. Black and damaged pearls speak of possible troubles, but still without a fatal outcome.

  • white beads from pearls promise success in business, the achievement of goals.
  • If you wear or receive pearl beads in a dream For a presentwhich means that dizzying successes in love affairs await you soon.
  • Beads from black pearl. Of course, such a dream looks somewhat threatening. Indeed, the decoration of black pearls speaks of imminent anxieties and unrest. But at the same time, having overcome all difficulties, you will gain invaluable experience and become wiser. Perhaps the upcoming events are needed in order to change your view of the world.
  • Damaged beads from pearls they say that your relationship with your inner circle may worsen. Somewhere old grievances and disputes will surface. But at the same time, when these differences are settled, the relationship will only become stronger. There are crises, without which you can not do to move to a new level.

So in any case, pearl jewelry carries only positive in a dream. Even if at first you have to overcome some troubles.

... a woman

What do beads say when a woman dreams of them? In general, it is the fair sex that most often dreams of jewelry. What do beads promise in a dream for beautiful ladies:

  • If in a dream a woman turns out as a gift pearl beads, then this promises her happiness in family life, if a man gives, and joyful motherhood and marriage, if a woman acts as a donor.
  • According to esoteric dream bookwhen you give beads in a dream, it means that someone would like to chain you to him. And if they you give - it means that you have views of someone from a close circle.
  • Magic dream book promises a new and passionate love.
  • А small dream book says that new and beautiful beads an unmarried girl is promised a happy relationship. And here loss of beads or torn jewelry warn that a girl with her own hands can destroy her happiness. Long hesitation when choosing beads as a gift means that it will be difficult for you to part with an unmarried life.
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... from multi-colored stones on the neck

But what if in your dream the beads are not of the same color, but shimmer with all shades of the rainbow? Or just several flowers gathered at once in one decoration?

  • A product with beads of different colors is often dreamed of on the eve of a fascinating Travel.
  • Bright beads also usually promise the dreamer all sorts of pleasure and good news.
  • Colorful beads promise welfare improvement, changes in life for the better.

… red, black or other color

Some colors have a very specific meaning. What you need to know about beads in a dream from this point of view:

  • Black beads usually a warning. Especially if some kind of trouble occurs with the decoration itself.
  • Red beads they say that the dreamer is an interesting and extraordinary person. And receiving such beads as a gift promises that your love relationship will be strong and happy.
  • What to do with beads white? White is the color of wisdom and purity. Such a dream reminds you of the importance of appreciating what you already have.
  • If in a dream you can't choose beads of a specific color, this indicates that there are contradictions in your soul. Sit down and talk frankly with yourself to come to a consensus.

… tear

Why see torn beads in a dream? In reality, this only brings us frustration, especially if the decoration was loved. It is necessary to collect beads, re-fasten the thread. But what does such an event in a dream mean? Interestingly, interpretations here may also differ.

  • For example, the dream book of Fedorovskaya says that if the dreamer breaks the beads on himself, then this promises a way out of a predicament, and all troubles will soon be left behind.
  • But according to dream book of the 21st century, torn jewelry and scattered beads speak of a breakdown in important plans. If the dreamer sighs sadly, examining the damaged jewelry, this may indicate a betrayal of the second half.
  • The Imperial Dream Book I agree with Fedorovskaya's dream book in that tearing beads off oneself in a dream is to restore strength and get rid of trouble.
  • But an attempt to reassemble the torn jewelry, reconnect all the beads, according to dream book of Veles, this is to poverty, disappointment in people.
  • Female the dream book warns that if in a dream you saw torn beads with scattered beads, this in reality prophesies that the dreamer will commit rash acts, which could result in a break with a partner.
  • В Family dream book scatter beads - to a quarrel with a loved one, which will occur through the fault of the dreamer himself.
  • Islamic dream book interprets negatively if you saw in a dream how beads from a torn product wake up on the floor. This promises trouble.
  • Newest sonnik interprets broken beads as a harbinger of a quarrel.
  • If you deliberately scattered pearl beads in a dream, this means that soon you will have a chance to show off your best qualities in society. And if unmarried women have such a dream, then they have to choose one of several suitors.
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In any case, even if the interpretation of sleep is not the most favorable, you can always use it as a hint. As the saying goes, if you are forewarned, you are forearmed. By walking with caution, you will be able to track down any suspicious moments in advance.

Why see a necklace in a dream

Since we started talking about jewelry for the neck, we will separately note the necklace. How does it differ from the aforementioned beads and from the necklace, which will be discussed below? A necklace is a piece of jewelry in which the central part is usually wider and larger than the side elements. The necklace and necklace are more similar, but it is the first that has the center that stands out so noticeably.

So, what can the necklace talk about when it appears in your dream?

