Blue color in psychology - meaning and influence on a person


What does blue mean to you? Sea, element, cloudless sky? In psychology, blue means peace and tranquility. But not everything is so simple. This spectrum is known for its duality. It has both good and bad effects on the human psyche. Which? How can you use it to your advantage?

The meaning of blue in antiquity

blue color in psychology
Blue has a rich history

Even our ancestors noticed the exceptional symbolism of certain colors. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt endowed the blue color and its shades with special meaning. They made sacrifices to their gods on a blue altar.

If we talk about the Romans, they were wary of the blue color, because it was considered hostile - the Celts and Germans in ancient times painted their bodies with paint of this shade. In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the blue color did not take part in church services at all. Interest arose only in the 11th-12th centuries, and even then in a certain area - the fine arts (icon painting and painting). Noble blue in this period of human history can increasingly be seen on armorial shields and even attire for parades.

The wonder of the world - the ancient Egyptian pyramids - was painted blue from the inside; it is in this skin tone that the main deities of the world's largest religions, Buddha and Krishna, are “dressed”.

Blue color in psychology

The wigs of the rulers were dyed blue - this emphasized their special status and sacred, mystical pedigree. All kinds of celebrations and rituals were accompanied by the wearing of blue artificial hair.

The ancient Maya also used it as a symbol during sacrifices to their gods. All ritual attributes were painted exactly in blue colors. Even a person was painted with blue paint before the sacrifice.

In Christianity, it is a symbol of eternal divine power and the greatest mystery. But for some Slavic peoples, he personified grief, longing and sadness, was a symbol of the other world.

Common to many peoples of the world is the personification of heaven, infinity, devotion, immutability and stability. It is a symbol of stability, tranquility, meditation. The heraldic meaning is innocence, truthfulness, incorruptibility, fidelity and good fame.

Residents of Eastern countries believe that the blue color has the ability to protect against otherworldly entities and evil forces, a negative energy impact on a person.

Blue color in modern culture

In modern culture, the blue color is enriched with the most powerful positive symbolism. This is the color of the masters of the pen (writers and poets) who love to invent new worlds. Romantics who admire the variety of shades often identify it as "the color of the mysterious soul of the world." All the advantages of blue are magnificently revealed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The famous painter Pablo Picasso turned to blue and created the so-called "blue period" of his work, driven by melancholy, depression, grief. Therefore, the blue color is able to convey apathy with the same force as calmness, and the feeling of depth is symbolized with a sense of hopelessness.

In parallel with melancholy and even spleen, blue is also associated with closeness to truth, gives the impression of spirituality and remains the favorite color of all creative natures.

The meaning of blue in psychology
Blue color and its shades are actively used in painting.

The symbolism of blue

Each person has their own opinions about what blue is associated with. Someone will say that it symbolizes winter and cold. And he will be absolutely right. In winter, especially in the evenings, everything around becomes blue. This happens due to the refraction of the rays that reflect the snow surface.

Therefore, before the New Year, in order to create a cozy and festive atmosphere, the trees on the central streets are decorated with blue lights. They sparkle, shimmer, and this improves the mood, and I want to receive some kind of miracle as a gift.

Indigo stands for hope for better times. Its symbolism is health and success. It helps very well where you need to calm a person and give him mental strength.

It turns out that, despite the coldness of the shade, the blue color warms us in winter by creating a festive atmosphere. At the same time, it is able to cool us down in summer, as the sea, which we tend to go to in the heat, has ultramarine scales.

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No wonder it gives a feeling of complete serenity and comfort. Ultramarine is considered the color of good luck. It is not just that the song sings about the blue bird, which personifies the desire to achieve its goal.

blue color psychology
In different cultures and religions, blue has its own meaning and symbolism.

And there are many facts that say that entire nations associate ultramarine scales with significant cult objects and phenomena. Here are those comparisons:

  • In Egypt, blue symbolizes the god of the rising sun Amon-Ra and the god of the sky. Even for the Egyptians, this shade was the color of truth. It was not for nothing that the walls of Egyptian graves were painted in lapis lazuli. This is the threshold that separates ordinary people from Fate and the Other World.
  • The ancient East endowed the Sumerian Great Mother with a cornflower blue shade.
  • In ancient times, blue was the color of Venus, Jupiter, Zeus and the embodiment of fertility and natural flourishing.
  • In Europe, this shade is considered the embodiment of fidelity and mystery. In Poland, even the houses of future brides are painted in this color scheme.
  • Northern traditions say that blue is the color of the productive function.
  • In Central Asia (Mongolia), ultramarine in combination with red or ocher denotes a sacred marriage. So, the Mongol dynasty began with Genghis Khan, and he was born a blue wolf with a yellow she-wolf.
  • In the Middle East, they like to wear blue fabrics. This is a beautiful tradition.
  • In China, cornflower blue is considered a beneficial color and is associated with the eastern direction "Blue Dragon of the East". It represents a happy marriage and a good upbringing. And at the same time, it is believed that blue shades bring bad luck.
  • In North America, it means peace and heaven.
  • In Mesoamerica, people drew a relationship between cornflower blue shades and the Sun. And also this color spoke of the defeat of the enemy. And these scales also testified to the revival, and at the same time they personified famine and drought.
  • Buddhists compared blue with wisdom and possibilities, strength and the path leading to liberation.
  • Hinduism says that Indra wears a blue raincoat.
  • Judaism associates blue with mercy, and Jewish Kabbalah designates it as gratitude.
  • In Gnosticism, this means baptism with water.
  • In Christianity, blue is associated with Eternal Heavenly Truth, immortality, faith, fidelity, loyalty, chastity and justice.

