Mukaite - description of the mineral, magical and healing properties, price and who suits


Mookaite is a rare stone that pleases the eye with amazing shades. Decorative souvenirs, caskets, jewelry, talismans, amulets and crafts are made from it. The mineral has the strength and power that heals the aura of a person, saves him from many diseases. If the stone is in the house, then it fills the dwelling with comfort and benevolence. Consider how to properly use the mineral.

History and origin

Mukait (mookait) is the name of the trade brand. At first they were used by jewelers. Today the name is widely used. The discovery of the stone happened not so long ago - 30 years ago. However, Mookait quickly won the love of buyers. The mineral is known for its healing, esoteric, astrological properties.

Mookaite comes from the remains of tiny organisms - radiolarians - small nomads of the ocean. These single-celled skeletal structures look like a masterpiece of architecture or delicate lace of skillful work. The remains of the skeletons of radiolarians form sedimentary rock, turn into silt, silica, and then into a mineral of fantastic beauty. Yellow, terracotta, green color is given to the mineral by chromium and iron. Manganese is responsible for the rich palette of red shades.

Deposits and production

Mookaite is a type of jasper. But scientists distinguish it as a separate species, because it is slightly different from the true gem. Mineral deposits on the planet are few:

  • mookaite is mined in Australia (Flour Creek);
  • on the island of Madagascar;
  • some areas of the deposit are only being developed.

The area of ​​Muka Creek has become the hallmark of the gem, and also gave him a name. Mooka means "flowing water" in the Australian native language. The exotic origin has given mookaite other names: ocean jasper and Australian agate.

Physical properties of mookaite

Mukait is considered artistic, multicolored, able to convey the divine beauty of nature. This is a memorable jewelry mineral, of a juicy shade, like a blooming garden. The color of the gem changes depending on the lighting, which makes it more attractive, mysterious and interesting.

Property Description
Chemical formula SiO2
Mohs hardness 6 - 7
Refractive index 1.54
Density 2.58 - 2.91 g / cm³
Syngonia Trigonal
double refraction No
Brilliance Glass
Transparency Opaque
Color red, yellow, white, pink, crimson, orange, mustard and maroon, bright color

The stone is scratch resistant and not affected by steel. Thanks to these qualities, he won many fans. Mookait is able to maintain its original appearance for a long time.

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Varieties of the mineral mukaite

There are different types of mookaite. Popular instances:

  • mottled;
  • flower;
  • striped;
  • linear;
  • wavy;
  • brocade;
  • motley.

Stones are monophonic, and can be decorated with a pattern (dots, landscape, spots). Some are like the golden glow of the sun, others are like the starry sky, the lush greenery of the forest, fiery canyons, the endless ocean.

Healing properties of Mookaite stone

The value for a person of mookaita is great. Lithotherapists use the mineral to treat ailments. He heals a runny nose, sinusitis, tonsillitis, inflammation, stops nosebleeds. Eliminates eczema, heals wounds. Heals sunburned skin, fights fever. Strengthens the immune system, restores a weakened body. This is a remedy for itching when bitten by insects.

On a note! Mukaite cleanses the blood of toxic substances, increases hemoglobin. Therefore, the mineral is indispensable for anemia. To do this, it is recommended to wear a gem without metal.

Crystals are used if the following symptoms are noted:

  • elevated temperature;
  • allergy;
  • migraine;
  • increased sweating.

Specialists in lithotherapy claim that jasper helps to strengthen the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract. The gem has a positive effect on the respiratory system. It cleanses the body of toxins, speeds up metabolism, so it is an effective tool for those who want to lose weight. He treats the kidneys, genitals. Muqaite will benefit a woman who wants to conceive a child. It makes childbirth easier.


The mineral strengthens the heart, blood vessels. Relieves stress, removes the patient from a depressive state, helps to find peace of mind. Mookait should not be bought by those who suffer from nightmares. To do this, the gem is placed under the pillow at night. This variety of jasper is a protective mineral with powerful power. It is recommended to wear a healing stone as an amulet closer to the body. It is advisable for children to put the amulet under the mattress.

Attention! It is not recommended to wear a mineral for people suffering from insomnia.

Magical properties

The mineral gives happiness, wisdom, strength, develops courage. This is a mineral of clarity, which gives a person the gift of foresight, teaches to think soberly. Esotericists use the magical properties of the mineral. Since ancient times, jasper utensils have been used for witchcraft rites. A connoisseur with the help of a magic stone will charge a person with positive energy.

It is interesting! Esotericists use the mineral for meditation. They believe that the intricate pattern of the crystal helps to receive blocked mystical information and enter the astral plane.

