Nanositall jewelry

Jewelery and bijouterie

Jewelry designers presented a line of strict geometric jewelry with unique nanositall inlays. What kind of stone is it and what is it worn with?

Nanositall is a 2st century stone obtained artificially by crystallizing glass with the addition of the main components of natural gemstones - SiO2 and Al3OXNUMX oxides. This is not just a stone synthesized under laboratory conditions, but a real jewelry "cocktail", which is in no way inferior to natural minerals in its properties and beauty.

It not only possesses crystal transparency, purity and high hardness, but also allows you to recreate almost all shades of semi-precious and precious stones! In addition, the size of the stone does not in any way affect the quality of its shine.

Unlike glass used in jewelry, artificial sitall does not lose its properties over time: it does not deform, does not grow cloudy and does not lose transparency and shine, while maintaining its impeccable appearance.

Jewelry brands use nanositalls in their products, creating inexpensive and incredibly effective jewelry! Some of the latest collections are dedicated to classic geometric pieces.

Strict and laconic forms allow you to enjoy all the beauty of the stones and their flawless appearance! Round and rectangular nanotalls of blue and violet shades are adorned with silver chains with pendants, earrings, rings and bracelets.

This collection uses such stone cut forms as circle, emerald and baguette. It should be noted that baguette-cut stones are quite rare, since they are used only for minerals of exceptional purity, otherwise even the smallest flaws will be visible.

Sitall jewelry looks stylish and modern. They can be worn both in the office and at a gala event. Thanks to their geometric shapes, they seem rather restrained, but at the same time they look very elegant. For example, earrings with stones will beneficially refresh the image and add tenderness.

If you are not yet familiar with this "stone of the 21st century", just try it and you will not be able to refuse it! Experiment and create your own unique image, because sitall combines all the best that is in natural inserts and eliminates the disadvantages of low-quality analogues of natural stones.