It must be added that in magic, the blue color can get rid of the evil eye and damage. And Freemasonry personified blue with the Freemasonry system of Ionne. Blue has a lot of fans, their number has been going on for a very long time.

And this says that this color scheme is distinguished by sophistication and is rather difficult in terms of application.

Blue in terms of physiology

Dark blue is calmness free from irritation. When it is seen in the human body, vegetative calm occurs. Natural physiological indicators are reduced, setting up organs and systems for a sparing regimen and rest. It is for this reason that with diseases and a feeling of inner languor, the need for blue increases. From the point of view of physiology, this is a requirement for peace, and psychologically, the desire for satisfaction and peace.

As the researchers found, exposure to blue radiation has a beneficial effect on patients suffering from certain mental disorders, such as schizophrenia.

In France, this color is actively used in the interior of psychiatric clinics and even blue and blue flowers are planted around them in the flower beds.

Color has a positive effect in the treatment of deafness, cataracts, rheumatism, tonsillitis, bleeding and sleep problems. It is a good anesthetic and a tool for eliminating endocrine problems. This color not only has a positive effect on a person’s mental health, but also on his health in general. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps to lower the heart rate and minimize pain. It can also have a positive effect on the digestive system.

The influence of blue on human physical data
Blue color affects the physiology of all people

Psychologists say that if you try to imagine something pleasant blue, such as the sea, during attacks of pain, you can feel relief pretty soon, which confirms the effectiveness of the visualization method - mental representation. In addition, the blue color helps in losing weight. If you use dishes in blue tones close to indigo, then thanks to the bright colors on the plate, you can bring the natural feeling of fullness closer, which allows you to reduce the portion size.

The duality of blue

Yes, of course, the blue color is the color of nobility and wealth, however, it is still wrong to consider it only from the positive side. Therefore, we suggest that you evaluate the different aspects of the parsed color.

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The positive aspect lies in the spirituality of the blue color, in its peace, tranquility and wisdom. Mercantile, spiritually poor people do not like this color. Few people understand him, as he is reserved and not flashy.

This color is able to put in order the psycho-emotional state of a person, calm him down, give confidence, drive away negative thoughts, reconfigure the human subconscious, giving new correct settings.

The negative aspect lies in the coldness and insensibility of this color. Many note that the blue color depresses them, dulls feelings and emotions, makes them rude and withdrawn. Also, this color is often associated with such qualities as vindictiveness, arrogance. He can put a person into a trance, take him away from real life, give an imaginary confidence.

Psychological characteristics of blue

From the point of view of psychology, the color blue is universal, cosmic justice. Deep and austere, it has a mystery and undisguised purity. This shade is part of a soothing palette that promotes physical and mental relaxation. It can help create an atmosphere of security and trust.

How blue affects the psyche
The mental state also depends on the perception of blue and its shades.


Dark blue is calmness free from irritation. When it is seen in the human body, vegetative calm occurs. Natural physiological indicators are reduced, setting up organs and systems for a sparing regimen and rest. It is for this reason that with diseases and a feeling of inner languor, the need for blue increases. From the point of view of physiology, this is a requirement for peace, and psychologically, the desire for satisfaction and peace.

Blue color represents enduring affection, unity with the outside world, fidelity and emotional susceptibility for aesthetic experience and spiritual reflection.

For women

Light shades of blue evoke a dreamy, romantic mood in girls. Experts recommend blue color therapy for women with menopause and menstrual irregularities.

Due to the idealization that is characteristic of the blue color, you can tell a lot about the fair sex, who prefer this particular shade in everyday life. By making this choice, a woman demonstrates a subconscious desire for an ideal relationship with a partner. She does not accept innuendo and uncertainty.

For men

Blue has long been associated with masculinity - and it really enhances masculinity. For the stronger sex, blue means a natural craving for conservatism, a desire to surround yourself with reliable people. Balanced men are drawn to blue, alien to the bright and visible expression of their own emotions. Given the fact that azure symbolizes status and position in society, choosing a suit in such colors, a man emphasizes his leadership qualities.

