Ulexite - description, magical and healing properties, zodiac compatibility, jewelry and price


Ulexite is one of the most mysterious minerals that are under study. Some of its properties are amazing, although they do not have a scientific explanation. Artificial samples are more diverse, brighter, more affordable. However, only natural stone is endowed with amazing healing and magical powers.

History and origin

Ulexite is an aqueous calcium and sodium borate (boronatrocalcite). This is a rare mineral of the borate class, which was discovered by the German chemist G. L. Ulex in 1849 in the north of the Republic of Chile, near the town of Iquique. A year later, a young student of G. L. Uleks played a role in the fact that the scientific community changed the name "boronatrocalcite" to "ulexite" in honor of the discoverer.

TV stone

Based on the properties of the mineral, its chemical composition and appearance, there are other names of the stone:

  • boron atrocalcite - a name that reflects the chemical nature of the stone;
  • titsa - this is how the Chileans called the mineral;
  • television stone - in honor of an unsolved optical property;
  • tincalcite is one of the names of borax;
  • stiberite - displays the external similarity of the mineral with ice.

Ulexite, along with other minerals, has also received the name "cat's eye" due to the presence of a characteristic shimmering stripe along the surface, reminiscent of a cat's pupil.

Ulexite deposits

The mineral is found in places where a dry and hot climate prevails, representing a replacement product in salt rocks - in the sediments of lakes, salt marshes. Mass deposits of ulexite are located in the deserts of the US states of California and Nevada - Mojave and Death Valley. The most "fresh" discovery of deposits is the Kungur ice cave in Russia (Urals).


This is interesting: On the territory of Russia, despite the size of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, there was not a single mention of ulexite. The Kungur ice cave is an amazing discovery. This is the first and only, uncharacteristic in terms of climatic and chemical features, a mineral deposit.

The remaining deposits were found in the states of Oregon, Utah, Texas, as well as in Canada, Argentina (Saltanskoye field), Peru (Salinas), in the Chilean Atacama Desert, Italy, Kazakhstan (Inderskoye field).

Physical Properties of Boronatrocalcite

The main unusual difference between ulexite is its optical property, which plays the role of a light guide. This mineral is able to pass an image through itself, transmitting exactly the picture from the back of the stone.. This feature gave rise to the "television" name.

This mineral belongs to brittle soft rocks with a low density, easily prone to mechanical damage. The stone owes its brightness, "cat" and "television" effects to the fibrous structure. Long chains of monomers arranged in parallel transmit rays in one of the mutually perpendicular directions without distortion, which is reminiscent of television beams.

<font><font>Materials</font></font> Description
Formula NaCa[B5O6(OH)6] • 5 H2O
Hardness 2
Density 1,9-2,0 g / cm³
Refractive index 1,491-1,520
Cleavage Perfect.
Kink Splintery.
Syngonia Triclinic.
Transparency Transparent.
Brilliance Silky.
Color White.

Outwardly, ulexite has an unusual soft silky sheen, which makes it popular for the jewelry industry.

Healing power

Lithotherapists and traditional healers attribute a number of medicinal properties to ulexite. The mineral has a special effect on diseases associated with the respiratory system - pharyngitis, asthma, bronchitis, and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, the healing power of the stone has a beneficial effect on other important systems of the human body:

  • Psychological, emotional state. It is believed that the stone helps to fight depression, stress, nervous exhaustion, improves mood, balance of the soul, increases vitality. When wearing a stone, insomnia and panic attacks disappear.
  • Vision. With the help of daily sessions of examining the stone, visual acuity returns, healers say. For this method, only a natural, unprocessed piece of rock is suitable. Healers believe that the mineral is able to cure the pathology of vision, penetrating its essence into the human eye.
  • Metabolism. Ulexit is recommended to speed up the body's metabolic processes. It helps to control appetite, which is useful for people prone to obesity and striving to lose weight.
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In addition to these amazing healing powers, there are still others that have a mystical nature.