According to the Eastern dream book:

  • If you dream of a necklace with precious stones around your neck, which you received as a gift, a very unexpected, but at the same time interesting and profitable offer awaits you in life.
  • And if in a dream such a gift is given to a woman by her beloved, then she will soon be waiting for an offer to marry.

A modern dream book about a necklace in a dream says the following:

  • If in your dream you get a very expensive piece of jewelry, good news awaits you,
  • To see a piece of jewelry hidden in a safe means to have feelings for a person with whom you cannot be together.
  • If you received a pearl necklace as a gift, then such a dream promises unpleasant experiences. And for a young girl - jealousy in relation to a loved one.
  • Loss or theft of jewelry - to unhappy events.
  • A diamond necklace around your neck seems to be a good sign. But for a woman, such decoration brings disappointment in love relationships.
  • Do you see a chic necklace in the store, but you can't afford it? For a woman, such a dream promises a bad mood, and for a man - feelings for a woman who is inaccessible to him.

The general dream book has a negative attitude towards dreams with a necklace in general and gives the following interpretations:

  • If you buy jewelry, you run the risk of quarreling with a partner,
  • Wearing jewelry - to failures in the love field,
  • Selling your jewelry will also lead to a quarrel, but people from a close circle will help resolve the conflict,
  • To receive a necklace as a gift is to quarrel with your soulmate, but already because of loved ones.

A golden necklace in a dream is a good sign. It says that your partner is faithful to you.

But if you yourself put the decoration on yourself, then the dream book warns that you are going to use your partner for your own selfish interests. And that you have no serious feelings.

Trying on a product in a dream promises that important information will fall into your hands that will help you move up the career ladder. Be attentive to all the data you receive.

If in a dream you are given a necklace with a sapphire, then you can be sure that the donor is sincere with you and devoted to you. You can safely trust such a person. If the necklace lies next to you, your personal qualities, your honesty and sincerity will lead you to success.

What does the dream book say about the necklace in a dream

And what can the necklace seen in a dream mean? But first, let's define how this type of jewelry differs from beads. If in the latter beads are strung on a thread, then the necklace is either a hoop or a chain, on which precious or semi-precious stones are attached.

  • If the necklace was whole, such a dream promises only good news. But if the decoration was torn, in this case, unpleasant events await the dreamer - illness, betrayal by a loved one. But you can try to neutralize the bad meaning. To do this, imagine that the necklace is whole again, the chain is completely intact and all the beads or stones are in place.
  • White Pearl necklace a woman is promised fidelity by her husband, but if a young girl dreams of such an ornament, she will soon have a loved one. And if you dreamed that you had a pearl necklace around your neck, it means that in your family life there is calm and grace.
  • wood necklace can talk about a loving and happy family, but without great financial wealth. And in this case, you can slightly tweak the interpretation of sleep. To do this, mentally change the material for making jewelry to precious metals and stones.
  • If in a dream you try on yourself expensive jewelry with stones, soon expect an interesting offer with financial benefits.
  • According to the Common Dream Book, loss of necklace in a dream promises in the future the bitterness of losing a loved one.
  • According to Miller's dream book, see decoration on yourself - to doubt the honors received. And if a woman sees such a dream, this may indicate that there will be not too sincere fans nearby.
  • If in your dream you put on your jewelry, this suggests that in real life you have become overly submissive to your life partner. And your partner has ceased to respect you for being too compliant. Perhaps it's time to become firmer in your convictions.
  • The Esoteric Dream Interpretation, on the contrary, assures that if dream necklace, which means that the dreamer makes mistakes when communicating with people. If you put on the jewelry that was given to you, someone has appropriated you. If you yourself give or give a necklace to someone, it means that you have such feelings for a person, you want to appropriate it yourself, you show possessive feelings.
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It happens that interpretations in different dream books for the same events in a dream can be diametrically different. How to be in that case? Start with what is more comfortable for you. Of course, it is much more pleasant to believe in a favorable outcome of events. In addition, it is also important what you set yourself up for internally. Therefore, of course, it is better to imagine events that are favorable for you.

Someone remembers the details of each of his dreams, someone forgets them immediately, as soon as he opens his eyes. Some people do not attach much importance to what they see under the cover of night, while others see it as important prophecies. In any case, often the subconscious mind is responsible for our dreams.

Stress, news or books read, conversations or problems that worry you can affect nighttime scenes. Even a too heavy dinner can cause unpleasant dreams.

But if you are sure that the dream events can affect your life, try to remember the details of the dream as accurately as possible. This will help you choose the most accurate interpretation. Also, if the meaning of the dream didn't make you happy, try using visualization techniques to fix it.

Remember that in many respects it depends on you how events will develop. You yourself can influence a lot in your life. And consider dreams, even with negative connotations, as a timely warning.