Mookait disciplines lazy people who are used to postponing things until Monday. The mineral is associated with dignity, so it is advisable to take a talisman with a stone to work. Mookaite amulet attracts lucrative business deals. It contributes to the development of organizational, creative abilities. Esotericists advise introverts to purchase jewelry with a stone. The mineral will help such people to strengthen their position in society.

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Mookaite is used in many areas of life:

  • helps to see the talent inherent in a person, so it is recommended to wear it to young people;
  • enhances sexuality, makes its owner attractive, removes complexes;
  • able to prolong the pleasure of sexual intercourse;
  • develops patience, drives away grief, bad thoughts, instills joy in the heart;
  • protects the spiritual world, as well as the physical body of a person.

In many temples, flooring was laid out from fragments of stone. This protected the sanctuary from the penetration of evil entities into it. Ritual items were kept in boxes made of this crystal.

If you decorate the house with products from mukaite, then an idyll will reign in its walls. The crystal extinguishes family squabbles and quarrels. Mookait is kept in the house as a talisman that will prevent an evil negative person from entering the dwelling. Modern magicians believe that the mineral will scare away the thief.

Mookaite is able to protect the wearer from attack by wild animals. Another use of the gem: if you put the mineral in your pocket, it will provide protection from the evil eye. Such a charm is an indispensable thing in the traveler's luggage. Archaeologists with the help of Australian jasper will reveal the secrets of antiquity.

Advice! Sorcerers forbid wearing other people's jewelry with this gem. If this happens, it is recommended to clean the crystal under running water.

Compatible with other stones

A person who wears an ornament consisting of several minerals will be drawn into their relationship. Mineralogists have noticed that mookaite goes well with gems. It favorably interacts with emerald, heliotrope, sapphire.

Unfavorable combination with the following minerals:

Neutral combination - with fur agate and carnelian.

Jewelry with minerals

Today, natural mookaite stone regularly appears at exhibitions and on the shelves of jewelry stores. "Delicious" caramel shade attracts women. On the basis of a gem, unique jewelry is born in the hands of jewelers.

Stone beads

Cost of copies (in euros):

  • ring with a stone - 8-13;
  • ring - 20-30 (silver);
  • bracelet - 5-20;
  • earrings - 12-25 (silver);
  • cabochon - 5-8;
  • brooch - 5-15;
  • pendant - 2-5;
  • necklace - 8-20;
  • beads - 5-13;
  • baby - 2-8;
  • bead - 3-6.

The price of jewelry fluctuates over a wide range, since it can be made from minerals of various qualities. Jewelers frame products with silver and gold. In the manufacture of jewelry, special alloys are used, the cost of which is lower than precious metals.

Products look concise and original: in beads, large rings, cabochons, reminiscent of smooth handmade caramel. There are specimens consisting of small pebbles. White jasper with black or brown inclusions looks solid.

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How to distinguish a fake

Due to limited mining, the mineral is difficult to find. The stone looks like other gems. Under its name, ribbon jasper, agate, glass beads, and pressed crumbs are issued. A clear difference from agate is that the stone rarely has green risks. It does not fall into layers like ribbon jasper. Mookaite differs from an artificial mineral in the brilliance and cold emanating from the product.

Important! Only an experienced specialist can distinguish mookaite from a fake.

How to wear and how to care for the product

Products from Australian agate look great with casual attire, with a business suit. Example: white jasper beads look classy paired with black onyx. As an option, wear a necklace consisting of 2-3 varieties of jasper. For an evening out, it is preferable to abandon gem jewelry.

Connoisseurs and lovers of gems keep jewelry with mookaite in caskets, the inner surface of which is lined with soft fabric. The stone should be protected from high temperature, open flame, high humidity. Periodically, the mineral is washed in soapy water, then wiped dry with a soft suede cloth.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

According to the esoteric teachings of the planet Mukaita - Mercury, Jupiter. The compatibility of the mineral with the fiery signs of the Zodiac is noted.

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries + + +
Taurus +
Gemini +
Cancer +
a lion + + +
Virgo +
Scales +
Scorpio +
Sagittarius + + +
Capricorn +
Aquarius +
Pisces +

The gem suits Leo, Sagittarius, Aries. The stone will help Aries meet a soul mate, start a family. If Sagittarius wears mookaite jewelry, he will gain business acumen and self-confidence. Zodiac sign Leo, wearing a gem, will attract material well-being and stability.


Interesting about the stone

Stone experts claim that Australian agate can enhance the sense of smell. Avicenna recommended that patients suffering from stomach disease wear jasper at the level of this organ. As an amulet, mookait promises material well-being. Esotericists advise taking a gem with you on a first date or business meeting. A gentle mineral with berry spots will ensure a positive outcome of the planned event.

So, mukaite is a reliable companion of a person for many years. It gives the wearer security, comfort, strength, healing, beauty.