Magic of silk overflows

The recent discovery of ulexite suggests that the full range of properties, both medicinal and magical, is under study. The same few properties that are already known are striking in their strength and unusualness:

  • Amplification and enhancement. It is believed that the stone is endowed with the ability to recognize, enhance the character traits of a person, making it visible to others. Kindness, greed or arrogance, it does not matter - the nugget will show these traits many times, revealing the true face of the owner. Therefore, from an esoteric point of view, ulexite is considered a dangerous mineral that is not recommended to be worn too often.
  • Protection from negative impact. The mineral is a strong magical amulet that can repel evil forces, ward off damage, the evil eye, and protect against slander or slander. Well protects children who are more susceptible to envious glances.
  • Develops intuition. An amulet with ulexite is able to open the gift of clairvoyance in a person, help the owner to concentrate in the event of a dangerous situation, correctly directing actions.
  • Family amulet. Ulexit is endowed with the gift of preserving love and mutual understanding in family relationships, maintaining the fire of the hearth. In addition, the stone is distinguished by peacemaking abilities in general, helping to smooth out conflict situations between people.
  • Adaptation in society. Ulexite amulets give a person the ability to focus the attention of others on himself, since the mineral helps to increase the owner's self-esteem, gives self-confidence. Such a talisman helps to show charisma, hidden abilities, communication skills when communicating with people.

Ulexite will become an indispensable talisman for teenagers, helping to cope with youthful maximalism, it is easier to survive the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

This is interesting: Thanks to magical abilities, ulexite will serve as a talisman for people of creative professions: painters, writers, designers, musicians, actors. Also, the stone is suitable for those who are connected with the information sphere - journalists, advertising agents, television people.


Although the magic of the stone is not fully understood, the properties already discovered are surprising in their versatility. It is worth noting that this stone will not serve envious, hypocritical, evil people with impure intentions. Only a worthy person will feel the magical gift of ulexite.

Jewelry with mineral

In jewelry, a synthetic analogue of ulexite is more often used, which is stronger and more resistant to mechanical stress. Such substitutes are painted in bright, vibrant colors. Due to these properties, various jewelry is made from artificial stone - bracelets, beads, earrings, pendants. This includes both inexpensive jewelry and jewelry made of precious metals.

Natural ulexite is used extremely rarely by jewelers, exclusively in the form of inserts. Making beads and bracelets entirely from genuine stone is impossible, as it is too fragile.

Gentle, natural shades give the finished products sophistication and charm. Jewelry prices fluctuate over a wide range, taking into account the value of the metal from which the product is made, as well as the naturalness of the stone used:

  • earrings - from 3 euros for alloy items; for jewelry - from 40 euros;
  • rings - from 3 to 20 euros for a jewelry alloy; starting from 40 euros for precious metals;
  • pendants - from 4 euros for jewelry, over 50 euros for silver with natural stone;
  • bracelets and beads are made from synthetic cabochons, their price starts from 5 and 7 euros, respectively; a silver bracelet with inserts of natural ulexite will cost from 45 euros.
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If the jewelry is purchased in order to replenish the collection of beautiful jewelry or for a variety of images, then inexpensive alloy products with bright synthetic analogues of stone are great. They are affordable, durable, will be an appropriate addition to any image.

When a product is purchased as an amulet or amulet, it is better to consider jewelry with a natural mineral. You should not expect any healing or magical properties from an artificial cabochon.

Varieties of ulexite

The natural mineral is not endowed with a diverse palette of colors, like some other stones with the "cat's eye" effect. In nature, there are samples of gray, white or greenish tint. Science also knows the rarest specimens of ulexite with a bright color - sapphire or ruby, as well as samples that are similar in color to opal, jade or topaz.


Artificial stones differ from natural ones in a variety of shades. They are painted in the brightest colors, against which the bright glare of the "cat's pupil" becomes more noticeable. Softer and more natural than other colors looks pink synthetic ulexite, most often used for making jewelry.

How to distinguish a fake?

The synthetic analogue of stone is stronger and harder. It can be visually difficult to distinguish it from a natural mineral, but it is worth navigating by the color scheme, as well as by the price. Bright inserts in products indicate the use of a substitute for natural stone. It is also worth paying attention to metal - synthetic ulexite is used for jewelry made of jewelry alloy.

Expensive precious jewelry that jewelry stores offer uses both natural mineral and synthetics. But it’s easy to check this while in such a store - you should pay attention to the label, which contains full information about the product, including information about the naturalness of the inserts.