For children

Children are no different from adults, they can just as much love one color and hate another. And this applies to absolutely everything: drawing, because there are children who always choose only black from a dozen different colored pencils, clothes, wallpaper in the room, when the child is given the right to choose, etc.

If your child prefers the color blue, then he craves peace and relaxation. Most often, such children get tired quickly and therefore they need to take breaks between training, games, etc. much more often than others.

Often, blue lovers are very calm and balanced, they know how to play alone, they don’t really like active games, they prefer computers, reading books, watching cartoons and films.

The influence of blue on the psyche of children
Children are especially sensitive to blue shades.

A child who loves this color is sensual and sensitive, he knows how to show his feelings, but this only applies to his closest people. He is vulnerable, he may be offended by some trifle, to which his parents will not even pay attention.

Such a kid from early childhood is distinguished by responsibility, knows how to concentrate his attention and diligently achieve what he wants.

Blue lovers really do not like to do something in a hurry, in a hurry, quickly, especially if they are standing over them and in a hurry, they like to do everything calmly, measuredly, thinking over every detail and trifle. They enjoy a measured life in which there is no place for excessive impulsiveness.

Children who love the blue color are good and faithful comrades, they know how to be friends with other children, they love spiritual communication, they are very worried if they inadvertently offend someone.

If your child is the complete opposite of everything that is written above, and at the same time he began to pay attention to the blue color and prefers it, then he lacks calmness, coziness and comfort. In this case, you need to improve the atmosphere in the house and give the child the opportunity to relax, improve their psycho-emotional state.

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Character traits of blue color lovers

In most cases, we are talking about people who are sensitive to social influences and have increased anxiety. People who prefer this color often have the following qualities.

impulsivity and emotionality

Because of their emotionality, irritability and impetuosity, such people need something that can calm them down, set them on the right wave and inner harmony. Very often this effect can be achieved with the help of blue.

Resilience and confidence

Such people almost always have their own opinion on any issue. They tend to defend it until they achieve their goals. Blue lovers are not afraid to oppose the whole crowd. People who prefer this color know what they want. They have the ability and opportunity to implement their ideas and plans.


It is important for such people that everything lies in its place, is in the right positions, and is just perfect. This approach to activity and life often simplifies existence and saves a lot of time.

Ability to solve problems

Blue is often associated with the world. People who choose this color believe that conflicts are unacceptable and must be resolved exclusively by peaceful means. Quite often they act as sages and peacemakers in various quarrels and disputes.


Individuals who adore the color blue have the ability to find a common language with other people, know how to manipulate them and how to get their way in any conditions. They do not like conflicts and disputes.

"Sixth Sense"

These people have incredibly developed intuition and sometimes even mystical abilities. They themselves are very mysterious people, around which many secrets hover.

Character traits of people who love the color blue
Blue lovers often have a "sixth sense"

Why can a person be drawn to the blue scale?

To reject the color blue is to run away from peace, considering it an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, restless and tense restlessness, agitation arise in people. You can also draw the following conclusions about a person who "stretches" to blue:

Lack of confidence

Often, people who love the color blue often suffer from self-doubt and their strengths. And blue colors can give an individual a sense of confidence and stability.

Striving for stability

If problems, troubles and unsuccessful situations often arise in a person’s life, then he involuntarily wants peace and a normal life.

Desire for emotional peace

Due to the increased emotionality, the human nervous system seems to give him a signal that it is necessary to reduce the level of emotional stress.

Psychology of blue color in professional activity

Colors are perceived differently by each person. But, nevertheless, experts are actively trying to influence the psychological state for the purpose of advertising, choosing clothes or choosing an interior.

If a certain color prevails in an office or residential space, people create a special emotional perception.

The color scheme of the interior can significantly affect the working capacity of each employee of the company, encourage customers to make transactions.

How blue affects work
Blue color has a positive effect on a person's ability to work

Here is what experts say about the predominance of blue:

  • In offices for business meetings, it is better to use light, heavenly shades, as they help establish friendly relations, help people understand each other, and activate better assimilation of information.
  • Excessive saturation of the blue of the everyday workplace can, on the contrary, reduce the ability to work, employees may experience reluctance to give themselves to work, depression and despondency.
  • With prolonged contemplation of the blue color, the heart rate decreases, blood pressure is restored, emotional and nervous overstrain is eliminated, but you should not abuse it, since the abundance of this palette can cause depression.
  • Wearing stones of an intense blue hue will help overcome stress, become a protection against excessive anxiety and unrest, and eliminate ambiguity. It is recommended to wear sapphire, lapis lazuli, topaz.
  • To get rid of stress and excessive emotional stress, psychologists and psychotherapists advise to carry out such a procedure. Pour a glass of water, put the glass on a piece of blue paper. Take a comfortable position. Look into the water for 10 minutes. Then drink it in small sips.