Golden Rules for Diamond Etiquette

Jewelery and bijouterie

When did diamond etiquette begin? What can you wear diamonds with and how to do it right? Today we paid special attention to these issues.

A diamond is one of the most majestic and beautiful stones. The brilliance of its facets fascinates, its cold beauty delights, and its hardness amazes. It merged all the qualities that are present in a woman: beauty, impregnability and strength of character. Perhaps that is why the fair sex is not indifferent to the king of precious stones.

The History of Diamond Etiquette

Diamond etiquette originated in the 17th century, and it was formed at the court of the French king Louis XIV. In those days, special cards were created for court ladies, where you could find a detailed description of the basic rules of behavior and wearing clothes. There was also a clause that said that jewelry with diamonds is the privilege of married ladies.

Rules forbade wearing diamonds during the day. They could only be worn after five o'clock in the evening. Behind the scenes, these rules continue to operate to this day. True, today unmarried girls are allowed to wear diamond jewelry.

The publication

Diamonds are perfect for an evening out. Photo

It is believed that diamond jewelry is appropriate to wear in the evening. It is also not recommended to wear them daily, for example, in the office. This stone initially disposes to solemnity. Going to the store, relaxing on the beach or walking the dog are not among them. The event must be really important.

A neat diamond piece will not be out of place for going to the theater or a romantic dinner in a good restaurant.

What to wear with diamonds?

Diamond is a stone demanding and ambitious. He plays the main violin in the image, even if he is small in size. Therefore, the outfit should not be flashy. A plain dress made in an elegant design will suffice.

It is worth remembering that clothes must be of high quality. Diamonds are unacceptable to wear under cheap outfits. The more carats in the diamonds that adorn you, the more expensive the fabric from which the dress is made should be.

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It is completely excluded to wear diamond jewelry under simple everyday clothes or a tracksuit.

How to wear diamond jewelry

  1. Young girls should pay attention to small diamonds, for example, the classic round cut, while mature women are advised to wear large stones.
  2. A ring with a small diamond is appropriate to wear on the ring finger. Fancy design rings with large gems look great on the index finger. And on the middle finger it is better to wear rings with stones of moderate size. The universal form of the stone can be "Marquise".
  3. There should be only one diamond ring on the hand, even if its size is not large.
  4. According to the rules of diamond etiquette, the bracelet with the king of stones is worn only on the right hand. It is desirable that it does not hang out and fits as tightly as possible to the skin.
  5. The necklace is recommended to wear with a dress that has a neckline, and the pendant will look good on closed clothes.
  6. Today it is fashionable to wear brooches. True, diamond jewelry is by no means impaled on outerwear. This is considered a sign of bad taste (but only in the case of diamonds). Such an accessory should be worn on the left side of the chest, stepping aside about 6 centimeters from the top button. The distance from the shoulder to the place of pinning should not exceed 10-15 centimeters. A suit, dress or blouse should be of a restrained cut and neutral colors.

If you follow these simple rules, then a diamond jewelry will make the image irresistible and brilliant, the main thing is to choose one that suits your appearance and emphasizes its dignity! Moreover, this "king of gems" looks great in any cut.