Caring for Ulexite Products

Caring for such jewelry is not so difficult. Care must be taken, as with any other thing. It is better to store products with this stone separately from other jewelry, in a closed container, since the mineral does not tolerate sunlight, and is also very sensitive to temperature rise.


Natural ulexite differs from its artificial counterpart in that it loses its luster and shimmer over time, becomes cloudy, and becomes covered with a coating. But this can be easily corrected by polishing the product.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Any natural mineral affects a person in terms of astrology. When choosing a talisman for ourselves, we often pay attention to whether it is compatible with our name and zodiac sign.

So far, astrologers have not clarified the effect of ulexite on a specific zodiac sign. Due to its unique abilities to reveal true character traits in any person, this mineral is considered universal for each of the constellations. The stone is endowed with bodily memory, it can store information about its owner.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Taurus +
Gemini +
Cancer ++
a lion +
Virgo +
Scorpio ++
Sagittarius +
Capricorn +
Aquarius ++
Pisces ++

Esotericists tend to assume that ulexite will be the best patron for the signs of the Water element - Scorpions, Pisces, Cancers. For people born under these signs, the mineral will reveal its magical and healing properties to the fullest.

Important: Cancers and Scorpios are not recommended to wear ulexite jewelry along with other minerals.

Representatives of other zodiac signs can combine different types of stones.

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For Cancers, ulexite will become a powerful protection against extraneous influence. An amulet with a mineral will help to achieve success, get rid of gullibility and naivety, gain self-confidence. This stone will become for the representatives of this sign the keeper of the family hearth, love ties.

Scorpios will find in ulexite protection from negative energy, good luck in gambling, they will be able to develop physical as well as emotional endurance. For this sign, the best amulet will be a bracelet with a stone, which will be worn on the right hand.


Pisces will find spiritual harmony, improve health, protect themselves from negativity with the help of a talisman made of ulexite.

Ulexite is an unusual mineral with amazing physical, magical and healing properties. Each person will be able to find in him something good for himself, regardless of the name and sign of the Zodiac. Those who deeply believe in its magical power will surely feel the mystical inexplicable help. For the rest, this mineral will be an excellent addition to your jewelry collection.

What stones is it combined with?

Ulexite stone
Earrings with ulexite and cubic zirconia

Usually, the mineral is used in tandem with zirconia. Mostly for individual orders, there are products made of ulexite and precious stones with warm colors - green tourmalineagatechrysoprasejasper, as well as contrasting - black opal, eye of the Tiger.

Where else is it applied?

Ulexite stoneThe jewelry industry is a small percentage of the total use of natural ulexite. The mineral is quite widely used in the fiber optic industry.

Due to the presence of light-guiding properties, ulexite products are used in medicine - elements for modern endoscopes.

Also, the widespread use of stone in the production of fiber optic cables, which are used in the wiring of Internet and TV lines.

There are few natural deposits of boron atrocalcite. Industrial mining of the mineral is carried out precisely for the needs of high-tech industries. Also, ulexite is mined and used as a boron ore for the chemical industry.

Since the end of the XNUMXth century, synthetically grown stone has been used in jewelry. Its manufacturing technology is simple, the growth and physical properties of the samples can be controlled.

The external attractiveness of artificial samples is higher due to the possibility of coloring them in any shades.

The degree of transparency and the presence of the effect of the "cat's eye" is also regulated, the hardness indicators for synthetics are much higher than for natural samples. That is why jewelers prefer to work with artificial stones.

Decoration with ulexite

Products turn out more durable, unpretentious in leaving and are more attractive from the point of view of design. However, it is not easy for a non-professional to detect a fake - apart from bright blossoms, nothing betrays the artificial nature of the gem.

Borosilicate glass is used to make synthetic stones. The composition and method of manufacture must be indicated on the label of the jewelry.

Artificial stones are mainly inserted into frames made of metal alloys, less often and mostly on order - using precious metals.

Accordingly, the pricing policy of souvenirs and jewelry is very competitive, buyers like the variety of colors and the low price of the cat's eye.

In addition, artificial stone does not lose its attractiveness after a long time, does not require preventive grinding and special storage conditions.
